o. For The Rest of Eternity
for the rest of eternity.
No one really knows what sparked the feud, but it all started when Luke and Cameron competed at age six in the schools' talent show for best vocals —— and they've been at each other's throats ever since then. It didn't help that they both grew into equally challenging and goal-driven individuals and their completion only became more serious as the years went on. Nor did it help when Luke and Cameron developed their own bands. Or when his bandmate Bobby started dating her bandmate, Jolene.
Who they were both currently staring at as the couple yelled harsh words to each other in the basement of the house party.
It wasn't that Bobby and Jolene didn't look great together (except Jolene was quite more attractive than him, and she was better at the drums than him, so he didn't really bring anything to the relationship). And they fought over everything. Bobby didn't like it when Jolene went to parties without him, and Jolene hated leaving Bobby alone with all the girls from school who were starting to realize he was the drummer in a band full of cute guys. It was an endless cycle.
And Cameron was pretty sure he was a Sagittarius.
When she looked past the couple though, she met eyes with none other than Luke Patterson, who was giving her the same sympathetic stare. For two seconds, it looked like they were reflecting the same thought: "why were they even still together?"
Cameron's throat threatened to choke up projectile vomit at the idea alone of getting along with Luke, but she had to say... she was no longer a fan of the relationship between the bands, due to the strain on Bobby and Jolene's. Finding the strength in herself (deep down within herself), she was able to take a deep breath, and reflect the same look Luke had on his face instead of creating new drama. No matter how badly she wanted to.
He seemed taken back by this, but he didn't have much time to think about it before Cameron was making her way to the door, and he mimicked her actions. "Hey," he breathed. "Where you going?"
"Outside, I need some air. I might go crazy if I'm trapped down here any longer," Cameron replied, reading Luke's stupid face for any tells but he was just nodding along. He had "I need to get out of here" written all over his face. The look intensified when Jolene accused him of cheating, loud and clear for everyone in the room to hear.
"Yeah, not if I get there first," Luke quipped, but Cameron was already turning on her heel and making large strides in her combat boots up the staircase and to the back door where she knew there was a lot of room outside and most importantly: no fighting couples.
"You following me or something?" Cameron turned to look up at the brunette boy. Lights strung in the backyard allowed her to get a good look at him: baggy jeans, long hair in his face and tucked behind his ear, and a black long sleeve with "spread love, not war" printed onto it.
"Wow, your eyeliner is almost as big as your ego," Luke beamed, obviously pretty proud of himself.
Cameron stuck her tongue in her cheek, her pearly white teeth shining behind her luscious berry coloured lips as Luke chuckled at her reply. "Thanks, Luke. Your forehead was actually my inspiration."
"You're one to talk, miss cutting bangs every week," he retorted.
Cameron fake pouted. "That one wasn't that good, Pat."
Luke rolled his eyes. "You know I hate that nickname."
"Oh, really? My bad," Cameron shrugged, curling her red cup close to her chest as she pursed her lips. She reached out her other hand and allowed her fishnet-clad hand to caress Luke's shoulder in fake sympathy. "And everyone loves the bangs, babe."
"Don't touch me," Luke scoffed, dusting Cameron's hand off easily.
"Or what?" Cameron took a step closer, which really didn't do anything, since she was almost a foot shorter than Luke, and he only stared down at her with intense ferocity.
"Hey guys, sounds like Bobby and Jolene are done for good," Reggie said, completely unaware of what he just walked into. His flannel swayed at his waist as he moved his arms around before resting them on his hips. "What's going on, guys?"
"Lil' Cammy was just leaving," Luke said without breaking eye contact with the young raven-haired girl.
"Right, I've got to go get my friend," while Cameron was happy Bobby and Jolene had finally ended things, she couldn't help but feel her mood was always ruined by Luke and the stupid spats they had.
"Yeah, walk away, just like you always do," Luke said.
Cameron took a couple of steps back —— Luke smiling in victory as she was leaving —— and cocked her head. "You're also forgetting something, Patty."
"Oh?" Luke challenged.
Cameron nodded innocently before flinging the cup half full with beer at Luke, the latter and Reggie jumping in shock as the liquid soaked into Luke's clothes. "Oops. Have a good night."
"I'll get you for this, Cam."
"Please, you could spend an eternity coming up with ways to plot my downfall and you will never see it," Cameron rolled her eyes.
"Like I think about you at all," Luke rolled his own eyes in a comeback, followed with a harsh scoff. "Or would want to spend so much time on you. You don't even have parents who want you. Why would anyone?"
Cameron stepped closer, cocking her head and straining her neck to stare up at him. "I would spend the rest of eternity waiting if it meant I got to see you face down in a pile of rejection and failure." When his eyes softened, Cameron's eyebrows stayed furrowed. Tossing her empty cup at his feet, she croaked, "——and it's not over until I say it it's over."
Oh, she was so going to haunt him when she came back as a ghost.
for the rest of eternity.
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