PleaseStop: hey you two
Nerd😝: Max? Aren't you on the plane?
PleaseStop: ...no...
NerrisismyBitch: Why not??
NerrisismyBitch: Didn't it leave at 7???
PleaseStop: yeah
PleaseStop: Can you guys keep a secret?
Nerd😝: Totally. What's up?
NerrisismyBitch: Fire away
PleaseStop: I'm staying in chestnut bay
Nerd😝: What?! But your parents' job!
Nerd😝: Do you have a place to stay?
PleaseStop: not yet
PleaseStop: but i know someone who will let me
Max ran a hand through his hair before knocking on the door. A woman answered it, her auburn hair tousled. Her eyes widened. "Max?"
He put a finger to his lips. "Shhh. I'm not going with them."
"What?" She opened the door wider, beckoning him to come inside. He set his denim book bag down next to the door and turned to face her. "I couldn't bear to leave your son behind. So at the last minute, I told my parents I wanted to stay here. They didn't really want to at first, but I convinced them to. And, well, I might need a place to stay for a couple nights."
Ms. Goodplay had a hand over her mouth, tears pricking her eyes. "Preston sure did pick a good one," she whispered. The mother regained her composure and nodded. "Of course you can stay here, Maxwell. This is-" She sniffled. "-Such a romantic gesture."
The shorter teen grinned. "Thank you, Ms. Goodplay." He glanced somewhat longingly at the stairway. She waved him off. "He's bawling his eyes out in his room."
Max nodded and quietly rushed up the stairs. His heart broke at the sound of Preston's sobs. He peered into his boyfriend's bedroom to see him crying into his pillow. He knocked on the opened door.
"Yes?" he hiccupped, rolling over to face the door. His breath caught in his throat. "M... Max?"
The black haired boy smirked and held out his arms. Preston ran into them, hugging him tight. Tears were soaking Max's hoodie. "I... I thought the plane had already left...?"
"It did," Max murmured, pulling back to look at him. "But I didn't go with it."
Preston processed his words before crying again, leaning onto his short boyfriend. He laughed softly. "And I thought I was the dramatic one."
"Shut the fuck up, Pres," Max mumbled playfully.
After seemingly endless minutes of hugging, cuddling, and making out, Max explained the situation to him. He was only staying at the Goodplay's until he could get back on his feet. A week later, David offered for Max to stay at his place. He agreed, but reluctantly.
"Don't think too much on this, David," Max growled while they were setting up his room. David chuckled. "Ok, Max..."
Soon school started back, and word spread around about the couple's "movie scene reunion." (Thanks a lot, Nikki and Harrison.) Ms. Sutherland, along with the drama Club, helped raise some money for Max to move back into his old house. He also took on a job at Starbucks. Once he was halfway through junior year, he had enough to move back into it.
He frequently Skyped his parents, who were so proud of how independent he had become. He even introduced his reason for staying behind, Preston, over a call once. Max was almost shocked at how chill they were about it.
Preston still couldn't believe that Max had stayed behind just for him. He's low-key jealous that he could never do better... Well, unless he proposed.
Which he did, at Max's graduation.
After high school, Preston moved in with him. They lived in harmony together- well, with the occasional petty argument over something silly. Overall, they were a happy (later married) couple...
... And Here We Are.
A/N: ...And the book comes to a close.
Still not entirely happy with this epilogue, but meh, it gets the job done. I hope you enjoyed the ride, and for now, farewell.
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