She's still strong but barely
Marco Pov
I been counting the days star has left before she had to go under the surgery. I was actually kinda scared and I could tell she was too but she didn't want to suffer in pain anymore and suffer more effects. I walked into her room eating a sweet treat that she made me get her "Thanks for the treat! So how are the finals?"
I shrugged "I already took mine, I just have to wait for my results. I'm pretty sure I've passed no doubt about it" she giggles and nods "Mr smarty pants, I wish I could be able to take least I can something to keep my brain working" I sigh noticing her eyes lowered "Star you okay?" She nods
"Yeah just thinking about the surgery..just a day away" she smiles even though she's terrified and hell I was too "Yeah but I believe you can pull through, I believe in you" I held her hands which were pale and boney. Star has lost so much weight from treatment and other medicines she's been prescribed.
Her once bright blonde hair slowly losing its color and almost turning a silver, and her cheeks so thin you can see her bones. It made me feel useless, I couldn't do anything to help..all I could do was be by her side and support her and keep her mind away from the negative thoughts.
"Star I feel like you should get a haircut?" I said running my fingers through her long wavy hair "A haircut? That's pretty cool..that sounds fun actually" this is the side I loved seeing, her bright smile and the excitement in her voice sent me to ease "My mom cuts hair? I can ask her? She'll happily do it?"
She nods "She wouldn't mind would she?" I shook my head "No, she'll be happy to do it, I'm pretty sure if I was a girl my mom would do anything with my hair" we laughed and looked at each other "Your hair is getting long though?" She said as she felt it "Yeah..I missed a few haircuts.." she smiles
"Marco I'm scared" I sigh and held her hands "I am i" she looks at me and at the window "What if my body doesn't hold or even survive it?" She looked worried "Hey what did I say about thinking about the negatives?" She kept her head lowered
"To think positives..sorry" I held her face and gave her a small kiss which made her relax "Its okay, let me call my mom so she can give you a haircut" she nods and I quickly call my mom. After a couple minutes my mother showed up with a bag filled with her things "Thanks you for doing this Mrs. Diaz"
"No problem honey, also you can all me Angie" they laughed and I helped star into a chair and my mom set her things up "This is actually exciting" Star said as she ran her hands through her long hair "I haven't had a haircut since I was 9" we chuckled before my mother moved me aside
"You go out..I want her to surprise you afterwards" I rolled my eyes "Okay mom" I left the room and walked around the hospital until I saw Eliza with a boy around her age "Hey Marco" she waved and patted a seat beside her "Hey Eliza, who's this?" "This is my brother Edwin..he came to visit today it's been a few months since I've seen him"
I nodded and noticed Edwin have a hearing aid in his ear "If your wondering what's's his hearing aid, he can't hear so he's had that since he was a baby "Oh so you know sign language?" She nods "Of course..he doesn't really talk so we sign" she poked his arm and he looked at her and me and he sign something I didn't know
"He is a friend of mine, his name is marco" she signs and he smiles and looks at me "He says hello, and nice to meet you" I smiled back "Same" the two continue playing with toys and I looked through my phone looking at stars pictures..well her old ones.
She looks so different from the beginning to now, like her life was fading away and nothing can stop it. "How's star?" Eliza manages to pull me away from my thoughts "She's fine, she's getting a haircut" she smiles "That's cool, why aren't you with her?"
"Cause she wants to surprise me" she giggles "Oh she's full of surprises" I nodded "Yeah..I should go check if she's done? See you around" she nods and waved along with her brother.
As i made towards the room I saw hair all over the floor and saw the bathroom door open and I decided to wait at the door just in case she was showering. I didn't want her to feel exposed even though I've seen her body.
I waited and I saw my mother pop out of the bathroom with a broom "Oh, get Marco..Star is showering..and dressing up so stay right there" I knew it "Of short did you cut her hair?" She smiles "You'll see sweetie just wait" after a few minutes I heard star giggle from the bathroom
"Can I come in?" My mother nods and I walk in and sit on the chair. A few seconds later Star walks out in a mint green short dress and her once beautiful long hair short with a small red bow. She looked beautiful and her smile made her glow a little bit brighter. She looked at me
"Does it look good?" I stood up and walked towards her "You look amazing Star, you look I don't even know" she blushes and looks at her feet "Marco..your too kind" I held her face and looked into her eyes "You look gorgeous, no matter what you look like"
she leans and gives me a sweet tender kiss and we laugh between it "Thanks Marco, also thank you Angie for doing this" "No problem Star, you look very mature with the look" she giggles and she kinda loses balance and I held her "Star..are you alright?"
She nods and I quickly move her to the bed, she groans and sighs as she lays back on the bed. I held her hand in my own and watched her go through pain. The pain increases since the last time, she shakes and cries when she can't do anything
"It hurts..Marco It hurts" I rubbed her head and looked at mother "I go get the nurse" mom took off and I watched as tears fell from her beautiful blue eyes. "Don't leave..please" she said through the pain that was very much there
"I won't leave Star" after a few seconds a couple nurses came and moved me away as they hooked Star back up to her medicines. Everything was crashing down in a matter of seconds. Just a day away and it's the most intense thing I'll ever experience. I pray it goes well and I'll be able to have star by my side.
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