Goodbye Beautiful
Soompi News Update
BREAKING: Seventeen's Dami Passing: Pledis and Police confirm
BREAKING May 17, 2019
Reports are crashing in around LA, USA as police and pledis confirm the death of companies beloved idol Wu ChenGuang.
Official reports state the young woman was shot, and ultimately passed, at the sight of a fan meet organised by the company.
The gunman named to be Joseph Craigs had attended the event with the intent of killing the female idol. He had set it up to look like he was going to shoot another member of the group ultimately acting on the woman's well known motherly instinct. Dami was able to save the life of the unnamed member whilst sacrificing her own.
The man has been captured and is going through the necessary procedures with the American Police though the South Korean Police are liasing.
Pledis entertainment released the following statement:
' We are writing to you from the head of Pledis entertainment to confirm the most tragic news in the history of the company.
We are confirming the death of our beloved idol Wu ChenGuang more commonly known as her stage name DAMI. This situation has left all of our hearts heavy and we are further more going to request that you allow her members and family the time to grieve.
Forever in our heart's Pledis' sweet angel Chennie'
M Countdown
Official statement of program change
'Due to the events of the day, our program is going to change. Rather the night shall be dedicated to one of the industry's brightest stars. Therefore, please take into consideration the love we feel for Seventeen's Dami as we dedicate the night to her. To her beautiful voice and dancing skills. To her ability to make anyone she met feel loved.
The song list has been changed to involve her favourite songs and we request that for the song 'Faded' that will be performed at the end of the night that the spectators allow for the song to be sung peacefully.
- Program staff at M Countdown'
Tributes to Wu ChenGuang
red velvet.smtown I'm truly heartbroken to hear the news. This girl was the best friend I never thought I deserved. A beautiful soul who's life was taken away too early. She had so much to show the world. I am so lucky to have been alive at the same time you were. You have inspired a generation and I hope you are up there chilling with your idol and finally dancing to Ring Ding Dong like you wanted to. I'll forever hold you close to my heart. We will never forget you Wu ChenGuang. - Wendy #ForeverChen
tae tae_97 This world is a horrible horrible place. I cannot believe it took the chance to take away one of the best things to ever walk it. You were always there to support me and every choice I made in and out the industry. Someone I could only imagine would be my friend and someone I never thought I would lose. I was going to ask you to be the maid of honour at my wedding and I can only imagine your face as I asked you. No one can ever take your place. I hope you're resting up there sweet angel. #ForeverChen
official_monsta_x Waking up to the news that caused half of members to break down only shows that this woman had an impact much bigger than anyone could ever imagine. We met through a mutual love of music and I know you will forever be in the hearts of the people who you treated as your own children. Every time I called, you were the happiest human being in the world. You always knew how to cheer me up when I'm down and knew how to make all the worries, all the pain to go away. I don't know how we'll go on without you but I know you'll forever be in my heart. #Kihyun #ForeverChen
AngelDami I didn't think there would ever come a time where I had to write one of these posts. Never thought to myself that I would loose the person I look up to the most. But I hope that you're there in heaven finally relaxing. But I know you're not relaxing. I know you're looking down on your boys and wishing that they weren't sad. I know you'll be forever looking over them and forever protecting us all from harm. I love you. #ForeverChen
Multi-media post
saythename_17 To the love of my life, it was hard to get up this morning knowing you're not by my side. Knowing that the spot on the bed reserved for you will never be filled again. I made the mistake of waking into your bedroom to find it was missing the most important part; you.
Who would have thought that those few minutes would be the last time I ever heard your voice. The last time I ever got to tell you to your face that I love you. That I'll always love you. That nothing in the world will stop me from ever loving you.
You were the light of my life. No matter what I did I knew that I would be coming home to you. To the one thing that made everything okay. It made everything acceptable. Made everything worth doing.
And baby I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I always thought I would be the one who passed first. It was the way it was meant to go. You wanted a little girl. A baby girl to call our own and I'm so sorry I could never give it to you. I'm so sorry that I couldn't give you everything you wanted.
My world is empty now. My life no longer has the meaning it once held when you were by my side. I'm lost without you and I just want you back. Forever your's
Choi SeungCheol
The diaries of Choi SeungCheol
'Today I finally had the nerve to take the box that I've held so secretively with me outside of my bedroom. It has been stored beneath my bed this whole time. I cannot believe you didn't notice it was there or find it by accident considering I've had it since before Christmas. I planned on proposing to you on our anniversary. Yet it would appear that I couldn't even call you my fiancé when you passed. It breaks my heart that I'll have to place this by your grave and not on your finger. But there's no person in the world I would ever want this ring going to unless it's you. I miss you Chen'
'Today I found your letter. I don't know how you planned for everything under the sun. But I never imagined you would write a letter for me. But I love you so much ChenGuang. I love you for eternity and the time after. I cannot wait for the day we reunite. I miss you Chen'
'I keep ringing your number. Your parents left it up to me to decide when it should be disconnected reminding me that if it isn't used in 6 months the number will be automatically cancelled. But I cant stop calling it. I know you're not going to answer the phone. But I still have hope every time it rings. Even if it is lying on the bed next to me. But I won't stop ringing it knowing that after that third ring it gets to your answer phone. Knowing that I get to listen to your voice once again. I miss you Chen'
'I've started to watch compilations of you on youtube. These bring me joy as I am able to relive so many of our memories together. I get to see you smile and laugh and enjoy yourself as we mess around. I discovered a series of compilations of the pair of us together. These are my favourite and I can pretend you're still by my side. I miss you Chen.'
Letters from the grave
Dear SeungCheol,
If you're reading this then something's happened to me and I'm no longer by your side. I don't know why I'm writing this at my current moment in life. I don't know why that as a 23 year old I feel as though I need to write one of these but I know I have to. I know there's things I didn't get to say when it all happened and I need you to know.
I really hope I got to tell you the three words before I was gone for good, otherwise I'll be kicking myself wherever I end up. But Choi Seung Cheol I love you. I love you more than there's water in the ocean. I love you more than the stars love the moon. I love you more than Junhei loves his reflection. And I love you more than I loved you the day before.
For there is something about you which made me fall in love more and more every day.
Please take care of the kids for me. I couldn't bare to know that my departure from this earth results in the group coming to an end. I couldn't bare knowing that any of my children were sad because of me. Help them remember the good times. Help them remember how much I love them and how proud I am of them. Every single one of them has grown into a young man I am immensely proud of and know will go far in life.
And thrive knowing that you played a massive part in this transformation. I will never forget the days when were were trainees and the concept of seventeen was brought up. I will never forget the way the young boys looked and can only be bewildered at how much they have changed in the years following. Never let them forget how much I love them, how proud I am of them and how happy I was to call myself their mother figure.
Please remember to look after yourself. I'm no longer here to do so. I can't remind to you take a break and eat. I can't help you destress when practices are getting too tough and when you just want a break from being the leader. So pretend I'm there telling you to get some rest, to eat and to sleep.
I'll forever love you.
Wu ChenGuang
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