Chapter 9
Apparently i didn't finish by the night, I was super tired, and was playing t or d a lot so i forgot ;-;
Plus why are you guys so quiet? (referring to the sans in my head)
Fell (now is flower fell sans): Bc...We sleep when your not talking to us.
Btw what happened to Sanes?
Edge (UF Sans): Uhhh We ACCIDENTALLY locked him in a closet?
Oml.. Get him out right now.. NOW ONTO THE STORY!
You all were at Alphys' Lab since you all needed rest. You were pacing around the main room that you enter when you first get in the building. You couldn't get your mind off the earlier events. You were disturbed by how its possible that they have now decided to test you and your powers again.
Or they might've had it set off because it had a tracker in it, and they were looking for you now.. It has been more than a week. And you knew how your foster family was like. They wanted to get rid of you. But they wanted the money. The government must've bribed them if the government wants to take you back, and experiment on you. You shivered. You didn't want to see how it's like to be experimented on. To be poked and prodded.
To be examined like a specimen.
To be treated like something that is something different to them.
That you are not human.
You shook your head. It's best not to bring up thoughts like that. No. Let's not worry about the possibilities of what happened up in the surface right now. You just need to worry about the present and what's happening right now in front of you. There was tension between the sans and chara. Of course, you knew this would happen since Chara doesn't really have had a good past that had to do with them.
Well, for most of them.
You walked to them. "Guys... Please. Just get used to it. Chara, if your gonna stay with the group, then please, don't cause any fights, or kill anyone. And if you do, I might have to give you a BAD TIME." You said seriously.
"Alright.." Chara muttered, then glared at the sans. They glared back. You sighed. "So.. If your on our side now...What about Flowey?" You asked. "He.. I don't know." Chara said.
Now that was something to worry about.
"I'm gonna go for a walk." You said, and they all looked at you. "Were coming along." They said. "Alone." You added. "Y/N, its dangerous out there, with Flowey and us not on peaceful terms yet." Sci said. "I can take care of myself." You snapped. "But..." "No." And with that, you exited the building, and started your walk around hotlands.
It was EXTREMELY hot, like usual. You could hear the lava from below, the bubbling and pops of the burning liquid was loud, reminding you that one wrong step, and you'll fall into there, burned alive.. No. Don't torture yourself with death related possibilities.
You then noticed something pop up in sight. Something yellow......F L O W E Y . "Heh. You IDIOT. You think you can take care of yourself? THINK AGAIN. Your still a young child! You may have gotten your magic back, but its WEAK. You have to wait years again for it to develop and go back to the magic you had BEFORE you turned into a child." He chuckled "Crap.. I didn't think this through did I?" You muttered.
You were worried. No, not worried, scared. You knew he was right. "So..... How about I STEAL YOUR SOUL? THEN I'LL FIND THE OTHER MONSTERS THAT HAVE BEEN EVACUATED AND WHO KNOWS... KILL THEM ALL?" He laughed.
You winced. No way were you gonna let this maniac take your soul. Or souls. You turned around and started to make a break for it. "Why don't we play a game of TAG? HEHEHEH IF YOUR TAGGED YOUR DEAD. Ready? Set! Go! HAHAHAHHAHAH" you continued running, his voice fading away has you put more distance between you and the crazy flower.
You looked behind you to see vines coming at you, thousands of them. The thorns on them glistened in the light. You sure didn't want to be having those dig into your skin. You quickened your pace. You got out your new cell phone that Sans gave you, and made a group chat with ALL the sanses. "*huff* hey *huff* guys." You said, while trying to maintain pace from trying to get caught in flowey's thorns. You jumped over a vine that tried to trip you. "Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!? WHATS HAPPENING?" They all yelled, and you winced.
"I'm still in hotlands, but I'm being chased by a maniacal flower here!" You yelled into the phone before ducking under a vine that tried to swat you and make you fall out of balance. "WERE COMING TO WHERE YOU ARE!" You heard a portal opening the in the background on the sans' side.
"*huff* ok! *huff*" you then noticed the sans popping in. You ran past them, realizing your pace slowed, and the vines were closer now. "COME ON!" You snapped, and they snapped into reality, and with little developed magic you had, you used your magic to create a bubble around them and carry them with you. "H-huh?!" They all yelped when the bubble enclosed them inside of it.
"Y/N, get in here too!" Classic yelled out. "I can't!" You yelled at them. "Why?" "It's too much for me to concentrate on both trying to keep this closed and trying to make an open hole for me to get in, plus trying to keep you all in there and safe!" "Shoot." You then focused your attention on the thing chasing you. You realized Flowey was nearing. But the other AUs of Flowey attacked him, thankfully.
The scuffling faded away when we got farther way.. but things were quiet in a second. "What just happened?" You muttered. "Dunno kid." Classic said. Everything turned black. UT Flowey appeared. "He... he got away!" Yelled out UF Flowey from behind. "No where to hide... HAHaahHaha//error//huh?||\+~£. Never mind that..." he shook his head, ignoring the errors. You realized that Ink, and error were missing from the magic bubble you created. (Fresh was not introduced yet in the story.) 'Shoot, where are they?' Patience said in your mind, murmurs started to form in your subconscious from the other millions of souls.
