I walk into the room seeing y/n sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her her cat laying in her lap, she hasn't been to work in days "y/n." I say placing down a mug of hot tea onto the coffee table "can I help.... can I get you something." I ask tears run down her cheek she turns her head to me "Levi..." she says I sigh and sit next to her "come here." I say wrapping my arms around her "don't worry I'm sure Levi will be back soon." I say lying and not knowing when he'll come back "it's okay."
2 weeks later
My phone rings it's mikasa "hey love where are you it's been weeks and something happend y/n hasn't been herself" I say "eren Levi isn't going to come back give the phone to y/n he wants to talk to her." "What do you mean not-" "eren. Give the phone To y/n." I hear Levi "yes mr akerman." I walk into the living room as y/n reads in the couch "y/n.." I say "hm?" She says "it's Levi." I say her eyes light up as she takes the phone I hold out to her. A smile grows on her face
I take the phone quickly "Levi!? Are you okay! Where have you been." I ask "y/n." He says I frown "you know I love you right." "Levi what's wrong." "And you love me." He say "yes of course." I say "then I need you to let go." He says "what?!" "Y/n you have to let go of me." "Levi no I can't!" I say tears streaming down my cheeks "i won't be coming back....i need you stay at the house wil eren and the staff .I love you and I will always love you." He says "Levi! You can't you can't just leave me! YOU CANT DO THAT!" I yell crying "I love you." He says "Levi?! LEVi!" The line goes dead "y/n." Eren says i burst into tears crying "WHY IS EVERYTHING I LOVE BEING TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!" I scream "hey it's okay." He says "No NO ITS FUCKING NOT!!" I say and get up walking off to the room
1 week later
I lay in bed holding berry "y/n." Eren walks in "come on let's go do something." He says "no." I say "come on it's dark in here it stopped snowing this morning let's go out and do something build Snowden or something." "Leave me alone eren." I say "here come on get dressed I'm taking you somewhere." He says "eren I said no!-" "Y/n! Get out of bed now you're getting out whether you like it or not." He says pulling the covers off me grabbing my arms pulling me up "OW! Hey! fine Fine fuck!! Just....let me get dressed." I say he pulls away walking off the door closes I sit up running my fingers through my hair I get up going over to the closet I open it pressing the button I've pressed the wrong one so it pans over to levis dress shirts and usual clothes I run my fingers along them berry meows I press the other button going to my things "he's not coming back berry." I say
I put on sweat pants black high tops a black tshirt and my hair in a pony tail I walk out of the room and down the stairs "you said you were going to get dressed." He says "I am dressed as much as I want to be." I say "fair." He says and places a scarf around me levis scent engulfs me I feel tears begin to fall down my cheek "hey. Your gonna be okay." Eren says wiping off my tears with his thumb he places a jacket on me I put my arms through and zip it up "come on." He says i sigh as we walk out
"Eren where are we going?" I ask as he drives into a parking lot "you'll see." He says and pulls up levis work building "why are we here?" I ask "come on." He says and gets out of the car I do as well and follow him into the building. "Good morning eren good morning Ms l/n." A woman at a front desk says "hi" he says we get into an elevator as he pushes a button wing the wings symbol on it. A few seconds go by and the doors open sounds of faint gun shots ring out I look around as people punch each other and fight throwing stars and knives "welcome to where we train our officers overs there is take down where you lean moral combat, here you lean wepons, there is agility but we're going to gun room." He says and hands me ear muffs I put them on he does as well I follow him to an empty space puts up a target and pushes it back to the wall "so you've got your guns this is 9mm easy to use easy to fuck up these are your bullets or mag now the safety is on but what you're going to do is-" i pick up the gun loading it piping the mag into place I click of the safety and cock the gun I hold it up and shoot the target over and over until I run out of ammo I pick up another and do the same thing I put the gun down and press the belt button it bring the target close all the shots are in the heart and head he blinks into focus "uh....y-yeah you uh....how do you know how to shoot.!?" He asks "my dad and I went hunting every year with my uncle. Do you have ICR-1s here?" I ask "u-uh yeah...they're...uh BERTHIOLD!" He yells "can you grab a ice-1 one please." He says "yes sir." He says and walks off "so why did you bring me here instead of leaving me in my bed." I ask "I figured you could let out some feelings uh feel free to use any equipment as your own I'll be right back." He says and walks off the guy call berthold comes back with the gun handing it to me.
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