Who Am I?
Star pov (Past Flashback) *present also*
I was playing in the backyard like anyother 10 year old would do? Playing with thier dolls or run around until you got tired and looked up at the skies wondering what could be out there? Mother always told me that if you believe hard enough you can reach it.
Every night I would lay on the grass and try reaching for the stars, wondering if they can see me? If they can feel me look and believe in them. I smile everytime I look at them and seeing them watch me brightly made me believe they would listen.
As i walked towards the door to the yard I felt light head and fell onto the hardwood floors. I couldn't move..it felt like my legs were being stepped on "Mommy!" I remember hitting my legs trying to wake them up but I felt nothing.. "Wake up!" I started crying as I tried to move..I dragged myself towards the chair but I couldn't
"Mommy! Help me!" Yelling and screaming for my mother who was in her room working "Star? What wrong?! Oh my god your head its bleeding! River!" I didn't even notice I cut my head as I felt it run down my face seeing my mother in horror "I can't move my legs.." I whispered as tears fell freely mixing with the blood before I passed out.
Waking up with wires and tubes stuck on me..barely awake to comprehend what was actually happening "Mommy?" I called out to see my mother worried and scared seeing her only child in hospital bed hooked up to machines "Its okay sweetheart, I'm here with you"
feeling her warmth made me feel safe and closer to her. I could feel my feet move and leg a bit I didn't understand what happened? "What's wrong with me?" I asked my parents seeing that have tears in their bright blue eyes "We'll wait when your a little better..just rest"
they kissed my head and left me there..staring at the pink walls and the outside world rushing by. A little girl like me shouldn't be in situations like this..they should be outside playing with other kids and having fun. Not on a bed that haunts you for your death..
After many weeks of therapy and healing my parents told me I had Efferent and what that is my nervous system is not being in control like it uses to. When I heard that I thought I was gonna die from it "Its treatable with surgery but your pretty young for it and your parents believe we should wait for it"
I looked at mother who looked unstable and would just faint by all of this "Am I going to die?" "Star, honey you shouldn't talk like that" my father said but I shook my head "No, tell me am I going to die?" The doctor was uncertain seeing I was healthy all my life and there's a chance I could live longer but that is a fifty-fifty chance
"I don't know for certain..but I would prescribe medication and take physical therapy for your movements..I'm sorry" the doctor left and my mother sobbed and I stared at both of them with watery red eyes. How can a 10 year old child get this if they barely experienced life?
The only thing that remained the same was the stars. Seeing them shine bright over me seeing me and wondering if I'm okay. I can imagine what they would they be like? Up there with them seeing what amazing things are out there? I will soon become one of them and when that day happens I will leave my mark..
Now 14 years old and I grew up, no more baby stuff or little kid things. But more hospital visits, more medication, more collapsing. My body is starting to ache and there's nothing that could fix this unless I do the surgery but will I do it to risk my own life? Or for my parents sake?
I always wore my hair in pigtails, I wore glasses seeing that my vision isn't the greatest. But when I started high school I saw him..the tall brunette with the light brown eyes and cute smile. He was everything I wanted..tall and handsome and caring.
How do I know this? Well I used to follow him once and awhile and saw the way he talked to people or even kids..he was nice and caring that I actually fell for him but he wouldn't go for a girl like me..a ticking time bomb that can go at any second. I wanted to say hi but every time I was even inches away from him I just couldn't, not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't..
I can't get attached to anyone because then I make them worry and I have to explain that I'm fine and okay and there's nothing wrong with me. But really there is. I know his name, I know who his friends are and I know he's not always happy.
I could tell in his face, he seems to be missing someone and to me it would be his parents. Not once have I even seen his parents when I follow behind a couple blocks. His friends always ask but he'll shrug it off.
I knew I wanted to be near him and be at least friends but how am I gonna do that? Dressing differently of course, getting contacts, new clothes and wear my hair differently..I looked like a better me. What's the point of moping around when you can live and have fun with what you got right?
The next day I bumped into one of his friends..Jackie Lynn Thomas. Now she was beyond pretty and very chill and sweet, boys literally throw themselves at her but she doesn't really notice. She's beauty all on her own. "I'm sorry hey your Star Butterfly right?" I smile and nodded
"Yes I am, how did you know that?" "Well you were supposed to be my partner but you didn't show up to class? Is everything okay?" "Yeah I just..moved house's so I had to help my parents" she smiles sweetly and we continue talking until she asked if I liked anyone.
