One more light
This chapter is sensitive. Please be prepared when reading. Please do not continue to read if this becomes too much or too close to home. Please do think of yourselves. Please I beg you do not put yourself through something you should not.
And I'm sorry.
If anyone had known what was going to happen that day, nobody would have left the house. Nobody would move to prevent it.
If someone had told Seungcheol how his day would have ended that morning he would have laughed at them in the face. Then he would have run and held her in his arms. Held her and never let go. Held her just one last time.
Thats all Seungcheol wanted.
All he would ever want for the rest of his life.
If someone told him how cruel the world was. He would have laughed it away.
Now he's the bitter old man at the bar telling the teenagers to be careful of what they wish for. To not wish away the days. To spend every moment with those they loved.
Because now he felt empty. He felt dead inside.
He just really wanted her back.
Fuck it they all wanted her back.
Though it makes no sense to start at the end. The end of the story. It only works out if you start at the beginning. And luckily there was an immaculate amount of evidence of the day of the exact events which led to said man wishing his life away.
The morning had started off as it normally would when they were in another country. The group had flown out to America only a matter of days ago as they started a small tour around the country. The night previously they had arrived in L.A. with their show to be held tonight. Chenguang had always had her own bedroom booked though she never slept alone. Someone would always get irritated with who they were sharing with, or someone would get homesick or someone would end up crashing with her. But she never minded. This was her family and she loved them more than anything. She would do anything for them. Anything to make sure they were happy and healthy.
That morning she had awoken to see not only the youngest member of the group but also the leader crashed in her bed. The large queen sized bed made it so the three could fit comfortably, the youngest between his makeshift parents arms. It was in moments like this she could see why people would confuse them for an actual family, and how fans said she favoured the youngest. They weren't wrong she just wasn't going to admit it.
The day had moved on relatively calm. The rehearsals found no issues, they had enjoyed a nice lunch and a stroll around the city. LA was a beautiful place and Chenguang had really enjoyed herself as she explored and had the others take many photos of her. She wanted to remember this place and all the memories they had.
And slowly they were getting ready for the fan meet before their scheduled performance. As Chenguang sat in the groups dressing room she could only think of the pride she had for the group. The immense amount of pride she had when she looked at the 13 members around her. How they all meant the world to her and how she wouldn't change a thing about the situation. There wouldn't be another thing she would wish for other than good health and fortune to come to the group in front of her.
And as the group came together to hype themselves up for the event starting in only a matter of minutes she couldn't help but voice her opinions. She felt the urge to do so. She felt as though something indescribable was going to happen and she had to say it.
"I'm so proud of each and every single one of you. You guys are the reason I was put onto this earth. I love you all so much. Word cannot describe how proud I am to have seen you grow and how proud I am to be in a group with you all." She spoke her voice threatening to break and tears gathering in her eyes.
She was pulled into the middle of a massive group hug. The arms and hands of thirteen, now adults, wrapping around her. A chorus of 'I love you' surrounded her and she was the happiest she had ever been. She felt like she belonged and there was nowhere else she wanted to be. And as the group walked out to the table for the fanmeet her hands were held by Minghao and Mingyu. The two much taller men helping her into her seat.
If only those boys knew. Knew what was going to happen next.
The fanmeet had gone swimmingly well to begin with. Everyone had been cheerful and happy to meet their idols apprehensive for the concert ahead that evening. Fans had passed through one by one, having small conversations with the members, with those who could hold a fluent conversation they enjoyed the interaction. Countless numbers of signatures were signed and little gifts from fans were accepted by the group.
Each time something was passed to ChenGuang her face lit up like a small child at Christmas. She was so happy to the fan who had thought about getting her something. She felt bad they were out of pocket and often told them not to do it again. To think about themselves and spend the money the gift would cost on something they needed instead.
She would hate if someone would be made worse off because of her. Because of something she had done. Therefore, she spoke to them like a concerned mother telling the fans to put themselves before her.
Soon enough there came a break in the fan meet. And the younger members were goofing off on stage. Chenguang could only look on from the table she sat atop of with a smile on her face. A smile to know she had a part in raising the wonderful men in front of her. She considered herself lucky to have been involved in the lives of such amazing individuals.
