The Start
It was a normal Monday at Hogwarts, Danny woke up to the birds chirping and he was up before anyone else. He got ready and by the time he was done Ron was up, though he didn't want to get up because he'd stayed up talking to Hermione. Ron looked at him, "Bloody hell mate how do you get up so early?"
"I just do, now hurry up and get dressed your girlfriend is waiting for us."
"She's not my girlfriend mate."
"Sure, just get ready."
When they were both ready they went down to breakfast and found Hermione already there eating.
They sat with her and Ron looked more tired then Hermione, she looked confused, "Are you alright Ron?"
Ron barely looked at her, "Just tired 'Mione, I don't know how you're not."
"Because I actually go straight to bed instead of having to stay up late and do homework that's due the next morning."
Danny spoke, "She's got you there, and McGonagall is unforgiving, at least it wasn't Snape."
Ron groaned, "Don't even joke like that Danny."
Danny smiled a little and they all ate and headed to class, they walked in and waited for it to start. He could hear Seamus chewing gum across from him, Malfoy was whispering about him and making fun of him with his friends. Half way through the class Pansy accidentally pushed her ink well off the desk and it shattered on the ground behind Danny which didn't help her mood.
When they were finished with class they got their homework and ate lunch before headed to potions, Snape had potions brewing on the tables. Their jobs were to figure out what the potions were and write a two page paper about it, the paper was due by their next potions class. When the potion at his table started bubbling excitedly Snape got up, that told Danny that was bad.
Then the potion blew up, it threw Danny into the back wall, he couldn't feel his legs, then he saw that his skin was gone and his organs were basically destroyed. His vision got blurry quickly and he felt cold, the pain was quickly fading, then everything went black.
So people know I'm not dead.
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