Chapter 10
|| Aphmau POV ||
I sigh in defeat while looking at Sly, "Your hopless..."I mutter to myself, this time not letting him hear but he still sends a glare knowing I said something.
"Jess..."Sly saids while walking up to me, standing above me but it doesn't phaze me. "What happened to you?"Sly asked me while I froze at this question as Kala seemed confused.
I look at Sly with confusion in my eyes. "What?"I ask him in confusion as Kala takes a step back knokwing something was about to happen.
Right now I was just about to cook dinner when all of this went down, it was a moment that I think was memory I would want to forget. Yet, It stook with me.
"What happened, Jess? Where is she? She was here yesterday! What happened?"Sly asked me with eyes I couldnt understand. I bite my lip and stop breathing for a moment as I look away with disappointment in my eyes as I remember why I left.
Sly used his teleport yesterday, and because of this his got caught and reset also and it hasn't been 24 hours since that moment.
I look back at Sly, as I stand and look at him with sad eyes. "I dont know"I say without trying to sound blunt, but thats how it just came out.
Kala and Sly look at me in shock after that. For a moment I don't do anything and start to walk away, as I start to walk away Sly grabs my hand and pulls me back.
There was sympathy in his eyes as he looked at me. "I dont know what happened! One day I was me and then the next my head is absolutely hurts!"I whisper shout angerily while Sly released me from his grip as I walked up stairs and covered my face with my hands.
I was just so angry for no reason and felt worn down and teared in half and also a huge pain in my head. "Loki..."I say to myself quietly while letting myself sit against the wall.
"What kind of spell did you use?"I ask myself while letting myself sigh quietly in defeat to myself as I hear footsteps.
"Mom? Is everything okay?"Malachi askes me while standing in front of me. I quickly lift my head up with a small happy smile to cover up my pain.
"Yes, Malachi. Now shouldn't you be in bed?"I say to Malachi while putting on the fake smile I had as Malachi doesn't belive the smile is real.
"Mom, when I first meant you I was a ghost. And I could read minds."Malachi starts as I freeze, So just how much of my past did he know? "When I first meant you all, I read your mind. I didn't look to far in thought but I did figure out one thing."Malachi saids to me as I gulp.
Please not that, At this time I think I would completly lose control of it and faint while everyo-
"I know you have Irene's power."Malachi saids as I freeze remembering the words that where said to me as Malachi sits on the left side of me avoiding the stairs.
"And I know theres a different side to it."I bite my lip upon hearing this as I look at Malachi with concern. "And you want to see it?"I ask Malachi as he eagerly nods yes.
I stand up and close my eyes, focusing my power to my back as I feel a heavy sword appear in my hand as well as weight on my back which was my wing.
I open my eyes and see a gaping Malachi as I giggle but stop the second I see the sword, I quickly look at my wings. They had changed color then my hair fell over my eyes, it had red tips at the end.
My sword was pure black, one of my wings was black and my hair had red tips as I freeze once I realized what Loki had in plan all along.
"Loki..Just what did you do to me?"
|| 3th Person POV || ( you guys luv the cliffhangers! )
The guy glanced at the girl who had seemed nervous, she kept looking around constantly as to seem if she could find something.
The guy leaned against the wall and glanced at the girl. She confused him, She had said she'd been here for 3 years, but it didnt seem like it anymore. Its like she knew everything about this cell.
He glanced away and forward at the cell bars. They seemed normal but she had said that they could possibly kill them, and he didn't use whatever this magiks was, he used MAGIC not MAGIKS.
So why was he being drained from MAGIKS if he used MAGIC. "Hey,"He saids getting the girls attention, The girl looks up as he steps inside the room.
"So! I use MAGIC not MAGIKS. So why am I affected by the draining thingy?"The guy saids to her clearly having not having patient's to spare.
'You dont understand, Magiks are similar to Magic they can be mistaken for each other. And even that them being related and originating from the same thing allows them to be used as the same just some side affects for one side or the other' She explains in his mind as he looks at her in confusion but in also relation to this feeling as there was somethintg that crossed his mind.
'But how does she know this?' He thinks to himself as The Girl looks at him with realization damping in her eyes. 'Because, Im a Magiks user. And that kind of stuff interested me' She responds in his mind as he looks at her with a little shock.
"Can you please not read my mind?"He askes her as she looks back at him with a nod as she looks up for a moment.
She squints her eyes at the roof and titls her head a little as a dinging noise was heard, both people quickly get out of the room as it shuts behind them. They quickly start to act natural as they heard footsteps.
Loki enters the room as the girl studies him, something was different...Off....Unnormal...For Loki atleast.
Loki walks in front of the cage with an exausted look in his eyes, she also noticed that his power was slowly being drained away from him.
The girl squint's her eyes and glares with question as it spells out in her eyes, Loki looks over at her for a moment as a small evil smirk appears on Loki's face.
"Transfer."Loki saids as the girls eyes widen, she knew exactly what had he been doing and who also. The guy seems confused at this one word that Loki said, he glances at the girl who has a shocked face as a suspicious look appears on the guys face.
'What is so important of the word 'Transfer?' The guy thinks to himself and looks between the girl and Loki noticing the tension between each of them.
He didnt relise that the tension between them was war, this happened sometimes. It was just a glaring contest now.
"Uhh..."The guy saids breaking their little 'contest' as they both look at him with the same cold faces they had glaring at each other.
A smirk appeared on Loki's face. "I must go now..."He saids evily and glares at the girl as she sends the glare right back as he walked out.
The girl smirks in pride, she had won this time. Another point for her, Incase your wondering this was a little "Game".
The guy looked at the girl confused as he walks over to the girl who was proud of herself. "What was so important about 'Transfer'?"He askes her as she bites her lip and opens the secret room and walks in with the guy behind her.
