Levi and I walk down the street as we hold our drinks "thank you for this levi really t-to be honest I have been on a date um ever." I say "really?! You why." He asks "it just seems that people don't want to date me." I say "well they're missing out men should be falling down at your feet." He says i giggle "thanks." "Oh y/n!" I hear I look over seeing Anna "Anna?" I day "wow funny to see you here this is as I recall it the rich part of town." She says i sigh "hi I'm levi." Levi interrupts holding out his hand "hi. Anna channel nice to meet you." She says taking it "is there a problem with y/n being here in this so called...part of town Becuase we were just coming to head to my place unless of course you have any problem with that...but then again we don't need your permission so I would like it if you left her alone." Levi says Anna scoffs "come on." Levi says putting his arm on my back leading me along "thank you." I say "your welcome how do you know such a rude person." "Anna? We went to culinary school together we both took classes in the baking major." "Why is she so rude to you." He asks "honestly that I don't know." I say he nods "a-are we really headed to your place?" I ask he chuckles "if you would like." He says opening the car door for me "yes." I say and get in
Levi opens the door of the car for me as I step out "w-wow." I say "what's wrong." "This is your house." I say he chuckles "yes." "W-what is your normal job?" I ask "like I said it's a kind of Ceo" he says I nod "come on." He says we walk up the door it opens as we walk in a comforting smell of tea and soft cologne fill the air "this is beautiful." I say "thank you...I had it specially designed" he says I smile I look over and gasp going to the kitchen "do you like it?" He says i nod "we'll. You can come over when ever you want I don't really use the kitchen." He says going over to a drawer opening it looking around he comes back over handing me a key "what's this?" "A key to the front door like I said I never use the kitchen." He says "oh are you sure...." I say "yes" he says I smile "wh-why don't you use the kitchen?" I ask "I normally just go out" he says "oh." "Since you like it so much it can be deemed yours." He says i smile "can I use it now?" I ask "for what?" He asks I smile
I put an apron on over his head "you know for someone who doesn't use a kitchen you have a wide variety aprons." I say "yeah I collect them to feel like I do something." He says I smile "what do you want to make?" He says "well surprisingly you have all the ingredients to make macaroons." I say "I don't exactly know how to make those." He says i smile "good I can teach you." I say he chuckles and nods
"So you can hold the piping bag like this and then put it in the circles and after there all done you wanna rap them so the there's no bubbles in the tops." I say easily squeezing the batter out into perfect circles he tries but kinda goes off the side "shit." He says i giggle "here." I say taking my bag Turing the top into a heart and making another so there's a bottom "like this." I say taking his hands that are in the bag and squeezing with him "there see now its made a..." I look at him his tall figure looks back at me "circle...." I finish I blink out of the trance and let go "uh s-so now you have to tap the pan so now bubbles form." I say and tap my sheet pan as he continues to do the circles "so is there a reason why you decided to become a baker.?" He asks "uh yeah my dad and I used to bake all the time together when I was little." I say "not your Mom?" He says "n-no....she wasn't there for my life I always ended up taking care of her. After my dad left My sister and I took care of her" I say "well if you sister is as kind as you are I would love to meet her someday." He says i chuckles softly "your way to nice...but my sister died when we were little I-I was 12." I say "oh I'm sorry...if you don't mind me asking how old was she." He asks "17" I say "im sorry. So you were the only to take care of your mom? Or did your dad come back?" "No it was just me my dad is off somewhere with his new girl or whatever." I say he nod "hey well your here now and what ever environment you were in your free." He says i smile
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