Those 15 minutes passed painfully slow and finally their silent state was disturbed by opening sound of the glass door.
Both stood up seeing the doctor enter followed by a nurse clutching a clipboard in her hand. The doctor was in his late twenties he sees the couple and gives them a warm smile. "Hello Mehul, Vidhi" he greets pulling Mehul in a hug then patting Vidhi's shoulder affectionately. Both greeted him back giving a small smile wishing "Morning Dheeraj"
Dheeraj could clearly detect their anxiety behind the smile. Looking at Mehul he remembers how this professional relationship of them had upgraded in to a personal one.
Mehul and Dheeraj weren't always friends from beginning no; heck they didn't even meet or knew each other before few years ago! But the incidents which occurred within this time period have bought them very close.
Three years ago both had come here for Vidhi's checkup when she missed her periods he was the one to give the couple the happy news of Vidhi being pregnant, both were overjoyed. After that they had visited frequently for Vidhi's checkup.
Once he was on phone stressed and in a heated argument with a person regarding some land issue, Mehul overheard it and as he himself was a famous lawyer he offered to take his case and the verdict was in his favor too.
Both were very amiable person but the incident which actually touched him was when once Vidhi came for regular check up with her sister, he had told them how he would love to have a sister too as he only had a big brother. The kind women had turned up in his office on 'Raksha Bandhan' with a Rakhi and tied on his wrist, he was overwhelmed. He couldn't ask for a better sister. After this their doctor-patient relationship had turned in to a personal one.
Unfortunately he was also the one who did Vidhi's operation and had to deliver the tragic news.
They may not be best friends but they sure were very close.
Coming out of his thoughts he finally asks Mehul "From how long are you are here? When did you both come?"
"Around 9:40" Mehul replies glancing at his wrist watch.
"Ah! You should have ringed me man I would have tried to come early arranging some other doctor for the roundup" exclaims Dheeraj.
Smiling slightly Mehul shaking his head "No its fine you know I won't do that it wouldn't have been fair" he says sincerely.
Dheeraj smiles back "Ok now I wouldn't wait you more come inside" he says leading them towards his cabin.
"Take a seat" he says gesturing towards the chair placed near the table.
"Sister Leena please bring Mrs.Arora reports from laboratory ward" Dheeraj says glancing at the nurse"
"Ok doctor" she replies and exits the room.
The Room became quiet for a while then suddenly Vidhi breaks the silence "Haven't you seen the reports Dheeraj?" she asks anxiously.
"No Vidhi--I--I didn't get time" he answers hesitantly. The doctor in him knew what would be the result but as a friend and brother he hoped for a miracle. He didn't have the heart to give them another bad news so he waited for them, so that he could disclose it at a time. The room was once again filled with restless silence.
Sister Leena came back after few minutes holding the reports in her hand. Vidhi's heart beats increases, different thoughts ran in her mind and she starts fidgeting her fingers again. Mehul holds her hand giving a squeeze letting her know he will always be there with her. Vidhi tightly clutches his hand in return.
Dheeraj opens the report and starts reading it Vidhi's breathing stopped for a while, as he continued reading it his expression changed.
Mehul's heart fell seeing his friend's expression he knew what it meant and his thoughts were confirmed the next moment when Dheeraj looks at them keeping the reports down.
Letting out a deep sigh he utters the next words gravely "Its negative...Vidhi is not pregnant her womb isn't strong enough to nurture a baby"
And once again their dreams shatter.
The small girl was sitting on the orphanage's garden which was more of a playground for children. One word to describe it perfectly would be 'GREEN LAND' with grasses surrounding the whole area like a carpet there were many trees and different flowering bushes arranged in various patterns. Some benches were placed here and there. It was truly beautiful.
While other children scattered around playing, sitting in a secluded area the girl was busy drawing a picture unaffected by children's noise.
It was almost completed only coloring was left. Keeping her pencil aside she was admiring the picture when suddenly someone closes her eyes from behind.