'Transfer is a magiks spell, something that will majorly affect the persons blood and DNA. To make it simple transfer is pretty much making yourself related to someone. It can also affect the target much more than just giving them their DNA and becoming related. In Loki's case, whoever he used it on the spell just activatied and its taking affect, making Loki exausted. Once the spell activates it will start draining alot of Magiks from the user, Its a spell thats forbidden...And I already know or atleast have an idea of who he used it on.'
|| Aphmaus POV ||
I quickly look to my side and flap my wings once as a feather falls, as it falls it turns back into a white color. I reach down to pick it up, as soon as I touch it, it turns black.
I drop it yet again and it turns white. I bite my tounge and look over at a shocked Malachi. "Malachi, for the time being PLEASE do not tell anyone about this?"I ask Malachi as I go back to normal as Malachi nods yes.
"If it helps, then of course Mom!"Malachi responds to me as I kiss his forehead and look at him, still so young. He didnt deserve to become that ghost so many years ago.
"Now...Lets get you to sleep."I say to Malachi and pick him up and start walking, I look back for a moment and notice the Feather lying there in all of its glory.
I look away from the feather and take Malachi into his room and tuck him under the covers and kiss his forehead. "Night.."Malachi starts and yawns inbetween, "Mom.."
"Goodnight Malachi."I say to Malachi and steps out of the room and notice the feather, I walk over to it and touch it as it turns black again. I pick it up as it stays the black color as it did before as walk into my room.
I see Zoey sleeping as I let out a sigh, I placed the feather down as it went white again and I look at my left hand.
I take my other hands thumb and rub it on the wrist side that has the plam of my hand as a tannish color smears as I look and see red.
I tried to keep myself from gasping and successed at it but rubbed of the tannish color and saw my birth mark. It was a lighting bolt, it was supposed to be yellow, but it had faded to half red.
I stared at it for a moment with fear appearing in my eyes. "It shouldnt be possiple...Where not blood related..."I whisper to myself trying to make myself not believe the thought I just had.
I shake my head snapping myself out of it, I walk over to my magical paper weight and grabbed its handel but it felt....Different.
After a few seconds a dark aura forms around my hamster as I quickly let go and it disappears as soon as I let go.
"What in the name of Irene..."I ask myself as more of a statement then I realized but I quickly bit my lip as I felt pain in my head again. My whole body hurt, I blink my eyes a few times and lean against a wall for support.
Suddenly my mind went to that little 'Last Resort' thingy my mom made.
~ Flashback ~
A small girl that went my Jessica walked next to her mom, Her mom showed grace as Jessica showed great interest in everything as she was constally checking everything around her.
She looked at her nervous mom and giggled and noticed something shiny in her hands."Moma! Whats that?!"Jessica asked her mom excited as her Mom stopped walking as Jessica got a sad look.
"Sorry, Momma..."Jessica saidsa quietly as her mother quickly placed her hands on Jessica's shoulders."Nothing...Jess. Theres nothing to be sorry for honey..."
Her mon looked at the glowing crystal in her hand and took Jessicas hand and placed the Crystal inside. "Jess, Promise me you will only use this crystal when you feel like you need it most. Or just need huge awsners to something, but only use it as soon as you mind, heart, and soul all agree?"Jessica's mom said as Jessica looks at her moma with happiness in her eyes.
"I promise, Moma!"
"MOMA!"Jessica screechs out while running over to her now stabbed mother as the warriors fought to protect the burning castle and Jessica tears fall.
"Dont cry...It doesn't fit you."Jessicas mom saids while gripping her daughter's hand as the young girl starts sobbing into her mother's hand.
"Moma..."The young girl saids and pulls in a breath with tears streaming down her face as a hand is placed on her cheek. "Jess...The crystal..."Her mother saids weakly as Jessica quickly pulls out the crystal.
"Keep it...Safe Jess...I love you..."Her mother saids with one last breath as Jessica pulls in a breath and didn't feel a pluse or saw her chest moving.
"Moma?!"Jessica saids while shaking her mother as her lips shiver with tears falling down her face as she grips her mothers hand as she scoots closer and bends down on her knees while moving some of her mother's hair.
The fire of the buildings had burned around them as the smoke created a thick fog as clashes, screams, lighting, thunder was all heard. A thick rain cloud came over, getting rid of all the fire ane smoke as the daugther and mother became wet as tears trickled down the girls face as she looked at her mom would wake up.
"Y-your just going to bed...Right..?"The daugther saids with a shaky voice while holding her hand as the rain trickled down her face.
"Mommy....I..."Jessica stops talking and takes a breath again, "Love you too..."
~ Flashback Ended ~
Tears threatend to fall as I stood there frozen in shock while breathing deeply and then rubbling my arm to calm myself down.
I glance at Zoey then my brithmark, I clench my teeth and close my eyes not letting the tears that wanted to fall, fall. I place both my hands at my heart and feel my heart beat.
"I love you Mommy..."
( A/N YES!! I almost made myself cry so DONT!*Sniffles* I didnt go into much detail about the scernary...Ya know what im gonna rewrite that....*Rewrites it*I WANNA CCRRYYYYYY!!! WHHYYYMUUSSTTTUUUUUDOOOTHHIISSS!!!! WHY!*Tears* H-Hope you enjoyed the*Grabs trissues*Im gonna go watch something sad.... )
[ Edit: : I forgot how much i freaked out over this chapter XD But i hoped u gyuys enjoyed and the MYTHRSY( YOULL GET IT LATER ) is coming out soon! Even though ingot a writers block...well...kinda. I know what i wanna weite its just i dont know how to transistion from this one littke part ]
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