3rd person
their is a kingdom name
( author: yeah i know im genius (smirk)
gray: shut up !!!
author: hahaha 😂😂
gray: (face palm) just go back to the story and shut it !!!
author: (dark aura) were you shouting at me ?! (raise eyebrow)
gray: (shiver) no im not !!! (shouted)
then he run but the author left dumbfounded ... )
it was raining hard ...
the blue haired man or the king of the kingdom RAVE LOCKSER ... look at his wife he knows that she was in pain right now. he took her one hand and careless her right cheek
they are at the room of the king and queen ...
then they heared her shout again
arghhhhhhhh !!!! the black haired woman shouted ...
JULIA REDFOX LOCKSER the queen of the kingdom ...
she was on labor right now . she was laying on the bed and the midwife of the queen was helping her
you can do this my queen ... i know our little angel would come out soon he said and smiled at his wife ..
the pour of the rain become so heavy , thunder storm, the roar of the sky could hear, and when her last push , they heared a loud cry ....
the midwife shouted gleefully ..
that's where their princess born the heirs of their kingdom...
the queen smiled when she saw her little blue haired princess and being clean by her midwife .. she was too tired , she felt a weight on her eye's and began to drifted to sleep ..
the king smiled to his angel , his princess and he started to hold her .. she was too cute to be not watch ...he careless her cheek using his thumb and the princess giggle ...
she was beautiful having a blue hair like him and looking like her queen / her mother ... she has a white porcelain skin and so soft ... he cant stop admiring her ...
his mind is thinking what will be his princess name would be and it hit him
i want to call her PRINCESS JUVIA LOCKSER the king said and smiled ...
my little raindrop he whisper and the princess smile its like she loves and understand what the king said and the king smile one more
on the forest their was a group of men that was planning something ...
what would it be ?
end of chapter
wohoooo hahahaha this is another gruvia 😂😂😂 ....
gray: would you stop shouting !!!
juvia: author-sama !!!!
gray got ignored
author: hey juvs 😂 !!!
juvia: hows your day?(smile)
gray: hey !!! dont ignore me !!!
still they were not giving him an attention
author: fine i guess ? hahaha ... how about you ?
juvia: same as well (smile) ...
but still got ignored
i know im still an amatuer writter and not so good BUT THE IMPORTANT IS I LOVE JUVIA VERY MUCH hahaha xD
....... alleadle05
see yah on next chap 😂
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