13: gifts
Step into the shower letting the water run down my body I let my face and hair get wet the hot water feels so nice and relaxing I sigh I turn letting the water run into my front I feel hands on my waist I gasp turning seeing Levi "my apologies I didn't me to scare you." He says "it's fine I'll just get used to it." I say he nods I run my hands down his chest he presses his lips against mine pushing me against the wall I arch my back feeling the cold tile he kisses down my neck "mm. Levi." I say his hands move down my waist "p-Petra is here." I say "okay." He says "she'll hear." I say he sighs pulling back slightly to face me "trust me she has good hearing." I say he chuckles and nods
I open my eyes turning over feeling the space next to me empty only to be filled by a small body i open my eyes look around seeing berry sleeping and I see a note on the pillow i take it I open it reading 'I'm sorry. I wanted to wake up next to you your first day here I was called to base I'll be home Tuesday sonny bean Colossus and Carter will be there with you. I love you. Levi.' I sit up running my fingers through my hair I get up walking out of the room berry following
I walk down stairs to see Petra shoving her face in food that was made by levis cook that comes around sometimes "hey y/m morning." She says I chuckle "hi pet." I say "breakfast ms?." They say and smile "yes please." I say they put down a plate of food and utensils "this food is great I've had four plates already!" She says I giggle "wheres levi?" She asks "work he'll be back Tuesday." I say "does he do that often just leave?" She asks "not all the time. One every few months maybe." I say she nods "that sucks." She says "it's fine he has things to do you know running the company and stuff." I say "what does he do anyway." She says "uh he-" "ms. L/n." I hear I look over seeing sonny come in with gift bags and things bean places down a giant flower bouquet on the counter next to us "holy shit it's like Christmas!" She says "what this for?" I ask "you ms. Mr akerman wanted you to feel welcome your first stay at your new home." Sonny says my eyes widen I stand up going over to the flowers "are these Juilet roses?" I ask "yes" bean says I run my finger along the petals "pretty." Petra says I lean down to her "Juliet roses are 2.3million dollars" I whisper to her she coughs almost choking on her coffee "what!?" She says i nod I walk over to the bags and boxes I open the bag seein a box of shoes I open it seeing the brand name I close the box "hehe." I chuckle nervously "Petra!" I say and pull her up "come on." I say grabbing the bags and things she does as well "thanks" I smile and walk off with Petra "oh I'm bean can you bring in the roses later" I say he nods I walk upstairs with Petra
I open Levi and my room door walking in "whao this is your room." She says "levis too." I say pressing a button as the a table forms "Whao." I put the things down "Petra look! Luis Vuitton, Prada...GUCCI! This man got me 3 shirts 8 pants 2 pjs and a pair of shoes what that's just from Gucci." "Well I'll take it if you don't want any" she says "pet." I say "sorry what's wrong he's spoiling you your dating a rich man y/n" "I don't want that to be all he does." "So what is the raging sex not enough." She says i hit her arm she laughs I go over to the bed and sigh laying on my back looking up at the ceiling she lays next to me "y/n... if you really don't want it just tell him but do me a favorite can I at least have a set of pjs." She says i laugh
I sit on the couch petting my cat as my phone rings it's Levi I answer "hi." I say "hello." He says "did you get the things I sent." He says "yes..I did." I say "that's sounded hesitant what's wrong...wrong size?" He says "Levi...Louis Vuitton , Prada, Gucci...not to mention the million dollar roses why spend so much on me." I say "so your worried about money?" He says i sigh and nod "yeah." "Y/n I make 2.3 million dollars about every ten minutes I wanted to get you something special don't worry." He says "really?" I say "yes!" He says "good...then thank you." I say he chuckles "your welcome." He says "petras leaving in two days." I say "I'm sorry." He says "it's fine she'll be okay she's tough....I think." I say "she is don't worry I'll be back soon. I have to go just checking up" He says "okay." "Y/n." He says "hm?" "I love you." He says I smile "I love you too." I say we both hang up.
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