"Preesha..." cute voice of a small boy sang her name. "Tell me who is it?" the person giggles.
Preesha smiles hearing the voice, she knew who this voice belong to. "ROHIT" she says merrily and removes the hand covering her eyes. Excitedly she turns only to find Rohit standing at a side and she comes face to face with a girl, the culprit who had closed her eyes.
" are wrong. It was me." The girl says cheekily and Rohit laughs.
"You cheated Rashi" Preesha pouts "you closed my eyes and told Rohit to ask who it is."
" was his plan." Rashi says pointing her small index finger towards her brother,making Preesha glare at Rohit.
Rohit laughs looking at Preesha's expression. "But it was fun and we won too." He replies boastfully which makes Rashi chuckle too.
A frown appears on Preesha's face "go I'm not talking to any of you!" she exclaims turning around.
Rohit's laughter halts at this. He looks at his sister and both squatted down on either side of Preesha, and together they engulfe her in a group hug.
"Sorry Preesha, we won't do it again." Rashi says in her sweet voice. But Preesha wasn't conviced, she shakes her head muttering "no." And tries to breakfree but the duo held her tightly.
"You are our best friend Preesha. Please don't be angry, we will feel sad too." Rohit pouts then continues "we were just teasing you. I won't laugh at you promise...forgive us. I'm sorry." he tries to pacify her.
Finally a smile graces Preesha's face hearing his words. "Okay I'm not agry (angry) anymore. Massi Maa also says we should not be upset with our friends for small things." She giggles.
"Yah!" both Rohit and Rashi shouts happily. And after giving a final squeeze they release Preesha from their bear hug.
"What were you drawing?" Rashi asks looking at the scattered pencil and sketch pens.
A wide smile graces Preesha's doll like face and she hurriedly shows her drawing "See! This is my papa, my momma and this girl is me" she says excitedly pointing at the blurry figure of a man, women and a small girl between them. It wasn't a perfect picture but it was as beautiful and specific as a 5year small child can do.
Both smiles and looks at the picture thoroughly "It's so pretty, really beautiful" Rohit replies still admiring the picture and Rashi too nod eagerly in yes.
"Really?" she beams happily "you know when I will have momma papa I will gift them this" she says proudly with a grin.
Rashi lightly chuckles seeing her giddiness "sure it's a very good idea they would lo..." she suddenly gets interrupted by a mocking voice.
"Stop giving her false hope Rashi no one is going to adopt her" Reena a 14 year girl sneers.
Looking at Reena all stood up hurriedly. Turning towards Preesha she continues "and you really think someone will take you with them just look at yourself" she says with disgust.
Preesha's eyes well up looking at her facial expression. Immediately Rohit holds her hand coming to her rescue. Rashi too comes closer to Preesha's side.
"Don't look at her like that" he says angrily, he might be only a 6 year old boy and younger to Reena di he would not back-off. Preesha was very dear to both twin, she had helped them when no one understood their pain.
Hearing the commotion other children gathers around them. Furious Reena looks at Rohit "Don't you dare use that tone on me boy you know what I'm capable of" she growls "and what did I say wrong? have a look at her" she says pointing a finger towards Preesha.
Looking at her eyes she taunts "You look like an ugly duck...even small children don't come near you, do you know you look like a pig while eating...right friends?" she turns and ask last part to her close friend Sweta.
Sweta giggles insultingly "yes Reena, you are right. Remember that day in park when she was drinking water from tap how it spurted out of her nose" she laughs.
Reena laughs too and looks back at Preesha "Do not dream that anyone would take you with them when there are other perfect girls Reena says menacingly "you do not have any momma papa" she adds with a mocking laugh and her friends join her.
This time Preesha could not control her tears it rolled down her cheeks every word pierced her little heart unable to say anything she lowers her head, tightly holding the drawing in one hand brings it close to her heart.
