Marco Pov
I haven't seen Star since her parents called me about her condition..I'm actually scared to be beside her because I don't know what to do or say? I mean of course I want to be there and all but I'm not ready for the day where someone tells star make it..and I wasn't there when it happened.
I shake my head frantically as I lowered my head on my desk "Hey Diaz..you visiting Star later with me?" Oskar asked as he messed my hair "I don't know..I have karate practice" he rolls his eyes "Dude, just come with me..Star looks so scared without you there..she even asked me about you"
I blushed and looked at him "S-she asked about me?" He chuckles and nods "Yes..she does it's been 3 days since you last saw her..she thinks she scares you off with her condition" I shook my head "Nah..I'm just processing, get how did that date go?" He smirks
"It was good, she was mostly spaced out and not in a mood" I sigh "Oh.." as he sat down in his own seat I checked my phone and saw my photo of Star sitting on the ground minding her own business
She was beautiful no matter how what she looked like, but lately her hair has been turning pale and her skin as well..everytime I look at her she's withering away just like a flower. "Marco!" I pop out of my thoughts and see Janna looking worried and I turned off my phone
"What?" "Come on..class is over? You feeling alright?" I nod and leave her behind..as I walk out the front of the school janna and jackie stop me "Stop it right there" i groan and rolled my eyes "Where are you going?" "Its Tuesday, I have karate practice can you both move?" The girls shook their heads and I sigh
"Not today, you're going to see Star..give her flowers and some treats and say a few compliments" Jackie said fixing my messy hair "But I missed too many practices" Janna scoffs "Just go see that girl Marco! You obviously want to!" She was blushing but she didn't look at me "Fine..I'll go see her"
As i stopped by a flower shop and a candy store I walked towards the hospital. I froze as I saw the building seeing people walk in and out of it, I felt my heart race and I felt like I was gonna pass out "Hello, here to see Star Butterfly?" I nodded blushing a bit "Yes I am" the woman smiled "Those look lovely" I smiled "Yeah"
As i walked towards her room, and hear giggling and singing..as I peeked I see star on her phone singing along to her music and watching something on her phone. "Knock, knock" she stopped and smiled as she saw me "Hey! Come here I missed you" I blushed and slowly walked towards her as she pulled me into a hug "You did?"
She pulls away as she smiles at me "Of course I did, also what kind of guy just leaves a girl hanging after they pour their entire feelings out!" I blushed of embarrassment "I'm sorry! I was processing everything it was something new to me and I was scared.." she gasps as she lowered her but she began chuckling
"Well..since your here I get a free day out in town" I raised a brow "Do you think that's a good idea?" She nods "Of course it is, it's better than staying in this boring and lonely room..don't you think?" I nod as I placed her treats down and flowers "don't leave the treats! We need them for us! I have a couple hours before I have to be back..have anything you want me to see?" I smiled and nodded "Yeah I do actually"
After she was dressed we began walking as she stood by my side closely just in case she falls "Theirs a fair in town..we can have fun there and maybe after watch the stars.." she giggles and holds tight on my arm "That sounds like fun..I can't wait" I smiled seeing her beautiful smile..she hasn't been herself for awhile and I want her to be positive and upbeat
"How was that date with Oskar?" She looks at me and shrugs "It was alright but I couldn't really leave to go to the concert..it's a shame and talking with him felt more as a friendship then a relationship..but I still think there is hope in him" what are you doing star? He's not worth it I am..you don't deserve a guy like him at all
"Why you ask? I thought you see him at school since your friends?" I nod "I was really out of it for a couple days I wasn't myself lately" star sighs "Is it because of me?" She stood walking as I looked at her, her hair losing its color and her once vibrant skin to a pale white
"No..I have stuff going on in my home so it doesn't really relate to this" she tilted her head "Is your home okay? Your parents okay?" I sigh and nodded "Yeah..I just miss them that's all..it gets lonely you know being in a house by yourself even though you have nice neighbors that can watch over you but..it's not the same"
I wiped my eyes as I looked at star who walked a little closer to me "Hey..it's okay your parents will be back soon..and when they do you'll be the happiest you've been in a while" as she stepped back I looked down from her eyes to her lips and I see a smile on her face.. I quickly grabbed her face and placed my own on her soft beautiful lips..it's everything that I imagined
"Marco?" As I blink star is staring at me a little awkwardly "What? Did I leave somewhere?" She nods as she holds my hand "Yeah..I was calling your name but you just weren't here? Is there something on your mind?" Yeah I want to feel your lips on mine just once and I'll never bother you again
"No..come before the fair closes" she held my hand and we interlocked them and my breath hitched, I didn't expect her to do that "Alright..hey take it easy okay?" I nodded and kept my head lowered as we made it. It smelled liked carnival food and treats and star pulled me towards it all
"Marco I want this! Please?" She said pointing at a teddybear with a tutu on "Alright let's see if I can win this for you" she stood back and the guys handed me 5 balls to knock all the cans down..I missed the first but I focused and got the rest. I won the teddybear and handed it to star who was smiling and holding on te bear "She's so cute! Thanks marco" she hugged me and we continued on.
After multiple games and stuffed animals it was time for us to watch the stars again. I was excited to watch them cause star would look amazed and the light above us shining bright "I haven't been able to see the stars clearing from the room" I look at star who looks like she's losing her balance "Star?"
She falls and I quickly went by her side as she looks at me "I'm sorry Marco.." she started crying and I shook my head "Hey..it's okay, we can watch them at the hospital" she bury her head into my chest and held tight. She feels guilty because she's not strong enough and can't hold herself like she used to "Are you sure?"
I nodded and picked her up "Yeah, I'm just glad I could spend the whole day with you" she blushes and lowered her head "Me too.." she said softly. As we made it to the hospital the nurses took her away from me and stretched her arm for me but I was pushed back "Come back tomorrow, it's too late" I nodded "Alright.." I could see Star being carried into the double doors and I had no choice but to go home.
As i opened my door I noticed the lights were on. Either Janna and jackie are here or my parents are finally home "Mom? Dad?" I walked slowly as I walked towards the living room I thought I saw a ghost but no..my mother was standing right there "Marco..I'm home"
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