We're Just Friends and What?
Marco Pov
I woke up to shoves and nudges from Janna "Wake up! You promised milkshakes!" I rolled my eyes as I covered my eyes with my pillow "Marco! Get up! Stop being so lazy!" I groan as she ripped the pillow off my eyes "Janna it's too early" I said groggy as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes
"Early?! Dude it's like 12 in the afternoon, did you stay up talking to Star~" she said mockingly "No! I wasn't talking all night with her" she giggles "Not by the texts you guys sent" Janna kept scrolling and I grabbed it from her grasp "That's personal!" Janna rolled her eyes as she walked towards my closet
"Marco just admit you like her, it's obvious..and the way you try acting cool in front of her at school isn't helping you out" I pushed her slightly and kicked her out my bedroom "Get out! Let me get dressed then" all I heard was her laughing before my phone went off
(Star: Hey wyd today? Wanna hang?) I smiled but I remebered the milkshakes with Janna "What do I do now? I would like to hang out with star but I haven't really spent time with Janna.." I sigh at the text before I respond.
When I finished getting dressed I see Janna raiding my kitchen but to her luck nothing was there "Dude you need food..get on that" I chuckled "Hey what do say I invite Star with us to get milkshakes?" Janna stood straight as she closed the fridge "Marco, getting milkshakes are our thing..we can't ruin that"
I sigh and look down at the text "But it's just this once, she's not nothing to do? Besides you two can talk since you rarely speak with her when were at school" Janna crossed her arms before she lets out a frustrated sigh "Okay, Fine just this time" I smiled and quickly texted star and in a insant she replied and we headed towards her place.
I smiled to myself as Janna rambled on about her practice and about other things "Why you smiling weirdo?" I shook my head "Nothing can't I smile? I barely smile since my parents aren't home" Janna sighs and wraps her arm around my waist "Hey, I'm sorry about that I hope they come back" I nod
"Yeah me too" I moved her away from me and Stars house came into view "Why are we at an animal clinic?" "Star lives here, you would know if you actually hung out with her cause Jackie and Oskar know" she rolled her eyes as I smirked
"Hello Marco how are you?" As I look I see her mother watering some plants "Oh hello Mrs Butterfly is Star ready?" She nods as she points to the door to their house "Yeah just go through that door" I nod and enter and Janna stood close by me "Man they trust you already?"
I nodded "Yeah it's been like 4 months already? We became friends duh?" I chuckled as her living room came into view "Star I'm here" I managed to say before Janna covered my mouth
"You can't be yelling in a person's house! What's wrong with you?" I giggled and moved her hand "I've been here lots of times, they don't care cause they always yell at each other..it's normal"
as Janna was gonna speak I heard footsteps and as I looked up star was wearing a light pink dress with black flats and her hair in adorable space buns.
I blushed a bit but I shift my head away from her "Hey Marco!" She runs into me and hugs me "Hey star..you look pretty" she giggles "Thanks is this the famous Janna you spoke about?" Janna raised a brow at me
"Yes, she's is Janna meet star..star this is Janna my childhood friend" Star held her out as Janna just made a fist "You seem alright" she said and star awkwardly giggled "I guess?" I could feel this getting awkward so I started walking out
"Lets go get milkshakes!" The girls followed and it was kinda silent well from Janna cause me and star were talking non-stop about things and her still going crush on Oskar
"Janna you okay?" I asked seeing she was staring into space "What? Yeah I'm fine just a little tired" I gave her a look but I knew I shouldnt pest her about it "Okay if you say so"
When we arrived at the Malt shop I went to order the milkshakes with some treats. I looked back at the girl who sat across from each other, Star looked out of place and Janna just glared at her. I wonder if bringing star was a mistake?
Cause what Janna said was right...this was our thing..whenever our parents were out we go and get milkshakes and just talk but seeing this...Janna looks distant and not really herself "Here you go kid"
I looked at the cashier and took the order and brought it to the table "So I got your favorites, Janna chocolate with vanilla sticks and cherries..along with a bowl of mini kitkats" she smiles and looks at me "Thanks..your awesome" I smiled seeing her loosen up
"And for star, vanilla and chocolate swirl with a side of Hersheys" she giggles "You know me so well thanks" I blushed a bit as I look back at Janna she had a scowl she looked upset "Have you guys been here before?" I look at her and star
"No, star comes here with her parents she told me what milkshake she likes months ago I just kept it in mind" Janna scoffed "Yeah right...your head over heels for her Marco..stop acting so oblivious" she said with her head low
"What are you talking about? Me and star are just friends..she likes someone else I'm just trying to be nice which you aren't doing" I said a little annoyed "Janna?" She stood up and grabbed mine and her drink and threw at me and poor star
"Screw you!" I watched her storm out and I quickly went and got napkins for star "I'm so sorry Star" star sighs as she gets up "Marco..it's fine excuse me" she gets up and walks towards the bathroom and I do the same.