"Stop it Reena di or I will really throw a stone at you" Rashi says bravely with an angry glare ready to pick up a stone.
Reena growls "You..." She gets cut-off by a booming commanding voice.
"That's enough" and silence settles in the playground and everyone turns towards the voice.
Hearing the commanding voice all hassle stopped at once. Every head turned towards the voice and they see their Massi Maa descending down the front porch.
Supriya the women in her early forties was also their guardian. Widowed at a young age of 21 after only 4 months of her marriage she had a rough life. After being kicked out by her in-laws she struggled a lot and managed to open a small food stall with the help of her parents. Later it was a success now she has two restaurants.
Seeing the beggar children she got a glimpse of her earlier helpless state in them and decided to help them and opened this orphanage. She was a wise lady, disciplined and strict when needed but very kind and showered them with motherly love.
Draped in a cotton saree and wearing spectacles she approached them.
"What's going on here" she inquires looking at the children.
Before anyone could respond Reena steps in "aunty see how Rashi is behaving she even threatened to hit me with a stone!" she shrills defensively.
"Really? And you did nothing I already saw everything Reena don't state half truth" Supriya says sternly.
Now Reena was alarmed being caught. "Massi Maa--I--I was..."she shutters.
"No excuse Reena" she says holding out her hand stopping Reena from further explaining.
Supriya now looks at Sweta "and Sweta I thought you are a very good girl, how many time I have told no to insult anyone?" her voice was full of anger. Sweta looks down without saying anything.
With an intake of deep breath Supriya composes herself. "We all are family here, you're elder to her Reena she's like your little sister in spite of taking care and encouraging her you're bullying the small girl what will she learn from you? I didn't expect this from you Reena" she says disappointedly.
Reena's face fell listing her words. Now she was more furious at Preesha Massi Maa once again took her side.
Supriya straightens her posture "Now if I see you or anybody teasing her or any of the children remember you'll have to face my wrath" she adds the last part looking at everyone.
"All of you continue your work and Reena you're grounded for 3 days go inside" she says imperatively.
"But Massi Maa..." Reena bemoans but stops seeing Supriya's hard stare.
Knowing Supriya was in her strict guardian mode Reena shuts up and walks inside with a huff.
Supriya watches her retreating figure sadly. She never understood why Reena hated Preesha this much, earlier it was only her but now she even brainwashed her teenage friends and made them hate her too. She really needs to talk about this, but that can wait... now another child needs her.
Everyone lefts leaving behind Supriya, Rohit, Rashi and Preesha.
Supriya kneels in front of Preesha, wiping her tears she gently asks "are you alright dear?"
A weak "Yes" was the only response she could mutter, physically she was fine but that little girl's heart was badly bruised by earlier incident. Her lower lips trembled again but she tried hard not to let any tear fall.
Supriya was amazed seeing this small girl's strength; she couldn't even imagine her pain. Preesha's only defect was her cleft lip but apart from that she was a Gem. She excelled in all her studies, for a 5 year girl she was too kind hearted. Admits all the taunts she never lost hope and always tried to help others in any way she can, that's why this girl had a special place in her heart. But people only saw her outer fault and failed to notice her inner strength and beautiful nature. She thinks sadly.
"Now let me see your painting" she says offering Preesha a warm smile.
The old woman keenly observes the drawing and after few moments a smile graces her face "it's really very beautiful Preesha, I didn't knew you were so talented" she says sincerely.
"See I told you!" exclaims Rashi happily.
Preesha slightly blushes while Supriya chuckles looking at twin's happy face she knew how much they adore Preesha.
Suddenly Preesha's smile vanishes remembering Reena di hard words.
"Massi Maa?"she whispers lowly.
Looking at Preesha's face Supriya could clearly detect the change in her emotions and softly asks "yes beta"
"Will no one take me with them, won't I have a Momma...Papa?" she asks unsurely in a pained voice.
SO...HOW WAS IT? DID YOU LIKE the twins?
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