21: paris 2
I take a breath breathing in levis scent I smile I turn around feeling the bed only from him not to be there I see a bright light hit my face I open my eyes adjusting I see Levi standing in front of the balcony window his hands in his sweatpants pockets with no shirt He turns his head "good morning." He says "morning." I say he walks over to me sitting next to me "how are you feeling." He asks from last night "perfect." I say "what would you like to do today?" He asks "I don't know." "Well we can watch movies or play chess?" "Levi." I say "hm?" He says "I didn't say yes to Paris to watch movies and play chess." I say he smiles brushing his thumb against my cheek
I hold levis hand as we walk through the town "y/n." He says stopping at a Louis Vuitton store I shake my head looking over seeing a vintage store I smile and pull him over
I look through the clothes he sighs "wouldn't you regather want something else?" He says "nope!" I say "Gucci?" "No." "Prada?" "Louis." "Haha no." I say I gasp finding a shirt to go with the outfit And dress I smile and skip going over to the register te woman says something in French Levi responds nodding I look at him In awe that he also knows French I take out my card Levi takes it out of my hand "ah hey." I say he swipes his before I can stop him he kisses my temple I huff the woman hands me my things in a beautiful bag "merci!" I say she smiles we walk out
I sit on the couch a blanket over me "Levi walks in in his usual sweatpants and no shirt "Levi!?" I say "hm?" He asks "how are you not cold." "I just got I guess." He says walking to the kitchen "yes you do." I say watching my mans he walks back into the room "tomarrow night we're going to the opera house." He says "huh? Why." I ask "there's a show my mom used to take me to I wanna show you." He says I nod "okay."
Next day
"You ready love?" Levi asks as I hear him call from down stairs "yeah hold on I'm comin." I say and walk down the stairs I see Levi look up and not look away I walk over to him "sorry I don't like ever wear dresses-" "you look beautiful..." he says "I" I freeze "absolutely gorgeous." He says i smile "uh..here." He says placing a sweater around me it's cold." He says i nod he takes my hand leading me out
I sit next to y/n in a viewing booth "wait do I get a pair of those useless viewing goggle things." She asks "the right side of the seat there's a pocket." I say she reaches over feeling it She gasps and quickly takes it out She giggles "oh I fucking love these!" She says I chuckles "they are so stupid." She say putting them to her face "I-i gonna put these down they give me a head ache." She says she is so damn cute the lights dim as the curtains open and it starts
Y/n twists the program paper I take her hands in mine "what's wrong?" I ask "Charlotte she's wants to be with bandit but she's completely overlooking the fact he'sa raging asshole." She says i chuckle "yeah and." "And she should because if they get together his brother lawlet is going to kill her." "Yeah." I say "but she stays anyway." She says "becuase she loves him and no matter of danger would cause her to leave." I say she looks at me "I would never leave you" she says I brush my thumb against her cheek
I walk out of the opera house with Levi "that's was cool I've never seen an opera." I say "did you like it?" He asks "I loved it." I say he smiles I stop walking and look down "what's wrong" he says stopping "it's Christmas Eve..." I say "huh? Oh you're right. What's wrong?." He says lifting my head "I didn't get you anything." I say he chuckles "so?" "So I'm a bad girlfriend!" I say he chuckles "no you're not. You're presence alone is a gift to me y/n. Nothing could be better than you." He says I smile "but I do admit I did get you something." I frown "ah Levi!" I say he reaches into his pocket and bends down on one knee. I gasp "I love you so so much y/n. And I don't what I would do if I lost you. So with that...will you marry me." He says i tackle him hugging him into the snow "YES!" I say he hugs me back I sit up as he places the ring on my finger I kiss him he kisses me back. We pull away "I love you." He says "I love you too!" I say and smile
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