So hi there! For whoever actually decides to sit down and read this and enjoyed my terrible writing in this book, then I apologize deeply that I had to let this story get adopted. I had no inspiration to keep me going and even though I had 750 readers I felt as if I got no support and nobody really looked forward for the next chapter in my story, I had no desire to write anymore chapters at that point.
And person who had adopted this story, I'll put thw credit to her once she gets the next chapter out.
But for those very little - most likely nobody - people who actually had an enjoyment of reading my plot and how my voice worked in my stories, I have three stories in the writing. One I have to edit, two I have to finish. And I wanted to take a pole to see which of the three books would seem the most interesting to you that may make you want to read it.
Also please note I started this in February, AND IT'S TERRIBLE! In the past months my writing has improved, and here is a little segment out of one of my OC'S story( Not one above )
Her white fur seemed to shimmer as the moon glared down at her, the wolf titled her head the slightest with a pained look in her eyes. She didn't understand why.. Why did they have to be taken away, and how did she just allow herself to stand by as if nothing was happening?! "How could I possibly fail more?" She had said, and now look! Her friends - practically her family! - had been taken by the Serfüriês! And what did she do?! She had hid!
Her head titled down as her blood trailed her teeth, atleast she thought it was hers. The white tail wacked the ground and repeated this action over and over again! She was so stupid! It was obviously just a trap and their capture apparently had no blame on her!
She was the only one to blame! She didn't care what her parents said! They all felt like lies! In fact why was she still here?! "Because you know it's impossible to even damage a serpent! And that it's a hopeless cause, their obviously goners." Her foot yanked up from the ground then went straight back down as her Sister's voice filled her ears and her face scrunched up until her teeth where revealed and a growl was rumbling from her throat.
Those words went all against Kèta's morals! Kèta had created them all for a reason and to prove to everyone that nothing was hopeless! Atleast that's what the tales said, the wolf slowly let her body become unmoving as she remembered the harsh voice yelling in her ears.
"Not true, Nekülo!" She whistled silently to herself, "Kèta is forever real! Kèta just had to have a reason for letting all of this happen!"
Not the best I can do, since its with an OC I literally just made up a few minutes ago XD.
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