Chapter 2
|| Aphmaus POV ||
( Oh and for those who say'APHS FOUGHT A GAWKEN WITH A UNENCHANTED DIAMOND SWORD' Just dont! I know this and i said that for PLOT reasons )
I looked back at my guards, looking confused-I would fake myself out of this...I would and I could....I need to keep secrets...Some secrets are ment to be secrets.
"L-Lord Aphmau...What was that....?"Garroth askes me and I start to fake...And lie....I hated to do this but its for their safty. I suddenly look down at my hands in shock in fear running through my eyes, "I-I dont know what happened..."I say while my eyes widening as I glance at my hands. Belive it or not I dont even know what happened.
"It may have been something related to your past, you said you didnt remember right?"Laurance saids walking up next to Garroth while proving his point. I respond with a nod as Garroth looks at me, Hey it wasent a lie-It WAS something from my past.
"Lord Aphmau, you promise your not lying to us?"Garroth askes me while I look up at them and see that they have all looked at me as I look back at Garroth. "I promise you Garroth! I dont have any secrets!"I respond in a voice of emotions that even confused me.
Suddenly After a FEW[ ILLLL NNNEEVVVEERRRR SSSTTTAAAPPPP ] moments of silence Dante walks up next to Laurance. "Ahem," Dante saids at first and we all look at him, "If i may suggest should we go see if Emmalyn knows what that monster is?"Dante saids trying to break the akwardness in the air as I peep up.
"I-Ill go ask and for the body...."I say and glance at the...Monsters body. "Why is it even here...?"I whisper to myself while looking back forward and Laurance gets my point and nods as I start walking to Emmalyn's.
But what had Loki done? Why is there a Gawken HERE? Did he send it or did it swim over an OCEAN!!
I clench my fist as a new look appears on my face.
What have you done? You bastard...
But as I thought this, it felt...TO familiar for my liking as a small voice suddenly speaks-in a memory.
'Hes just a plain darn bastard!'
My eyes widen at this voice, I didnt know this voice - but this memory, it was all to familiar in my eyes. Did Loki make this play throught my mind!? Wait does he even know where I am?
Suddenly i see Emmalyn"Emmalyn!"I call out to her cheerfully and walk over to her"O-oh Hello Aphmau! How has your day gone?"Emmalyn askes me while looking at her book to me and look over to her library
Then I wondered, How am i sopose to explain this to Emmalyn without...Scaring her a bit...I breath in and out for a moment and look at Emmalyn"Emmalyn, Do you happened to know anything about a monster thats green, About twice my size with webbed hands..?"I ask her-Or more like asking myself if that was an accurate explanation as her eyes light up
Emmalyn pulled up her bag and pulled out a book that had a picture of a Gawken on it"Is this what your looking for? I just finished it so you can read it if you need to"Emmalyn offers me handing me and book and i grab it and look at it..."Thanks,Emmalyn for the help!"I say to her and her eyes go back to her book as i walk of and go to my house and see Zoey
"Lord Aphmau! Are you okay?!"Zoey askes me quickly while opening the door as i respond with a nod as Garroth comes running up to us"Did you find anything from Emmalyn around that monster?"Garroth Gawkens out quickly as i laught inside my head at that joke as i hold out the book to Garroth"I think they may be called Gawkens because of the title"I respond to him while handing the book over as he takes it and looks at it
"Garroth, For now make sure that nothing happens while I look up what I can find"I say to Garroth and he nods and hands the book back then goes back down the trail as I look at Zoey as Levin and Malachi come running out
"Mom!"Malachi calls out while running over to me and when Levin reaches me"Mommy!"Levin saids happily as i give a small smile"Levin,Malachi!"I say extictly to them with a smile on my face, but because that Gawken was there- Was i truely smiling right now?
I look at the Sun and see its setting as i look back down at the boys"It seems like its your bedtime"I say to them with a smile as their smiles fade away"Yeah, You guys need your rest if you want to grow big and strong!"Zoey saids excitedly to the boys as a smile appears of Malachi's face
"Mom! Can you tell us a story"Malachi askes excitedly to me as Levin saids 'YES!YES PLEWUSE MOMA!' A bumch of times and i laught"Of corse!"I reply to them as they cheer and we all walk into the house then go into there room as Zoey tucks in Malachi and I tuck in Levin
"Storyyyyy!"Levin saids excitedly and i laugth "Im gonna get to it....Hmm....Oh!"I reply to Levin then get a smile on my face as i start the story i just made up"One day theres a girl with brown hair walking down the street, She had a very happy life! She could have never asked for a better one. She lived in a village,Or Kingdom of this sorts. Everyone was nice and kind...But there was one who roamed the Kingdom who wanted darkness to be spread. He was the Villian, His brother was the king and he wanted that power"I say relating alot to what ive known throught out my life and didnt even relise it myself as i countuined with the story Malachi askes a question
"Who is this princesses name?"Malachi askes in interest as Levin yawns and i give a small laught"Well,Lucy could be her name"I reply to Malachi with the first name that came to head as Levin smiles and nods as Malachi laughts at his brother while Zoey sits next to Levin listening to the story
"One day this evil person attacked their home! The princess was in the castle along with her mother was running down the staires along with her older brother right behind them. As they reached the bottem they all went towards the back door entrance while the guards fought away the army the girls uncle had brought. Meanwhile with the father, He and His brother fought bravly angiest each other. After hours of war the brother and father fought and where exaused from fighting eachother. Then an agreement came. They agreed to have peace together and an alliance, so in the end they all lived happily ever after......."I tell the story to Levin and Malachi as Zoey slowly leaves the room half way throught when Levin falls asleep and Malachi has his eyes sleeply and goes to sleep as soon as i finsihed- But i didnt finish"I wish it was The End....But there never is an 'END' to my little adventure is there?"I say outloud while looking down at my two kids
I glance at the book about the Gawkens, as a small pained look appeared on my safe. Loki has done one of them atleast
Loki....Who did you do it to?....And what are you doing...?
