14: bye for now
I stand with Petra as she wears her uniform "you look so professional." I say she dosnt say any to I go she stays stiff "Petra?" I ask she whimpers staying stiff "pet...." I say she begins to cry I hug her. "I don't want to go! I wanna stay and help with the bakery." She says i smile she hugs me back "it's okay. I know I want you here too." There's a horn of a car "you are my best friend! And I love you so do me a favor....stay alive I need you to be my made of honor if I get married." I say crying as well she laughs and nods "of course!" She says the horns honks again "Petra let go!" A guy says we pull away "I love you too" she says we hug a last time she grabs her back and walks off "are you sure be you're going to be okay at the bakery." She says I nod "I'll be fine!" I say she smiles and gets in the truck she waved as It drives off I wave back. I sigh and nod "she's gonna come back." I say and turn and walk inside the house.
I pace in the living room I've got two more days till levi comes back I havnt talked to him since two days ago. I take out my phone and call him it's rings and rings but nothing. I hang up and try again still nothing I sigh and hang up "sonny have you heard from Levi?" I ask "no ms." He says I nod "I'm gonna go to work then keep berry company while I'm gone." I say and walk out of the room and upstairs to my room to get dressed
I walk into the bakery turning on the lights I walk back turning the heat up a bit "alright." I say and go to the back to make the little show pastry's and make a help wanted sign placing it in the window. I walk back to the counter I hear the door open "oh I'm sorry were not open y-" I stop seeing eren walk in "eren." I say "hey." He says "I thought you were with Levi?" I ask "uh yeah he sent me back he dosnt want you alone" "I have three body guards that's not alone." I say "well at the bakery he said you might need some help." He says "you know how to bake?" I ask he chuckles nervously and nods "you'd be surprised." "Fine...but one condition." "You leave your guns in the lockers." I say "guns?" he says I frown crossing my arms he sighs taking off his jacket revealing all the guns in holsters he takes them out placing them on the counter he sighs "and those too." I say he nods and beds down taking small ones off his ankle placing them down "good" I say turning to walk off I stop turning back "eren." I say "geez alright." He says and places the last one on the counter I nod
Few days later
"Eren. Have you heard from Levi recently he was supposed to come back two days ago" I say he shakes his head no I nod
Next week
I check my phone still no calls.
Next week
"Eren have you-" "no y/n I haven't." He says
1 month
2 months
Where is he...
I get out of the car walk up to the house going up the snowy stairs I slip "ah." I'm caught by eren "you alright." He ask "yeah heh thanks." I say I walk up the rest walking inside it's warm I take off my jacket I walk into the living room "ms." I hear sonny hands me a phone "who is it." "Scout regime it's for Petra." He says i smile and take it "Petra!?" I ask "um no. this is sergeant pixis. Um." He pauses "h-hi." "Y/n...." he says i feel my eyes begin to tear up "she was unfortunately unable to clear her tasks she was taken down saving another scout she was found with gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead. I'm sorry she won't be coming home." He says tears stream down my face I drop the phone and begin the scream and sob "y/n!?" I hear eren who runs in I fall to my knees "Ahh!" I sob "hey what's wrong." He says taking me in his arms "it's okay shh." He hugs me I sob crying.
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