Declaimer: Just imagine that the Group, SEVENTEEN, will be at Bighit Entertainment.
[MinJi's POV]
We went in and greeted by a familiar staff that has been working here, also many other staff and workers.
"MinJi! Your back! "
"Woah Guys! MinJi's Here!"
"MINJI!" A fan came out of no where.
I wave them all back, did they really miss me this much?
"Uh, Hello Everyone" I smiled back to them.
"Hey Look! Is that Jungkook Oppa?!" Someone shouted, calling Jungkook's name.
"Jungkook! Your also back!
Jungkook's Fan also came to us and start to fangirling Jungkook.
"Ok We're papular, we get it" Jungkook Murmured while making a playful roll in the eyes.
I laugh at his "Joke" which was really terrible.
We didn't even get to debut, we already have fans. Its cool, but sometimes annoying. Im not really used at this, fandom thing.
"No No No, Everyone were not" I said to them while blushing.
I wave my Goodbyes to them and started to go to the Dance Studio, where my beautiful Band-mates are.
"Ill see you later?" I said stopping outside of the Girls Dance room.
"Yeah see yah" He said then went off to see his members.
At the moment, I slowly open the door. Making a little Gap , to only see them. They have been working hard!, im missing all the fun.
I went to open the door alittle more wided and getting ready to surprise them. Btw I have some bouquet of flowers and chocolates on my hand, since they really love this.
I Open the door Widely, making their faces turn to me. While i standing there, holding the flowers and the chocolates.
As soon as they saw me, everyone started crying. As if their pet died or something, Just kidding. They hurried themselves to me, and started Hugging me very tightly. Also someone grab the Flowers and Chocolate, i know who it is (ಥ _ ಥ).
"MINJI!" They all shouted.
"I Missed You Guys so much!" I shouted back to them.
The Dance Studio is really soundproof, Which no one can hear us from outside.
This are My Beautiful Members ↓️↓️
Park Eun Jin
She is our Oldest Member, Our Eomma, Vocalist, Very Beautiful girl [that's what she said 😂], LOVES EATING FOODS, Wide shoulders like very Wide.
She Graduate already, good for her. Huhuhu
Kim Nam Joo
Our Genius Rapper, Goddess of Breaking something cheap, Fluent in Speaking English, Rapper and Song Writer.
She also Graduated
Hwang Su Min
Our Lazy Gramma, Rapper and Song Writer, Sleep every moment, gets cranky when someone disturb her sleep time, Loves Photography.
Choi Jung Hwa
Our Hope and Sunshine, Gets Hyper easily, Rapper and Lead Dancer, Our Mood Maker, I have no other things to say, She's Too Perfect!.
Shin Yumi
Our Beautiful Short Little Girl [no offense 😂], Vocalist and Lead Dancer, High Note Girl, Has Chubby Cheeks, Known by her hidden Abs, Ballet/Gymnast, Has a Very Flexible Body, Loves the Color BLUE.
Kim Taeyeon
Alien? Taeyeon! Our Happy Go Lucky girl, Has a Deep Voice, Vocalist, Loves the Color GREEN, Can do Alien words [Not Really 😂], terrible at cooking, Loves Playing Games on the Computer, same Age with YUMI.
And Then There's Me.
Park MinJi
The Maknae, Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, Loves Anything with Flour, Loves Dancing and Singing, Loves the Color of RED BLACK AND WHITE, I Love to Tease YUMI with her Height hehe, Also the other members.
And Together We Are..
The process or result of Joining two or more things Together to Form a Single Entity.
Our Fandom Name is
It is the same definition of Fusion.
The Process of Joinging Two Or Things Together, And That's what our fan is.
We're soon to be debut, Girl Group. We still need more training, to achieve our dreams to become an Idol.
"MinMin~" I heard Yumi yelled and preparing jump on my back.
Oh no..
"How are you!" Yumi said, she's already behide my back.
"Aish Unnie, when did you get so heavy" I teased her, and secretly put a charming smirk on my lips.
"Yah!" She said while smacking head abit and got off my back.
"I Missed You Unnie!" I said while gesturing my hands so either of them can hug me.
Taeyeon hurried her way to me before Yumi could. Taeyeon then received her hug while she stick her tongue out, aish my Unnie's are still disame.
"Quit it You Two" NamJoo Unnie said while trying to stop them.
I chuckled from their cuteness, i really do missed them soo much.
"When did you come back?" JungHwa Unnie said, flashing her wide smiles.
"A month Ago" I said while smiling, till all my teeth was shown, i then heard JungHwa Giggled.
"That Long? Why didn't you contact us" She said while making a sad face, but still smiling.
"I was Busy with school, this and that" I explained to him.
"Naah It's Ok, at least your finally here" She then made some weird noise as she continues on dancing.
Aish ahahha.
"Let's Celebrate!" SuMin said out of no where, i thought she was sleeping.
"Great Idea!" NamJoo said, she finally let those two go and started to walk to us.
Will there be food?" I Looked to EunJin Unnie.
Yup she was the one who quickly get the Flowers and the chocolates.
"Yes" SuMin said while rolling her eyes.
"Then Let's go! Im Hungry" Yumi, Taeyeon and EunJin said all together.
[Author's Note]
Do all of those names sounds familiar to you? And also their personalities?
Hehe Look Forward to the Next Chapter!
Lots Of Love 💕
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