I walk up to Petras place I knock in the door it opens a few seconds later "y/n! Oh my god your okay!" She says and hugs me "ah." "Y-yeah why wouldn't I be." I say "I saw you and Levi heading towards coffee cakes cafe and then I saw what happend in the news!" She says "oh y-yeah heh Levi and I ran out of there." She says "oh thank god uh where is he." She says "he's at work I came her to tell you and ask you a few thing." I say "come in." She says opening the door more I walk in "do you want to go to bora bora." I ask "ptf fuck yeah but I'm poora poora I don't have money to fly right now." She says "here" I say handing her a ticket "Levi got me two round trip tickets to bora bora this week for ten days if you wanna go with me." I say she smiles and nods she gasps "you didn't though did you!" She says I chuckle looking down "AHH YES I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT!" She says i laugh
"Levi." I hear my sister mikasa "I dropped y/n off at Petra they'll be leaving for bora bora tomarrow morning at 7 am" she says I nod "I want you to go." I say "I don't like beaches." "It dosnt matter I want you and eren to go watch her." I say "fine. You need to stop treating me like I'm your robot you can command I'm your sister Levi I think sometimes your forget that....don't fucking do that with y/n she's a good girl who some how fell in love with you" she says I chuckle "fuck you." I say he chuckles "right back at you bro." She says and turns to walk off "Mika." I say she turn back to me "if I am ever like that with y/n or you slap me." I say she raises her eye brow and walks to me and slaps me "Ah...not no-" she does it again. "Okay I deserved that." I say she nods "go. I wanna make sure she's safe" I say she nods and walks off I sigh my phone rings it's y/n "what's wrong are you alright?" I ask answering the phone "hello y/n how are you doing I'm fine thanks just heading to bora bora with Petra but I think you already know that." She says "I'm sorry just worried I'm not with you" I say "I'm fine like I said pet and I are going to bora bora tomarrow morning." She says i nod "You'll be safe when you go have fun bask in the sun uh drink pina coladas In the bungalow. But don't!- Do Not wear a bikini you can wear a one piece or your clothes but I don't want other men or women ogling you on the beach." I say "Levi.." She says "No I'm serious I-" "Levi." I hear my name I turn seeing Erwin "you have a visitor." He says "just don't cheat on me." I say she giggles "I'm not gonna cheat on you geez." "I have to go right now but I'll call you tomarrow." I say "ok." She says "I love you." I say "I love you too." She says "no two pieces." I say she laughs we hang up. I turn to Erwin "who is it?" I say "your brother." He says I walk out passed him
"Ah kenny so happy you could join us.." I say walking into a room where he sits on the floor against the wall he chuckles "y-heh you got me good Levi." He says holding his hand to his waist as it's bleeding "why did you try and kill me." I say "the coup. That little stunt. That was order by the council I'm sure you know that...." "why you?" "I'm family they know things how to break em apart and I can see it's working." He chuckles coughing "ah shit." He says "give me a better excuse." I say "I don't wanna die...most of the time....I want power like the one that was given to you. But. I guess I wasn't worthy. Heh...but the council...they're going to come back fight with full...." he trails off "Kenny tell me everything! Why are they trying to take over!" I say bending down to him he chuckles "b-beats me....b-but you need to protect y/n...she..she's special to them for a reason. Not just, ah...Becuase she helped you...they were looking for her before you. You just made it more difficult for them to get to her." He says "y/n? what makes her special to them." I say "I don't know levi...but your an Ackerman y-you'll find out." He says and coughs "s-....say hi to mikasa for me.....ok." He says "kenny." I say his body goes limp "kenny.." I repeat I stand "sir?" I hear Erwin "search him for anything we could use..." I say begins to walk out "and the body?" He says I stop ".....burry it next our parents." I say he nods I walk out
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