*chapter 4* Lotor
*meep! *
It's been about a week and pidge and I have become pretty good friends. We are both kinda tech nerds, I am but she smarter than me. She's honestly like my sister, she's great!
So today we are going to this type of market thing on planter Zonro (made it up) we are mainly getting weapons and clothes for me but some other stuff to repair the castle and such.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. "Come in! " I yell still sitting down at my room desk. It was allura, "y/n we are gonna land soon so get ready and meet us in the control room please. " she says with a smile. "OK." I respond.
She leaves the room and I get ready.
( time skip brought to you by Shiros floof)
I walk into the control room, "hey." I say softly because I was still a little tired. "Hey y/n! " everyone except Keith greets.
I yawn, "you still tired? " pidge asks. "Yeah a little. " I reply rubbing my eyes. "You can stay here while we get your stuff~" Lance says smirking. "OK 1) I need to go to get my clothes and 2) there's no way I would let you pick out my clothes. " I rolled my eyes.
"Finee. " he whines. "OK lets go. " Shiro commands.
We land the castle and everyone gets out. We walk around the market for a bit and somehow get split up.
"Ugh where are they? Where am I? " I groan. I look around and see a small booth with some clothes that take my interest. I grad two shirts, two pants and shorts.
I paid for the clothes with the money allura gave me.
I kept walking and found a weapons booth. I was walking towards it but I bump into someone. "Oof, sorry. " I say seeing who I bumped into. It's a tall man with long white hair. He looked galra but a little different.
"It's fine, just don't let it happen again." He says polite but a little annoyed. He notices me looking at him strangely. "What? " he asks. "Sorry." I mumble and walk away.
I was walkingt I the booth but he grabs my arm. "You know it's rude to walk away when talking to someone. " he smirks. "Sorry." I say softly and look down. He lifts my chin. "It's fine. Now what's your name? " he asks. "Y'now it's rude to ask someone else's name before you say yours. " I say smirking. He looks a littles shocked but then it god bad to his normal smirk.
"Oh, well then. I guess we're even. My names Lotor. " he introduces himself. "Y/n." I reply.
Hmmm that name... It feels like I've heard it once. Probably just me being weird. There's probably a lot of Lotors.
"Pleasure to meet you y/n" he says. "You too. " I respond. "I have to go now. See you around. " he says walking off.
I head to the booth and grab one dagger and a sword. I also grabbed some ninja stars for long distance. I feel and tap on my shoulder and it startled me so I held the dagger I just bought up to their throat.
"Woah, it's just me. " Shiro says putting his hands up in defence. I put my dagger down. "Sorry, I'm used to it. " I mumble. He puts his hands on my shoulders. "It's ok, I know how it feels. " he says smiling.
"Ok let's get you some more clothes. " he says walking off. "Ok! " I say walking with him.
(After the market and back on the castle)
Blaaahhh I'm sooo bored. Ugh.
Then the alarms go off.
Ughhhh I was bored not wanting to diiieee!!! Oh well...
I walk to the control room and it looks like everyone already are at their lions.
"Whats going on? " I ask. "A planet was being attacked by the galra. " she responds not looking at me but the control pad.
"Oh." I mumble. "Grrr I hate the galra empire. " she groans. "Well, I met one from their and they seemed pretty nice. But I guess I agree. " I say shrugging my shoulders. "You met one?! Oh well never mind, let's just focus. " she says tapping on the control pad.
(Time skip frrrooommm........ •~• me)
So we got that done aaaannnnd I'm bored again.
I'm just sitting on my bed currently thinking about life.
What should I do when this is all over? Should I go to earth with shiro? Nah he probably has his things to do they and doesn't want me there. Should I stay with allura and coran? Maybe? I can help pidge find her family? Gosh I wish I had a family as caring as her...
"What should I do? " I mumble. "Do what? " I hear a male voice. I look towards the door. "Oh hey shiro. " I say laying back on my bed. "Soo what we're you thinking about? " he asks. "Just what I'm gonna do when this is all over. " I reply closing my eyes. "Well I guess it's up to you. You coulds stay here or go to earth. " he says sitting on the bed next to me. "Yeah I guess. " I mumble.
Then the alarms go off (again)
Ugh!!!! Can't I get a break?!?!?!
Hope you liked it. This took 3 days 😭 ok Bai!
Word count: 901
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