9: leaving
"My name is levi akerman...I'm 25 I'm the boss of a major gang called scout regeme or wings of freedom that night you saved me there was a coup being formed against me in an attempt to kill me due to the coming of my so called power by taking over the council which is a group higher than any of us who regulates who is sent where. I would've been dead if you hadn't found me. I came back and the council found out I was alive instead of killing me right away they sent a rival group of ours know as Titan who are controlled by the council, out to kill you the person who saved me. That way you wouldn't go looking for me if was to disappear I made it so nothing could touch you.." He says "what does that mean made it so.?" I ask "I had my people figure you out where you worked your addresses....your backround." He says my eyes go wide I slap him he dosnt fight back he turns his head back to me "ALL THAT SHIT I TOLD YOU! YOU ALREADY KNEW!! I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU REPAY ME BY ALMOST KILLING ME! I GAVE YOU MY FUCKING VIRGINITY!" I say crying "What do you know about me!" I say "y/n-" "tell me" "your name is y/n m/n l/n your live at the apartments on black avenue number 6 a. You own and work at sweet treats you. You grew up with your sister dad and mom your mom is an alcoholic who beat you, you visit her every now and then bringing her groceries your sister died when you were 12 and she was 17 your dad left after your sister died leaving your mom alone with you you went to school at Canberry culinary school you left home at 17 and got your first apartment which is the one you have now, your father is in America with his fiancé named jasmine Castile she's pregnant with a girl and they get married tomarrow. Petra Ral has been your best friend scince 2nd grade you often stayed at house for sleep overs. She also signed up for the military two days ago and will be deployed next month" he says I blink at how he knows all this "there's more but.." he trails off "w-was this just to know more about me" "I-i state's looking into you trying to find out why you saved me if your part of another group if you wernt supposed to but I found out your just a kind loving person who like pastry's and the color f/c you have a cat named berry who also likes pastry's you're favorite thing to do is stay in and watch movies or bake you don't like to be scared but like scary movies. Your dream place to go is France and you studied French in middle and high schools and you don't like bugs. I may know more about you than you do me but I learn most of it from talking with you I don't want to loose you and I want you to be protected from things " he says "if you wanted to protect me...then you shouldn't have come back to me."i says "y/n-" "how can I trust you when you have all of this going on behind you. What else are you hiding from me." I ask he looks down shaking his head "I can't tell you that." "I-if you have any feeling for me like I do tell me everything." I say he looks at me "I'm sorry." He shakes his head I nod I begin to walk out "y/n!" He says taking my wrists "Let me go!" I say "please if you leave-" "if I leave what I die! I won't Becuase I some how people want hung my every move to keep me safe." I say "if you leave...I'll have to let you go and I can't do that." He says "d-don't crowd me I need space" I say he looks at me connecting our eyes I pull away "y/n please..don't do this. Y/n dont...don't leave me!" He says I stop
Flash back
"Let go of me!" I say to my mom as she drunkenly follows me around the house "you can't leave" "watch me I don't want to be here and if you try to stop me I will call the police let me Go!" I say walking to the door "y/n please..don't do this. Y/n dont...don't leave me" She says i turn around "goodbye mom" I say and walk out
I turn around seeing levi I open my mouth to say goodbye I stop his eyes become glassy I walk up to him placing my hands on his cheeks "I-I'm scared...a-and I know you say that you do this to protect me. But what happens if I am killed." "It won't happen. I swore from the minute I offered to help you that no harm would come to you." He says a tear running down his cheek "....I wanna believe you but I cant how can I belive you when you won't tell me things?!" I say crying he presses his lips against mine kissing me he pulls away "Becuase I love you...you mean more to me that anything else and I promise you that I will tell you everything when I know your going to be safe." He says "Levi...." "please just trust me." He says i nod "okay..I love you too" I say
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