Her eyes scanned the crowd to see the fans faces. The room itself had no harsh lighting and therefore she was able to see right to the back of the room. Right to where some of the fans stood laughing at the boys antics. Though one individual stood out from the crowd.
He didn't look like a normal fan. Hell she had seen parents of fans dress completely differently from the man. He stood there a massive puffy black jacket on, a black cap and an almost hunched position. Well he started off hunched, it was almost as if he made eye contact with her and as she held it for a moment she almost missed his movement. Though the mother instincts in her told her this man was bad news. This man had the intent of hurting one of her kids. And she couldn't allow that. She watched as his jacket was unzipped and a gun was revealed. Though it would appear that no-one else had noticed it apart from her.
The man's eyes and subsequently gun seemed to rest on her youngest. He lined up the shot for Chan almost perfectly.
Chenguang's heart started to beat faster than it had ever done in her life. And immediately she bolted from where she was sat on the table to in front of her youngest. She did not look back at the baby of the group keeping her eyes locked on the figure of the man at the back.
The crowd of fans were still oblivious at the time to the ongoings of the room. They had thought the mother figure had finally wanted to get involved with the game that the younger ones were playing.
The crowd had suddenly let out a scream and ducked. Many of the young kids having been trained for a situation like this in school. The security guards had rushed to the now gunman pinning him to the floor and removing the deadly weapon from his grasp.
It was too late though.
The horrified scream of what could only be thought to be DK could be heard from the back of the room.
And when fans looked back up the sight was one of which they thought they would never see.
Knelt in a quickly forming puddle of blood was the leader his hands harshly pushed onto the chest of the only female member of the group. His voice cracked as he spoke to the seriously injured woman tears flowing freely down her face.
"It's going to be okay baby. Just focus on me and you'll be fine. Nothing's going to happen to you okay." Seungcheol spoke the blood seeping through his hands as he continued to apply pressure.
"Look after the kids okay? I'm trusting you to raise them just like I would have." Came her reply. Her voice was almost bubbly as if she was chocking on the air coming into her lungs.
"You're not going anywhere okay Chennie. You're going to be fine and you're going to come back to me. We're going to have more kids in the future. A little girl just like you want." He continued to speak though he knew the situation was futile. He refused to take his eyes off her just incase as he wondered where on earth the medical team was.
"It's going to be okay Cheol, I love you don't ever forget that. Don't forget me." ChenGuang struggled to get out as she felt breathing becoming more of a struggle. Her eyes felt heavy and she found it hard to continue to hold them open. Though she heard a small moan of pain coming from somewhere other in the room.
"One of my babies." She let out her eyes moving slightly to see if she could see who was injured. "Protect my baby, get them help. Make sure they're treated before I am." She rushed out her incapability to breath causing her voice to be much quieter than it had ever been. She let out a small unintentional gurgling sound.
When the paramedics arrived on the scene, the room had already been cleared with all fans being moved into the place the concert was to happen. The only people who had refused to move was the members and the managers of the group. Chenguang's personal manager was pacing up and down the room on the phone with what could only be assumed to be the family of the young woman who's condition was past critical.
In seconds they had knelt by the woman with the most trained on the team reaching out to feel the slow and erratic pulse of the girl. He looked at the man crouched next to her and slowly put his hands ontop.
"Sir you're going to have to move your hands." He spoke thought Seungcheol was still not fluent in the language and could only comprehend something about his hands. Joshua had to do something he had never thought his translating would mean. The eldest member of the group approached the leader and slowly explained what the medic had meant helping him to remove his hands.
The paramedics rushed to try and prevent the bleeding from occurring keeping a close eye on the woman's overall health. Within seconds the top she was wearing had been cut open and a defibrillator placed on her chest. The machine turned on signalling for the time being that she was okay.
Though within minutes of the machine being attached it suddenly began to speak to the team.
"Shock advised." Came the robotic voice as the paramedics quickly removed what they had attached to the girl which was metal away. One of which was not knelt near her suddenly moved the members away a small distance as the head paramedic pressed the glowing button on the machine.
"Shock given, Start CPR." The voice commanded as the paramedics followed the machines instructions.
This proceeded for another 45 minutes before the team of paramedics looked to one another. This was the moment they had to decided.
There was very little chance they were going to get the woman back. Therefore they called it.
Wu ChenGuang was pronounced dead at the scene.
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