Trailer Tussle (13)
Your POV
A second passes before Bill puts his hand in mine with little hesitation, putting his faith in me completely. I let out a small grin at this action.
I pull him up with me and he gives me a lift up, as he's not willing to risk my life over his. My hands plant themselves on the edges of the opening and I bring my knee up, lifting myself out and keeping low.
My eyes dart around the area and they widen at how many walkers I see.
"Jesus..." I whisper, trailing off.
Shaking my head, I offer my hand to Bill once more and he instantly took it. I hesitate before assisting him up, taking one final glance at our surroundings to be sure he won't get shot at. Deeming it relatively safe, I tug him up just as walkers break into the trailer beneath us.
I hurriedly drag him up here then shut the lid to the hole, ending up cutting off three fingers on a walker who had been fast.
Bill stares open-mouthed at the ground below us, watching the hoard attack Henry and his gang.
My ears perk up at the sound of Beverly screaming in the next few trailers over. Heart racing, I stand and bolt across the trailer tops to reach the one she's in.
I hear a few bodies collapse inside the trailer as I break in through the top, as this one has a similar latch, and drop down. Bill follows me.
My dagger at the ready, I see Bev panting and clutching the table with her free hand, knife in her other one. Her knuckles are white and blood is splattered on her hands and face.
Walker bodies are on the ground, and a window nearby is broken.
"Are you okay?" I ask, almost rushing my words out. She nods. "Were ya bit?"
She then shakes her head vigorously. "No! No, I'm okay! I'm okay..."
I squint my eyes at her, unsure if she's telling the truth or not. I shove that thought aside as I see no bite marks on her, and choose to believe her.
I nod stiffly and we lead her up onto the roof of the trailer. This time Bill gets up first, then he helps Bev and I.
"Where's Ben?" Beverly inquires quietly, then adds, "Where are the others?"
"We h-had to s-s-split u-up," Bill informs her.
"We have no clue where anybody else is," I continue, throat dry.
"Well," she pauses, "looks like we'll have to find them."
"Yeah," I agree. "Stay behind me. Both of ya'll."
I lead the way, but we end up getting fired at. I shove them back towards the latch we just got out from, and I bite back a yell when a bullet enters and exits my left shoulder through the back.
Ignoring the burning and blinding pain, as soon as my friends are down, I drop too. I wince as the impact aches my newly found wound.
"YN..?" Bev trails off, then gasps as she looks at my shoulder. "Oh god, YN!"
She rushes to my side while Bill turns around, and his face goes pale when his eyes meet my shoulder. He also hurries over as Bev applies pressure to it.
I wave my hand, "I-I'm fine...focus on k-keepin' us alive."
"Part of that is patching you up," Beverly insists, Bill nodding.
"Y-You'll b-b-bleed out o-otherwise."
"Still," I protest, "we ain't s-safe yet. Barric-cade first."
"Bill," Bev starts, "I'm going to give him a temporary bandage. You start with the barricading. I'll help you shortly."
He nods and starts with the broken window, stabbing a few that got in and shoving one of them back out beforehand.
Beverly then leads me to the bedroom portion of the place and grabs a white sheet, using her knife to rip a good amount of it off. She proceeds to wrap it around my shoulder and under my arm tightly, and I clench my fist.
After tying it off securely, she smiles at me before going to help Bill.
Deciding I won't just sit and do nothing, I do what I can in here without them telling me to stop straining myself.
What feels like hours later of just holing up in this trailer, the sounds outside die down slowly. I peek out through one of our barricaded windows and see that the sun is just now starting to rise, and the fields are barren.
Aside from the bodies on the ground and the few lone walkers stumbling around.
Henry and the rest of his comrades must've escaped a while ago, and the majority of the hoard just kept moving when they couldn't get to its meal.
Either that or the walkers forgot we were even in here since we were so quiet.
I motion towards the door and my friends remove the barricades for me. I try lead our way out, but Bill stops me and makes sure he's in front in case the gunmen are still around.
I fight back a grin at this action.
The cool breeze hits my face and I let out a small sigh of relief, realizing the battle is over. At least, it's over for now.
Using my forearm to wipe away the sweat on my forehead, I finally let out a smile as I see all of our other friends leave their trailers. More or less unscathed.
Everyone grins at each other and we all share heartwarming hugs, thankful and glad that nobody died from this mess.
Beverly cups Ben's face and kisses him, and Richie does the same with Eddie, except he cups Eddie's jaw and uses his other hand to wrap around his waist.
I embrace Bill tightly, and even he's a little surprised by my movements. He snakes his arms around my frame as mine are around his torso, and I rest my head on his shoulder. He buries his face in my neck, and I can feel him sigh in content.
My face burns at this, but I make no moves to pull away from it. When we do eventually pull apart, I plant a kiss on his scarlet cheek before we're fully broken apart.
I then pull Stanley into a hug, and I can feel him shaking from the whole ordeal. I rub his back to calm him down, and soon enough, everybody joins in.
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