Chapter 8
Hey guys! I'm sorry that I took forever to update! Lets just say I'm kind of dealing with online friend drama atm. Anywhoo... Lets get going! I'm silently hoping I could add more to this story and not end it so quickly.. Even though I want to get to the second book heh.
Horror's POV
I find it crazy that I fell in love. With a human named Y/N. But that's not something to go obscure about right now. The priority right now is to find Y/N. We teleported to Hotlands, and sensed Y/N's magic, telling us she was around.
She better be alright.. or I will make a head dog out of someone tonight.
(Sorry guys, I'll switch back to horror's POV in a sec, but I want to add more to what's happening to you right now.
Your POV
You stared at Chara. Those foreign words.. That were never said to you since your family's death.. Out of anyone, it was him. You felt your heartbeat. Everything seemed to slow down except you and Chara.
"You don't have to return your feelings... yet." Chara suddenly said. You blinked, then slowly nodded, still stunned by what he just said. "C H A R A..." you both noticed the huge group of sans. They found you.
But Chara wasn't the enemy anymore...
Your phone buzzed in your back pocket, and you picked up the thing, confused. It stopped working since you left the surface and into the underground. You noticed it was burning hot, and dropped it, jumping away. What the heck?
Did the government give it an unique feature before they gave it to her? The phone's surface broke, robotic arms coming out.
The phone changed to one of those training robots.. that you found so familiar?
"Y/N, you will not remember any of this after the training is complete. This is to see how strong your magic is, and see what we can improve to control you and your magic."
Your Memory only focused on those words. Everything else was just a blur. So this is the improved version huh.. they probably activated it after a while of me disappearing.. shoot.
"What... IS THAT?!?!?!?!" Everyone yelled as it completed transformation. It had arms that could change into every weapon you could summon, it had the design of your biggest fear (like a haunted doll, Bloody Mary, something like that) to make you feel scared and paralyzed. The thing watched you and only you.
Everything turned black. It switched from your biggest fear to a regular training robot which kind of looked like a training robotic dummy in the shape of a human. A hallucination.
You growled, your left eye glowing. How were you gonna defeat this thing? It was made to fight off every move you had used. The box enclosed around you and the robot, keeping the others outside of the battle. You breathed in and out. Your gonna have to use different strategies.
..But what new strategies? You haven't trained since you've found out about your magic! You might as well have to think up new ones.. NOW... The robot attacked first. It leapt at you, and you freaked out on how it's closing in on you. You quickly leapt to the other side, attempting to get out if its path.
You noticed the others trying to enter the battle, and were slowly succeeding in breaking the white box. The robot noticed and let out a robotic bellow, shooting rockets at them to delay them. "Watch out!" You warned them, and they noticed and dodged.
The robot turned back to you, then a axe appeared in its right hand, and it swung at you. It finally turned back from your fear to its original form, and your rigid position relaxed a bit. It swung again, and you jumped, landing on the arm of the axe (the part that you use to hold the axe) and let some of your power flow into your right hand, and punched the robot. It fell back, stunned, and you jumped off the arm of the axe, skidding backwards against the ground, away from the robot. You skidded to a stop, still on your feet. You noticed the box broke. The sanses and Chara ran over to you. "You alright??" They all asked, scared that you might've gotten hurt. "Heh.. Why wouldn't I be?" You said to your friends, your smile was strained.
You turned back to the robot. It was destroyed by the sanses' gaster blasters, since it had no experience with those kind of weapons before. "So they did take advantage of the fact that I'll have that phone.." You muttered. "Well, now I'm starting to wonder WHY they did that. Arming and programming the phone to do that.." Ink said, sighing. 'Is it because?...' You thought, then trailed off your thoughts. No. No no no no no. No. They couldn't have decided to start testing you now. The least you wanted was to be
a test subject.
Sorry if its a bit short! I'll see if I can finished Chapter 9 by tonight k :) Have a good night guys!
UF Sans: Spirit u lazy butt, why didn't u add more to the chapter
Spirit: Do you want your bones broken sir? I'm really triggered at the moment and i don't want to deal with your attitude right now.
UF Sans: u-uh... No...... Sorry.... I remember why your so triggered.. I apologize, really.
Spirit: it's not your fault that my feelings were hurt. Anyways good night guys!
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