I walk down the stairs and into the Kitchen and see Laurance, most likely explaining what happened today while we where fighting the Gawken. But ive never been able to use the lighting without my magical paper weight and because AUTHOR~SAN CANT REMEMBER HOW TO SPELL ITS NAME -_- ( SSTTAAAPPPP ITTTT!!!!!! )
Anyways, Zoey noticed me walk down the stairs and looks at me. Laurence must have told her about the electric paralzation thing from eariler
"Lord Aphmau?"Zoey saids looking at me with realization in her eyes as i look at her freaking out on the inside as i gain my normal personality around them"What is it Zoey?"I ask her with a normal voice trying not to show that im acutally freaking out
What if she knows something?! Has she always knowned?! Or am I over reacting about this!?
|| Zoeys POV ||
"L-Lord Aphmau..."I say while standing up and walking up to her, a nervous look appearing her in eyes"I think i might have ment someone from your past"I say to her nicely while she gasps in shock and takes a step back with shock filling her eyes as i hear a step behind me,with a clank to it. I knew it was Laurance as i let out a shaky breath remembering that day
"It happened about Two Months before you appeared at Phenoix Drop..."
I was quickly running throught the forest trying to get throught the underbrush of the forest. I was running away from this green monster thingy, I tried using my barrier but it always broke throught for some odd reason
I finally make it into an open area that seemed cleared out and i see a village.'Oh MY IRENE!!! AN ACUTALLY VILLAGE!' I scream in my mind in relief as i hear the monster roar behind me as i run faster trowards the village then see a path as i hear the monster roar and stomping behind me
'Please let somebody be there! Please let somebody be there!' I say in my mind praying to Irene for help as soon as i get closer i see two people in weird suits, i wasent going to question it tho as they hear the monsters roar and turn around
Pure fear appears inmy eyes as i fall to the floor, I triped on a log. I look back at the monster and see its close as i clench my eyes shut and sit there but never feel pain until i hear a voice"Hey,are you okay?" i hear a voice say. It seemed like a guys voice, it was calm
I open my eyes to see the monster on the ground dead and a man in a metal suit that shined a bit and a manchinal person that also seemed to shine as i took a shakey breather in and out"Y-Yeah...I-Im find just o-out of breath..."I respond to them shakely as i look at the monster with one question on my mind
"Its called a Gawken,i guess that its not from your parts"The one with the suit saids awsnering my question, as i look at them i wondered who they where"Er, Who are you guys anyways?" I ask them as the one in the suit is the first to speak
"Im Sly,Or Iron Man and Thats Katz, Or Cyborg"The one in the suit saids then the one called Katz speaks up"Im pretty sure if your not from around here then you dont know what a super hero is do you?"Katz askes me and i nod yes, Where these two superheros then?
Suddenly a lighting strike is heard as i see both glance at each other and i see its storming over there, that might mean i might get stuck here for a while. I look a both of them and remembered"Also im Zoey, and thanks for helping me"I respond to them as Katz nods yes and glances at Sly and snaps his fingers"Sly,Sly,Sly!"Katz saids while snapping his fingers in front of Sly as he snaps( No Pun Intended ) out of it
"E-er..."Sly saids nervously while looking at Katz"We've looked,and looked Sly. Where trying...I know how you felt....We all care for her,her fire is still lit so shes alive"( AHEM MAYBE SLYMAU...IM STILL NOT SURE THO )
I gain interested, but i shouldn't intrude into there personal lives. I feel like i shouldnt intrude onto this but i relise that Sly had flowned of as Katz looks at me"Sorry about him, We use to have a friend that he cared- All of us cared for. And on the same day one of our other friends when missing also. I guessd the lighting just reminded him of her"Katz responds to me and i respond with an 'Oh' honstally not knowing what to say, suddenly laugther was heard
"Hahaha! I guess Castor IS fried chicken!"Katz saids with a little laugther in his voice as i look in confusion" Haha! Inside joke...Anyways Castor was one of the two who went missing, the other one who when missing was Jess"
"And after that...He said that Jess was Lady Thor so she used lighting meanwhile while Castor had super speed and was Hawk Eye"I explain to Aphmau then stop to notice she had a small tear running down her face as Laurance just stood in shock
|| Aphmaus POV ||
I LEFT to PROTECT them....But why....There....Why....I dont want them to....die...
I feel a tear run down my face as Zoey and Laurance notice this tear...One tear respresented me...The one who was the broken, I quickly wipe away the tears that where going to fall and just look at them
"Lord Aphmau?"I hear Laurances voice ask as my vision becomes blurred out and black as i feel my head hit the ground and a small shout
( A/n Secons Chapter! BTW no chapters have names since i cant think of any or there not good and have no relation to the chapter, Sorry about that also. Anyways I hope you understand and thanks and I hope you enjoy the chapter! )
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