I instantly blushed thinking of Marco..but I couldn't let her know "Not at the moment, I think Oskar Greason is cute" Jackie smirked and sigh "He's alright..I would've chosen Marco he's more gentle and kinder to girls" that was the truth "Do you like him?"
Jackie shook her head "I did in middle school, we kissed once but something didn't feel right..maybe cause we were 10 or something? I don't know he wasn't into me or anyone to be honest" I sigh "Oh..what about Janna? She's his friend right?"
"Best friends..they go way back when they were 5 years old, those two are never apart from one another even though Janna sees him as an annoying brother when he stats facts" we giggle a bit
"But she's acting off since we started school, she's asking him if he likes anyone or will be ever date someone but Marco is a quiet guy and kinda awkward when it comes to relationships"
I sigh "Oh..say can you get Oskar to hang with me? You can come and bring someone too? Its my treat so we can hang at the mall" i asked kindly and she nodded "Of course..it'll be easy convincing oskar but for Marco i don't know?"
She's inviting Marco? My heart starts to race "Just let me know tomorrow and we'll meet up at the park near the mall" she nods and we traded phone numbers and carried on the day.
I was extremely nervous for the hangout I came way too early to the park and Jackie told me she was gonna be a few minutes late. So I took my shoes and bag and placed it on the floor and ran towards the jungle gym. I loved playing on them when I was younger. Feeling the rush as you made it without stopping and falling into the hole.
Well in my head. As i stepped down I saw the cutest puppy and I asked to play with it and the owner let me and I so happy and thrilled that the puppy liked me. I soon climb up the jungle gym and stand while holding the puppy. I held it close and began to cry..thinking how beautiful and precious life can be if you know what your goal is.
As i turn I see him. Marco Diaz standing staring right at me seeing me being a weirdo on top of a jungle gym and holding a dog. I smile seeing he has my things and see how amazed he's looking at me. I blush and get down and hand the puppy back to their owner and tie my hair up in a messy hun before I take my things away from Marco kinda harsh but i just wanted to have fun
"What kind of weirdo takes a girl's stuff?!" He gasped not really picturing me saying such rude and harsh words "What?! Well if you didn't leave it in the middle of the path I wouldn't have tripped over it! I believe a thank you is in order" I rolled my eyes playfully and crossed my arms
"Thank you, is that better?" He slightly nods and I see Jackie "Star!" She rushed towards me with oskar behind "Oh, I see you met Marco, he's actually really nice and caring" "Jackie! Stop it" he was blushing of embarrassment and I turned and have him a grin "I have..he looked nice until he took my stuff!"
"Stop exaggerating! I simply just brought it to you so no one could steal it!" I giggled seeing him act this way but i was interrupted by Jackie introducing Oskar "Star this is Oskar" he came forward and I never realized what beautiful eyes he has I was in a trance that I began giggling
"I so love your eyes" he chuckled and rambled on but I just kept glancing at Marco who looked out of it. We enter and bought things from the shops and I got to know Oskar, he's actually pretty cool but I notice when he flirts with other girls, I'm not into guys like that "So what year are you?" "I'm a first year..you?" "Third year" wow what a gap between us well at least he's pretty to look at but to be with him? I don't think so.
As the other two left me alone with Marco, it was awkward or just plain weird. He didn't say a word but I could feel him look at me when I looked forward. As we walked he stopped and I stopped noticing him stare up at the skies. Does he like watching the stars like me? I hold hands as I look at him "Marco?"
He looked at me and waited for me to say something "Yeah what is it?" "What are you doing?" He smirked and looked up again "Looking at the stars..their bright tonight" I smile and walk closer to him "I always watched the stars with my parents when I was younger..I still do wondering what could be out there"
I smiled as I streched my arm up almost touching the sky "If I reach enough I could touch them" I could feel him look at me "Also I wanted to say sorry for earlier, I'm just not used to people doing that kind of stuff" he sighs "Its fine, it's in the past" he smiles and I blushed as I began walking again and he followed.
Once I see my family's own vet, I say bye to Marco, even though we didn't get on the right foot at least we bonded over the stars. "Bye Marco, see you tomorrow at school" I waved as he looked at me "Bye star" I closed the door and watched him walk away, I could feel my heart race each time he speaks. So calm and relaxed not giving a care about anything yet I feel so attached to him and he barely knows it.
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