As i waited for star I managed to get her milkshake to go along with her candy "Here you are Star, I managed to ask them for a to go cup" we giggle a bit
"Marco, if this was your and Janna thing you should've just told me you couldn't hang with me. I would understand.." I sigh looking at the stain on her once beautiful dress and on my favorite hoodie
"She's never like that ever..I don't know what's wrong with her?" We began walking before star giggled softly "I think she has a crush on you.." she said as she took a sip from her drink
"What?! Yeah no way..Janna likes a someone else..she says I'm like annoying brother and that I'm too naive about things" star shrugs "Well she acted kinda off, she even asked if we came to the shop together? I think she was jealous about you having your attention on me.."
I sigh and looked down at my feet "She doesn't need to be..she lives right next door and she's always coming over everyday..I seeing you when your not busy or anything else that suddenly comes up" she nods
"Maybe she finds you attractive now..Cause you might've look awkward in middle school now that your in high school" I hated middle school, I had acne and wore glasses before I got contacts, braces and I was a little chubby before I started working out and taking karate
"I was an awkward kid in middle school...I'm actually glad I grew up to be a little decent" star laughs "What? Decent doesn't cut it your pretty handsome well to me that is but not compared to Oskar..he's really handsome"
she swoons and I shake my head but smiled because she called me handsome. As we walked I see a flower shop and I decided to buy star a sunflower she has a vase in her room filled with them
"Hold on a second" star nods and I quickly buy the flower she began to giggle "Really? Marco you wasted so much money on me today I shouldn't" I shook my head and placed it behind her ear and her face was a light pink
"It doesn't matter friends go the limit for others" she smiles and hugs me "Thanks Marco" I hugged back smelling the sweet jasmin from her hair and a little bit of jannas shake on her
"Your welcome" as we walked around some more star stopped in her tracks and fell to her knees "Star? Are you alright?" She smiles and nods "My legs are tired.." I smirked and knew I was gonna help her like always
"Want me to carry you on my back?" She smiles as she gets up slowly barely even standing straight "Yeah I would love that" I lowered myself so she can get on my back. As i held her tightly she began to sing and laugh
"Marco can I ask you something?" "Sure what's up?" She was silent for a bit before she said anything else "Do you think Oskar would go on a date with me? Like I practiced every night in my mirror hoping he says yes?"
I sigh and lowered my head..I've fallen for her but she yet to discover that..the only one that knows is Jackie and probably Janna "Um I believe he says yes..he's a cool dude" Oskar was actually pretty cool even though he's a flirt and doesn't stay committed to a relationship
"I'm excited now!" She hold tighter on me and I blushed seeing she won't be like this with me forever if she manages to change Oskars player heart "I wish you luck" as we giggled I see Oskar walking down the sidewalk
"Hey...now's your chance he's right there" she peeked over my shoulder and started shaking "Now?! What if i embarrass myself?! What if he doesn't think I'm cute?!" She starts shaking so much I almost lost my balance
"Hey relax he's pretty mellow"as she took a deep breath Oskar came into view "Hey Diaz, what's up?" I did our handshake as Star watched from behind "Oh who's this pretty little lady?"
"Its star..she had a question to ask" I looked at star who was red and looked like she was gonna burst "She does? I want to hear it" I gave her a nod and she took a deep breath "I wanted to ask you out on a date?" She waited and Oskar chuckled
"I would love to, Saturday at 7 alright?" She nods "Yeah I'll be waiting" he winks at her and says bye and takes off "See that wasn't that hard" she let out a loud sigh of relief "I thought I was gonna die! But thanks for being here for me Marco" I smirked
"No probelm.." as we arrived at her place she got down and hugged me "Thanks for today even if it started out bumpy" I shrugged "Its okay..next time it'll be just us or something?" She giggles
"Whatever you say Diaz, bye and get home safe" I nodded "Night star and will do" she walked inside and I took off in the evening as I got to my place I saw Janna sitting on my steps. I was a little upset with her but I can't be mad at her forever
"Marco before you tell me to go away I want to say sorry for acted that way..for spilling both drinks on you and poor star she didn't deserve that, I guess I was jealous?" Just like star said earlier "Well because it's our thing to do, it's tradition you might say?" I walked forwards and looked down at her
"Janna do you like me? In a like a romantic kinda way?" She tenses up and looks at me "What?! No I don't like you like that! What kind of question is that?!" I held her shoulder and leaned closer seeing her face flush red
"Your a liar.." her breath hitched and I moved away with a smirk "Good night" I entered my place and heard her groan "Hey! You can't do that to a girl! What kinda messed up friend does that?!" I chuckled and got ready for bed.
As i lay on my bed I turn and look at a photograph of my parents with me, it's I was 8 that was the last picture we took as a family before their jobs took off. As i lay back I think of Star and Janna, I like star..but Star likes Oskar, Janna likes me and I don't like her like that..so this just one messed up square I guess. "Why now?"
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