'Heck do I know..' Said Bravery. You winced. You looked up at Flowey, who started to attack. You were tired from running, and your defense was super low. You rolled out of the way to avoid the pellets he was throwing at you. He knew you were at 1 hp. You got even more exhausted. *Defense lowered even more, You have no defense!* Shoot.
Another pellet came at you.
Everything went sloooooooowwwwwwww-mmmmoooooooo....................
You couldn't move.
It hit you.....
Pain flooded you like a wave. You were knocked out of breath, and you fell onto the ground. You saw cracks starting to form on your heart. The pain was excruciating. All the magic you were using faded away, leaving you vulnerable. You couldn't keep your magic up anyway. Was this the end of you? It felt like you had a headache, but 3 times worse.
Did you do your part? You didn't know. "Y/N!" You heard. You noticed your soul was outside your body, the other souls still combined with you. But all of the souls were about to crack. You noticed Flowey quickly got a vine close to your souls. Was this the end?.. Was flowey gonna win and kill them all? You noticed Reaper was looking at you. Literally. "Y/N.. Normally I would take away your Soul... But... I don't want to lose you. I would break the laws for you." He said to you, and teleported to the souls. You realized.
He was gonna save you, even if it kicked him out of reapertale for breaking such an important rule. But... Flowey already got the souls.
___________ERROR////THIS///WaS nOt SupPosEd tO hApPeN.///Fourth05t8wall Is BrOkEn///
Flowey was in omega flowey version now. All the sans were enclosed in the white box. It was the fight all over again.. The souls were terrified. They have experienced this before and suffered. What was it like? You stared in fear at what's happening in front of you. Each soul was forced to attack the sans. Then, at the end of the fight, when Flowey's hp was low, you were used.
*Flowey was filled with D E T E R M I N A T I O N......... //M O T I V A T I O N ?//* You hissed in pain, when Flowey started using DETERMINATION's attacks. How were you gonna fight off Flowey when the pain was distracting you?
It was surprising. You noticed the other souls were charging up their power again. "Y/N, can you still attack Flowey?" Perseverance asked. "I don't think I can with how he's taking away my power for the rest of the fight... "Here." You noticed something familiar flying at you. It was the green items that they used to help you... No frisk, when they fought omega flowey. You absorbed the items and got more health. " Thanks." You said. They nodded. " Your welcome." They waited until Flowey was tired out again. And you were able to keep your power being used by him. "W-What?" He growled.
You finally got how the SOULS did it. Although this time, you didn't give him the powers, you couldn't do the same thing they did last time they won. No one would fool for the same thing again. "Now what?" You asked. "We've done our part. Their gonna have to kill Flowey, even if it means WE die. Its better than nothing. Anyways, its possible that we may be able to help each other and keep each other from dying by combining again. Except, if one SOUL tries to separate from the others, our cracks will expand, and we will die. "O-oh..."
Fresh's P.O.V.
I was just lazin' in my home, the anti void. I mean, there's nothing to do right? I've always been interested in this one universe, the original universe. It's unusual. There is a lot of power that I can sense coming off in waves from there. And I checked the other universes... Apparently, the other universes are in a frenzy. Everyone is trying to look for their sentry. Sans. It's worrying, because all of the sans are gone in those universes. I haven't gotten to check the original yet, since there was so many universes. I might as well check now... Yes, I do talk in 90s. But I don't think in 90s. I just thought that if I talk like that, I'd at least see how it's like to have something that defines you. Like tacky. I don't really care what they think of how I talk. Just as long as I feel SOMETHING. If its remorse, happiness, guilt... Anything, but pain. I want to take care of myself too, you know? I'm not gonna go insane and hurt myself just for the feeling of it.
I opened an window to the Original universe, and stepped inside of it. I felt the surge of power in hotlands, and teleported there. Only to find... All the Sans, including the original, and Chara?... Against Omega Flowey. What was going on here? I noticed the SOULS were fighting back against Omega Flowey, but they could not do the same as last time they escape Omega Flowey. He isn't a fool, now is he? "Hey my diggidy dogs!" I greeted, and I heard them all groan. Heh. "Fresh? Why haven't you just been here from the start and help?" Ink snapped. "Eh.. Chill my homeslice! I was trying to figure out the disappearing sansys crisis. Now... W H A T H A P P E N E D ?" I said, suddenly furious. I didn't like how everything was going. All the timelines were unbalanced, and sure I shouldn't care, but the thing is.....
I'll die too if something happens in the original timeline.
Something huge like this...
I took off my glasses, suddenly serious. They all stiffened. "Well, better late than never." I said, stopping my annoying talk. This wasn't a time to goof. It's a time to get serious. Yes, I, fresh, even know when to stop.
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