*Chapter 8* training
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Ok back to the story!
After what happened last week we were all on edge. Trying to figure out why they were there was a harder task than most.
We decided to take a break today and train. After that we would just laze around.
I quickly changed into a (f/c) tack top and black leggings. Then I threw my hair up into a high ponytail. (If you have short hair then leave it I guess)
Rushing out of my tent I heading to a big field were we train.
Yes we are currently camping out. We don't necessarily have a place to live currently, so camping is the best we got.
On my way out I grabbed some of my throwing knives and wraps for my hands if I decided I wanted to punch a tree.
I made it to the field, seeing some daffodils spread across the field in clusters.
Wrapping my hands with my cloth so I won't beat them up I walked over to the tree.
I pulled out one of my throwing knives and carved a target on the tree.
I took some steps back standing about ten feet away.
Taking out another cloth I tied it around my head covering my eyes.
I took out all my throwing knives and took a deep breath.
First I threw one hearing the thump of it hitting the tree.
Then I took out three more and I spun in a circle before releasing them.
Hearing all three hit the tree I took off the cloth around my head.
Smiling as I hit the bull's-eye with all four knives.
*Clap, Clap, Clap*
I turned to my right seeing the one and only Acxa.
I turned away and kept throwing my knives effortlessly.
"What do you want Acxa?" I asked in a bored tone.
"Oh nothing. Just watching you train." She says crossing her arms.
I scoff and continue.
After a few minutes she spoke up again.
"Your form is all wrong." She says.
I growl but change nothing.
"I said-!"
"Just be quite!!" I yell taking a deep breathe.
She scoffs and walks closer.
"You need to listen! Just because Lotor recruited you doesn't mean your fit to be on this team!" She growls out.
I keep throwing my knives not really paying attention.
"Listen to me!" She yelled grabbing my wrist.
I yank my arm away and glare at her.
"No, you listen. I may not DESURVE to be here, not now anyways. So I'm working to get better. He gave me a chance unlike anyone else in my life. I owe him. Now if you don't like it. Talk to him about it." I say annoyed and throw another knife at the tree.
I ran out of knives so I walked to the tree and pulled them out.
On my way over to her I stopped. Holding the tip of the knife in my hand I jiggled it up and down, thinking.
"But you don't like me anyways do you? And why's that?" I ask looking straight into her eyes.
They say eyes are the window to the soul but all I see it disapointment, fear and anger.
She walks up to me.
"YOU dont belong here! You just wormed YOUR way into the group and no one else cares to notice your intent to tear this group apart!" She says jabbing her finger into my chest.
I sigh and start stretching.
"You say that I'm trying to tear the group apart..... But don't you think that's what your doing right now?" I state looking at her.
She let's out an angry yell and charges at me.
Dodging at the last second she stumbles.
She threw her fist at me face only for me to catch her hand and pull her towards me then moving out of the way.
She catches herself before hitting the ground. She growls again sweeping my feet causing me to fall towards the ground.
As she tackles me and punches my in the face I wrapped my legs around her torso and flipped us over so I was on the top.
I punched her in the face a couple times before getting off of her.
Her nose was bleeding and had bruises on her face.
I'm sure I did too but not the bloody nose, instead a busted lip.
"You dont belong here!!" She yells charging at me again.
I grabbed her arms and tossed her over to the side.
She stays on the ground longer than expected though.
She slowly stands up, but she has one of my daggers in her hand.
"Acxa! Put that down. You're going to get hurt." I said putting my hands low trying to calm her down.
"You wiggled you way into this group, trying to get your way. But don't worry, they won't notice you being gone." She says smirking.
"Your crazy!!" I yell looking for a way out, but I didn't see any weapons toward me and there was only woods behind me, I would surely get lost and die without any food, water and weapons.
As I was looking for a way out she ran at me. I ducked but she still grazed my cheek.
I punched her in the gut causing her to hunch over.
"You little-!"
I punched her in the jaw causing her to shut up.
As I did that I didn't realize her striking my thy.
It was only a cut but it was pretty deep.
"What is going on!" I hear and I look over to see Lotor and the others behind him.
Acxa automatically straightens and fixes her hair before putting her hand behind her back.
I just spit some blood out and look at him.
"Sir! She just attacked me out of the blue." She flatly lies.
"No way! I was training and she ran at me!" I growled.
"Enough!" Lotor says looking completely angry.
"(Y/n) explain." He says looking at me.
"I was trained when she came up and started talking to me. She was being rude so I asked what her problem was. Then she got into this fit saying that I wasn't fit to be apart of the group. After that she got mad and charged at me. I tried to get away but then she picked up a knife, and we'll you saw the rest." I stated annoyed and honestly wanted to go to my tent and call it a day, even though it was only around noon.
"Acxa, Eplain." He ordered.
"She lies! I came to watch her train and she got all mad that I was trying to help her, then she just punched me. I grabbed the knife for self protection!" She lied pointing towards me.
Lotor pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
"Lotor may I talk?" Ezor speaks.
"Go ahead." He says giving her his full attention.
"I saw the whole thing." She states blankly.
"Go on." Lotor says crossing his arms glancing at Acxa and me.
"Well, what (Y/n) says is true." Ezor says, a little disappointed but also proud.
I would be upset too if someone I've known for awhile had betrayed your trust.
"Well then, Acxa. Your on night duty for every night until I say so. Also you are not aloud on missions for three months, and finally your to go out and hunt some food for us, and don't come back until you have enough food for the next week." Lotor comands agitated.
She scoffs and stomps off.
The rest of the group does too except Ezor and Lotor.
"Ezor, tend to her wounds. And (Y/n)."
"Yeah?" I answer.
"Good job today. Your training has really paid off." He says patting my shoulder and walking back to the camp site.
I sigh and follow Ezor.
"Sit here." She says pointing to a stump.
I sit down and role up my leggings just above the cut.
"The cut on your cheek isn't bad enough for stitches but will still need to be patched up." She says putting some ointments on my cheek and lip.
"But I will need to stitch up your leg." She says staralizing the needle.
"Are you squeamish with needles?" She asks.
I shake my head .
"No, but stitches still aren't the most fun." I say grabbing a water bottle she put down.
"Yeah. To bad we don't have pain killers." She jokes, ish.
"This will sting a little." She says cleaning the wound.
I flinch a little but since it wasn't a huge cut it didn't hurt much.
"Ok, now for the stitches." She says started to stitch me up.
Today was a really weird day.....
"All done!" She say making me jump.
"Oops! Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya'!" She says blushing a little with embarrassment.
"It's fine." I say laughing a little.
"Well, I suggest you rest but since it's only noon you can just sit around if you'd like." She says cleaning up.
"Nah I'll probably just take a nap." I say rolling my pants down.
Dang, I really did like these pants. She just HAD to cut them.
"Thanks Ezor." I say giving her a small hug before heading to my tent.
"Anytime!" She says with a big smile before it drops.
"Wait! I didn't mean go get hurt! That wouldn't be good!!" She yells franticly.
I just laugh and continue to my tent.
Thanks for reading!
I made this ALOT longer as a little treat!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And if you did, please go check out my other book!
Who's know you might find one you like.
Then again, maybe not.
Thanks again!! Baiiii
Word count: 1672
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