Tagged + Update
Ah yes, I was tagged....Thank u ShipMau317 since i was planning to do an update today anyways XD
Crush? - None, never plan on having one. I dont need a stupid guy
Middle Name? - Dont you mean middle NAMES
Shoe size? - 3's....What im small ok!
Eye color? - Its varies from any green to any blue with golden always around the pupils( they change from any green to any blue )
Biggest Read? - In real life? Umm.. It was called 'Fire Tear' I think
Last Time I cried? - NOT INCLUDING FANGIRL OR WHEN I YAWN....Eummm....Its embarrassing! Im not going to say!
Last Song I Listened To? - *Checks* Nightcore ~ Inner Demon
Last person I texted? - By a phone text? my mom, spamming her. TO GET HER TO ANSWER MY CAWLL TO SEE IF I COULD GET A WOLF-DOG! which is a maybe
Relationship Status? - As i said before I need no guy in meh life and no I dont like girls
Favorite Sports Team? - Football, Hawkeyes. WHAT DONT JUDGE!!! But I literally just realized that the name XD
Favorite Color!? - Red, Blood red :)
Best Friend? - Somebody Ive know since i was one, her name? Madison, Maddie for short
Favorite Celebrity? - I guess Aphmau
Any scars? - Yes! Actually theres a long story behind these but i once fell on my side when I was six and have a bunch of scars there and otherwise....im not going to say
Ever done drugs? - Never, there stupid, let them die in the ditch
Ever kissed? - In your dreams i would kiss somebody in real life id kill them
Logic: She hates Aaron from Aphs channel now im running( AND I HATED WRITTINNGG TTHHIIISSS )
*One hour later*
Height? - 4'10........
.....Dont judge.....
I tag SkyGrimWolf
Nows for the update!
So incase you guys dont know yet im about to finish another book im writing...In draft. Why have i left it in draft for so long? Because if I posted it i would get lazy and never write another chapter of it again. Its what happened with 'The Wolf'. The creative side of my brain was just shut down and i never had any ideas anymore. I stopped writing it for atleast a few months then somebody asked me to finish the final chapter which i did for them, so thank them for asking that, if allowed me to get inspired to write the final chapter.
I tried not to long ago to upload this hidden story to u guys yet after an hour of puttingf it up i felt like i didn't need to write it anymore, i couldn't write anymore since everything i had in my head went POOF! and was gone. And immediately took it down before anybody started reading it.
And even days after getting it unposted i still couldn't write anything. It wasn't untill a few days ago that i actually got inspired to write it once again, and i can't rush myself either. But good news its coming out soon!
And also, just a question i thought you might ask one time is why 'do u only upload this once a week?' So i can give myself time to write.
School is coming up. And i know some are just getting out but for me, in a few weeks ill be going back to school ;( and that means work.
Ill have my MYTHSTRY story done in a few days( i have 2 chapters left and is working on one now ) then ill start writing this one again until im completely done with this story then by that time ill most likely have a week until school comes which will give me time to start writing book 2 of my MYTHSTRY story.
And then once school comes around ill most likely be bullied. Why? Because i just happened to be going to a school that is known for having bad kids and you may ask 'why did u choose to go to this school?' I DIDNT!
1 because all the other schools where too far away
2 there was no way i was getting into a special school
And about the bullying part, im small and anti social, And practically scream 'HEY PICK ON ME!!' Bullying wont bother me though because ive already accepted my demons so i wont really care about what they cawll me.
But if it goes to fighting - which ill state once again the school im going to is well known for that - ill be a main target. Im fragile, small, and have no bite to back up my bark. And ill also have no friends.
The two friends that i say i felt like a thrid wheel around arent really my friends. All of my other friends but two are going to a different school.
Maddie, is advanced in all classes while im only advanced in language arts. So we might have one class together - no wait we wont since she signed up for a program that gave her those advanced classes and getting the same classmates every year so no, i will never have the same class with her OR my other friend since shes in the same program. I didnt get to sign up BTW
Sooo ill be a loner, good kid, not smart, small and fragile, u see what i mean now? Perfect target but HA! Learen me idiots since i dont give a life what people think about me
But still, it will hurt, so ill need support durning school time. My friends online where never online durning the summer so lets say goodbye to that idea so i pretty much have nobody - not even my family
But speaking of school i haven't stuided at all durning the summer. But u guys could help SO much if you give me some tips for 7th grade. Please ive already thought of my first day and im just temped to skip since if i step a foot in there ill become the one whos alone and i dont want that.
My personality the last time i changed schools killed the old me, ill never be the old me again. Never ever. So if it affected be that bad WITH friends, i cant imagine what I'd do to me WITHOUT friends and considering ive thought about this my personality is only gonna get more wolf like
Yes, while i was going through everything i had the imagination that i had ears and a tail. Its why i feel so connected with wolves, became i partly let myself become one and its only gotten worst. Now instead of just rubbing on things i full on roll over and if somebody who doesn't have my blood when my dad isnt looking i rub against that thing became i can tell people apart from there scents, yes i have that good smell and my hearing and vision are equal to that( its a curse, you dont want it, literally im in a filtered air right now and i smell the filtered air. Doesn't smell good... )
And ill go back into that mask of a wolf if i go to school. I know i will. Ive already started. So please, while im writing these stories please tell me u luv them. It'll give me a reason to be happy, Fairy Tail just ended. Aphmau has practically stopped MCD and there is really nothing else other than...wattpad and thats it
My dog is gone, my one happiness in life is gone. Im not asking for votes or reads, i just want to make people who are in my place happy, not the sad, never happy and always mad expression person. I cant even smile since it feels so WEIRD even if they are real! The only happy thing i do is laugh and wattpad.
I also can hear peoples voice change when there lying, yes, ive been lied to my ENTIRE life and can tell when other people lie and tell how there feeling by voice, its not fun especially if you have a wolf personality.
As a wolf a growl is a non happy emotion or punishment translated into our voices as humans. So when somebody talks like that an never ending feeling of guilt runs through my body then i feel like i deserve nothing so i usually stop everything im doing and just lie there doing nothing.
Ive ranted for too long where almost at 1500 words. So if u did read this i will upload a new chapter tomorrow and have a new book coming out really soon but please dont give me pity, i hate it.
Words: 1482
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