Second Time Around
It was a normal Monday at Hogwarts, Danny woke up and he was absolutely terrified, he looked around and he heard birds chirping. He checked his body, he could move his legs, his organs were fine and he had every bit of his skin. He was fine, he took a few minutes to calm down and figured it had probably been a very vivid dream.
He got up and got ready, by the time he was done Ron was up, though he didn't want to get up because he'd stayed up talking to Hermione. Ron looked at him, "Bloody hell mate how do you get up so early?"
Danny paused for a second, that was odd, he quickly shook it off, "I just do, now hurry up and get dressed your girlfriend is waiting for us."
"She's not my girlfriend mate."
"Sure, just get ready."
When they were both ready they went down to breakfast and found Hermione already there eating. Danny felt like he was having deja vu this whole time, this had all been in that weird dream. They sat with Hermione and Ron looked more tired then Hermione, she looked confused, "Are you alright Ron?"
Ron barely looked at her, "Just tired 'Mione, I don't know how you're not."
"Because I actually go straight to bed instead of having to stay up late and do homework that's due the next morning."
Danny spoke, "She's got you there, and McGonagall is unforgiving, at least it wasn't Snape."
Ron groaned, "Don't even joke like that Danny."
Danny didn't laugh, it was all the same, when they were done with breakfast they headed to class. They walked in and waited for it to start, during class he could hear Seamus chewing gum across from him, Malfoy was whispering about him and making fun of him with his friends. Half way through the class Pansy accidentally pushed her ink well off the desk and it shattered on the ground behind Danny which didn't help her mood.
Danny sat there and he was completely frozen, it was the same, it happened at the same time and she had the same face. He didn't know what to do, that dream was playing out again like someone restarted a damn movie but he was the only one that remembered. He was reliving the same day and if he really was going through Monday all over again something was going on.
When they were finished with class they got their homework and ate lunch before headed to potions, Snape had potions brewing on the tables. This was eerily familiar, because he knew which potion was going to explode he knew he had to sit at the table it was on. He already knew what they job was, he acted as normal as he could until it started bubbling excitedly.
Snape got up and Danny jumped out of the way pushing Ron and Hermione to the ground to make sure they'd be okay. When it blew up he was barely singed and Ron and Hermione were completely fine, then he looked at where Snape had been and saw him bleeding on the floor. The other students stood there in shock and he didn't hesitate to move, he tore his robe and wrapped pieces around him to stop as much of the bleeding as he could.
Everyone was just staring, no one was running to get Pomfrey or even to help, Danny knew he wasn't going to be able to get Snape to the hospital wing in time to save him if he ran. Hell even a broom couldn't get him there fast enough, he only had one good option, there was no debate. He grabbed Snape and teleported into the hospital wing and shouted, "Pomfrey I need you now!"
She came out of her office looking a bit annoyed, "What in the world are you-."
She stopped as soon as she saw Danny putting Snape on the closest bed, she ran over while Danny put pressure on the worst wound. She looked at him, "I don't have some of the potions I need to heal him, Snape has them in his classroom he was going to bring them to me after class."
Danny just nodded and teleported back, he tore through Snape's desk looking for the potions and the students had barely moved. Hermione spoke, "Danny what did you do?"
Danny didn't even look at her, "I teleported now I'm trying to hurry here."
Malfoy spoke, "To do what Phantom, to be the hero again?"
Danny growled and all of the students backed up, "I'm trying to save a man's life so shut the fuck up before I lose what little patience I have for your shit right now."
Danny opened one of the drawers and found a box full of potions, a look at one label told him these were the ones Pomfrey needed. He teleported with the box and gave them to her, she seemed to have already decided not to question it and got to work. Danny put pressure on the wound again as she ran to get the rest of the supplies to help Snape.
Snape looked at him, "How did you apparate?"
"I didn't, I teleported, and you shouldn't be talking."
"Teleporting is just another word for apparating."
"There's a difference my way doesn't use magic, ghosts can't use it after all."
Snape looked confused, "Ghosts?"
"I'm not human, not anymore, I'll explain after you're not in danger of dying."
Snape stared at him for a second, he had a strange look in his eyes, then his eyes started to close and Danny knew what that meant. "Don't do that you don't get to die on me, keep your eyes open Snape."
Snape took a shaky breath, "I'm sorry."
He coughed up some blood and his eyes slowly closed, Danny could hear his heartbeat stop and Pomfrey ran in. Danny just stood there in shock, Pomfrey ran over and tried to get Snape back but he was gone. Danny stood there and watched, he wasn't even breathing, Pomfrey finally put a sheet over Snape.
Danny barely realized that he'd fallen to his knees, he wasn't sure how long he stayed there before someone helped him stand and took him away. He could barely tell that they were saying something, he didn't know what was said though. By the time he finally came out of his shock hours had passed, he was sitting in McGonagall's office.
Danny's hands still had Snape's blood on them, he was right there, he went as fast as he could and he still couldn't save him. He heard the door burst open, McGonagall was trying to block someone from coming in but they pushed past her. Hermione stood in front of him and shook him but Ron stopped her as quickly as he could, then Mrs. Weasley knelt in front of him.
"Danny dear, are you alright?"
What kind of a question was that? He knew what was going to happen but he hadn't thought Snape might be in danger, he was too slow to save him. He felt tears fall from his eyes, it was only a few at first, then they wouldn't stop and he lost it. The chair he was sitting on flew off and smashed against the wall, the room got cold and frost spread over everything.
Danny couldn't stop crying and ice spikes erupted from the ground at his sides scaring Molly, Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, and even McGonagall. Then Danny felt a cold hand on his shoulder, "It's alright my king, we are here."
Danny looked up and Nearly Headless Nick was sitting in front of him, the rest of the house ghosts were behind him. Danny felt all of his energy leave his body, the ice was gone in seconds and Nick picked him up. The wizards all stared and Nick smiled, "I think it's best if we take him now."
The four ghosts left before any of them could respond taking the now very tired halfa with them. Students stared at them as they floated down the halls with Nick carrying Danny who still had blood on him. Nick took Danny to one of the rooms the ghosts occupied, there were very few things in the room but there was at least a bed.
Nick put Danny in the bed and Helena covered Danny with the blanket, he felt himself fall asleep within minutes, he was tired.
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