~Chapter 3 - Felicia Weisz~
~Katherine Funneh La~
The next morning, I woke to the morning sun.
"C'mon Funneh! We're going to be late!" Gold said. Me and my siblings gave each other nicknames and well...They stuck.
"Coming!" I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, change my clothes and ran downstairs. I grabbed a granola bar, not wanting to eat Gold's 'crispy' food. We ran all the way to school and made in time. We walked together to our separate homerooms. I checked the clock and saw that we were 10 minutes early! I shook my head and gave a playful glare at Gold. She giggled. We went to the bathroom to fix my hair. I headed over to the washroom and just as I was nearly there, I felt myself trip over something! I fell on the ground and hit my jaw. I groaned in pain as there was an iron taste in my mouth. Blood. I looked up and saw Felicia and Brittney laughing at me.
"Funneh!" I saw Gold running towards me. Alec, Aly and Kyran were behind her.
"Are you okay?!" Kyran asked.
"Y-Yea," I said. It hurt to move my lips.
"You got cut on your lips!" Aly exclaimed, inspecting my bottom lip. I reached up and winced in pain at the slight contact. It must have been severe. I looked at the ground and saw that there was a pencil on the ground with blood at it's tip! My 4 friends helped me to the Nurse's office, but Felicia stopped Alec and began flirting with him. That was when I felt something...Jealousy...Why though?
"I'm afraid your lip is deeply cut. What happened?" Asked the school nurse.
"I-I fell," I said. I didn't want to tattle on Felicia...She is the daughter of the head of the department of education. (UwU)
"Well. Be careful next time," she said.
"Okay." Gold, Aly and Kyran walked with me to my homeroom class. I walked into the classroom and sat in the back as usual. Alec came in a few seconds before the bell rang.
"What did you and Felicia talk about?" I asked. Why was I curious?
"She invited me to lunch."
"Oh..." Why was I jealous? (I smell a ship~)
"But I declined."
"Why?!" I asked. I shot my head up. "No one would ever turn down a request from Felicia Weisz!"
"Because she is just a stuck up, barbie wannabe brat," Alec said, winking at me. I felt my heart melt. Why was I like this? I giggled slightly. "It's true," he said. I smiled. My practiced smile.
At lunch, I heard Felicia trying to get Alec to eat with her at her Lunch table. I nodded at him, telling him that he could go sit with her.
"No," I heard Alec said. He came to the table we were sitting at. Apparently the others overheard the conversation.
"NO ONE turns down an invite to sit with Felicia at lunch!" Gold said.
"No one except for me," Alec said. Evelyn giggled.
"Hey! Do you guys wanna come to Funneh's dance recital today?" Gold asked.
"We've been clearing up or schedule! Of course we'll come to see our friend!" Ayano said.
"How about you Alec?" Kyran asked.
"I'll be able to go!" Alec said.
"Great!" Kai exclaimed.
. . .
Gold and I allowed Alec to ride with them to the dance recital.
"So Katherine Funneh La. Is this your Boyfriend?" Lunar cooed.
"WENNY!" I yelled, my face warm. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Alec's red face..
"ANYWAYS!" Gold said, giggling. "This is Wenny or Lunar if you prefer and Betty or Rainbow."
"Is it only you girls?" Alec asked.
"No..." Lunar said.
"WE'RE HERE!" Rainbow said, changing the subject. I jumped out and grabbed a duffel bag on the floor and ran inside the building, tying my hair up.
. . .
"Felicia Weisz from the Westside Dance Academy!" Felicia walked onto stage, her ginger hair up in a tight bun, wearing a light pink leopard and skirt. She grinned and began. The entire time, I was practicing backstage. My family didn't have enough money, so I did this for the prize money to help my family. Even though it isn't what I love, it is for a good cause. Once my name was caused, I stepped out onto the stage, in a golden blue leopard and skirt. I moved stiffly, careful not to mess up. My hair was in a tight bun, eyes closed. (Wait- Can you imagine this? DOESN'T IT SEEM LIKE I AM DESCRIBING BALLORA?!) I made my way to the back. I knew Gold had recorded it all. I made one mess up. Felicia was perfect.
"Third Place! Rose Lanewood!" A red haired girl walked onto stage and was awarded 3rd place.
"Second Place! Felicia Weisz!" Felicia's jaw dropped. She obviously saw my mess up. She walked onto stage.
"FIRST PLACE! KATHERINE LA!" I smiled. I walked onto stage and was given the golden trophy.
. . .
I placed my prize money on the kitchen counter.
"Do you love dancing?" Alec asked.
"Not really," I said. "But it is for my family."
"What do you really love?" Alec asked as we went up to my bedroom.
"I-I'm not really sure," I whispered. I turned on my music and began practicing a new routine.
"What is the last thing you remember that you love?"
I was silent for a moment, moving along to the music. "Gaming," I answered. Alec turned off my music and turned on my laptop.
"Then do what you love," I smiled and dug into my drawer. I pulled out two old gaming remotes. I handed one to Alec and for the rest of the day, we had fun playing games.
"Thanks Alec," I said.
"It's what I'm here for."
"What?" I was confused.
"Nevermind," Alec said.
Y E E T !
La Pleb was here...She has died from...Well...N o t h i n g . . .
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