Isn't she Lovely
Marco Pov
I watched her disappear through those double doors and I knew this was it. I pray she'll be okay and come through the surgery and nothing complicates anything. I have faith in her and she's strong and brave, beautiful. I started breaking down and her parents came around me "it's okay boy, she's a strong girl"
I nodded and we sat in the waiting room and watching doctors and nurses pass by us, the time somehow slowed down and it made me feel anxious "I know you want to see her.." I look beside me and saw her mother look at the doors "I want to see my daughter as well" I lowered my gaze and sigh
"You know, your the only boy who would go out of their way for Star.." she smirks and tilts her head "Star always told me when she was a little girl, she'll find her Prince that would love her and care" she giggles softly "I guess it was you.." she looked at me with tears in her eyes "I'm no Prince Mrs Butterfly.." she rolled her eyes
"Obviously..but to her you were" I chuckled slightly "I understand, I'm in love with her" I said avoiding her eyes "I've been since the moment we met, she just pushed me away until she gave in" she smirks and takes my hand
"I knew she loved you too, she would always talk about you at home or here when I visited..she didn't want to get attached because she didn't want you to be tied down if the worst happens" that definitely sounded like her "Typical star" "Tell me about it, she wouldn't admit it but she truly loves you Marco" I smiled
"I'm glad she did, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be out more or even express my feelings and being able to love again.." I moved my hand away from her and sat back in my seat and look at the door
"Star is unique, beautiful, outgoing, crazy..loud, funny, cheerful, amazing..determined, and most of all an experience" I smiled and looked down at my hands "I love every word I said that describes her..I wouldn't change it for a second" her mother started laughing but it was a sad one mixed with tears
"Did I say something wrong?" She shook her head and pulled me into a hug "No.." was all she said and I lowered my head on her shoulder, and thought about star. I wondered what she is thinking about during the whole thing. Is she thinking about us? Or a place she wishes to be one last time?
Two hours pass by and still no update on her surgery. It worries me and her parents as well, like is she breathing okay? Is she calm and not stressing out? So many things that I can't think straight "They are over here" I heard familiar voices and I smiled when I saw our friends "Marco" Jackie hugged me and Janna did as well
"Hey guys" "How's star? She doing okay?" Janna asked and I shrugged "I don't know..they haven't said anything" she sighs and walks towards the desk and Jackie holds my shoulder "How you holding up?" I shrug because I don't know what else to say? "Marco you're thinking positive right?" I nodded "Trying to its kinda hard Jackie" she nods
"I know it is, like I said last time we're here for you" "Seems Oskar isn't" "he can't..he lost his mother during a surgery" I forgot about that "Oh I forgot about he at least supporting her?" "Of course he is..he cares about her you know" I lowered my head "Yeah" we all sat down and waited and waited for anything but nothing..
The surgery has taken almost 8 hours and they still haven't told us anything about her. It was scaring me and hurting me and I just wanted to go somewhere and run. I need a break or something?! The waiting is killing me and seeing how delicate she looked made me even more afraid.
I could lose her..I mean not just me but her parents and family. I've never felt like this about any girl not even Jackie and I was in love with her. I guess I saw a future with Star, we be living far away from here where we can only see the stars and being able to let out thoughts be heard from above.
I didn't notice i ended up in the garden near the fountain "I need to relax..Marco, Star is strong and brave and she'll get through this, you know she will make it, you promised her" I sigh and sit down and I heard a voice "Hey Marco.." I look up and see Star? Wiped my face and she's smiling brightly and she's glowling brightly like the sun
"Star..please tell me your okay..I don't want to know if this is your ghost and your gone for good.." I broke down and started shaking my head "I'm not gone.." she said softly and she sat beside me and she placed her hand on my face and wiped the tears away "Your not?" She shook her head "No..I'm still here aren't I? Why are you freaking out you idiot"
I chuckled "because I don't want to lose you.." she giggles and tilts her head "You aren't gonna lose me" I was so unsure about that "How would you know?" "Because I've been through get your butt up and go inside and be with our friends and my parents, they need you in there..I need you"
I looked at her seeing her beautiful blue eyes glistening with tears "Promise me you'll pull through" she smiles and lowers her head "I promise you" I smiled and held her face and missed her, her lips tasted like vanilla and strawberries "I love you, you know" she giggles
"Figures you would" we laughed a bit and when I opened my eyes I was laying on the bench looking at the fountain "I was asleep..all of it was a dream" I stood up and ran inside the hospital and saw her parents asleep on the hospital chairs and my friends were gone, probably left home.
I walked towards the break room and brought them coffee. As I came near they woke up and smiled at me "Thank you.." I nodded and sat beside them smiling "She's going to be okay..I know it" her parents smirked and drank the coffee and I looked at the double doors waiting for her.
3 months later..
I looked up at the blue sky watching the autumn leaves blow by in small circles and it felt peaceful "Marco! Hurry up before we're late!" I chuckled and got up and ran towards the most beautiful girl in the world to me "I'm bossy"
she giggles and places a kiss on my lips and wraps around my waist "I'm only like this cause you told me to get ready early" I pulled her into an embrace and she looked at me "What?" I held her flushed face and kissed her deeply "Your here..with me" she laughs and rolls her eyes
"Of course I am, I made a promise you dummy" I sigh and we start heading towards our date "Star, I'm in love with you" she looks up at me and blushes "I know that Marco, I'm in love with you" we interwined our hands and continued walking and made it to the small restaurant
"I'm glad you stayed by my side through it all" "Of course..I know you would do the same" she hugs me and buried her head in my chest "Shut up you goofball" "Nah..I'm not gonna shut up princess" she looked up at me "So does that make you my Prince?" I gave her look and shrug
"Whatever you want me to be"
A/n the end! The story is over and I hoped you enjoyed it! Thanks for all the love and support in this book and thanks for reading it! Bye guys and hope you keep following me in other books
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