Ships in the group 2 (Vocal Unit)
Woozi and Dami
The two tiny's of the group as they are commonly referred to. They put up with the small comments and often joke with each other about the inch difference ChenGuang hold's over him. She'll often visit him in his studio, bringing him food, ensuring he's well rested and often dragging him home. Despite not being a vocalist for the group, Dami often puts her vocals to a track if she's around at the time. Though these versions will never be released.
"Lee JiHoon, what are you still doing working? It's gone 2am. Get your butt back home right now Mr"
"Come on another five minutes"
"No you've been in here all day, you're coming home"
Jeonghan and Dami
Mother one and two. Though Jeonghan does not like to admit it, Dami rules as the mother, though he is always there to provide assistance when needed. The two often spend their quiet time together with JeongHan being able to provide care to Dami when she is the one ill or stuck. He is one of the few members older than her and does not let her forget he is older.
"I'm older than you, you can't mother me"
"Watch me Yoon JungHan"
Joshua and Dami
If there is anyone that ChenGuang can mess around with and act her age, it's normally Joshua. The two clicked in an instance when they both spoke English and once he found out Japanese. The two will watch anime together as it's a 'great way to keep up their Japanese'. They are also found messing around together and often get into trouble. Though Joshua will get her out of it.
"Joshua Hong what are you doing to your mother"
"Calm down Sungcheol, I'm giving her a break from everyone else. She's safe I promise"
Double D
DK and Dami
If there is one child ChenGuang worries about the most it's Seokmin. He's the most likely to go missing at an event as he goes to talk to his other friends often getting lost and separated from the remainder of the group. She always ends up being the one to go and find him when he walks off.
"Lee Seokmin why is it always you that goes missing?"
"Can't help that I have friends"
Seungkwan and Dami
ChenGuang is constantly attempting to teach Seungkwan English and is the one he'll go to when he's struggling. She can often just sit there and listen to him practicing and he's the one who campaigns the most to give her more lines. He's one of the most likely to go shopping with her and give feedback on the clothes she is looking at.
"How about this one?"
"Red is your colour, go for it"
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