Chapter Fifteen: You Have Three Tries, but the First Two Don't Count
"Alexie, wait!" I jumped and caught his arm. He was seconds away from going through the door that led to the master's side of the building. He paused and the nearby witch muttered as he had to go around him. I tugged Alexie and he moved to the side. "What is it?"
"What was that, back there?" I lowered my voice. The room was almost empty, but I wasn't taking chances of anyone hearing us.
"What do you mean?" His voice was innocent.
I narrowed my eyes. "You know exactly what I mean."
His eyes drifted away from my face and he surveyed the area. "Merely a precaution."
"Because we both know Dani Darhk is not dead, Roxie."
I felt cold. He was right. He had said that I'd know when she died -- the exact moment. The ink on my arm would disappear. He was right: Dani wasn't dead. Was he still taking precautions against her?
"Then why not tell everyone? It would act as a deterrent, if everyone knew to be watchful."
Alexie shook his head. "It would bring some attention you wouldn't want. Trust me."
"Attention, huh?"
A scowl covered my face and Alexie and I looked up to see Malorie, Karen by her side. I twisted my lip into a faint smirk and waved my fingers. I wonder what are the chances are of me tripping her undetected... She scowled darkly. Meh. Probably not good. Malorie held her staff in one hand and her fingers tapped on the surface. "I know you're hiding something, Albers."
The room was mostly empty, save for the four of us. I actually saw Blue, Allie, Liam, Harley, and Winston lingering by the hall to the apprentice dining room. They were watching, confused, but they kept their distance.
"And this is a surprise, why?" Alexie drawled.
Malorie's face pinched. "You're holding back vital information about Dani Darhk. And about your apprentice. Unwanted attention?"
I snorted. "Like that's any of your business."
Karen curled her lip and stepped forward. "Don't talk to my mother like that, Reilly."
Malorie's eyes were boring into Alexie's. He hardly blinked. "I know there's something. Either tell me what it is, or I'll figure it out myself."
"Oh, please." I actually laughed. "You really think that you can force stuff from this guy? Let me tell you, he's a rock when it comes to discussion value."
"I'm not talking to you," snapped Malorie.
"Consider Alexie doesn't really talk at all, I think we'd all prefer that I talk instead, lady."
"Watch your tongue," Karen snapped. She looked eager to join the squabble.
"I don't think that's possible," I said dryly. "Considering how many times I've been told to, I should know." There was a barely audible snort from Alexie.
Malorie ground her teeth and finally addressed me. "Like master like apprentice, isn't that right? You're just as much as a stuck-up prick--"
"Hey!" I glared. "Only I'm allowed to tell my master he's a prick. Apprentice's privilege."
"I swear to god," snarled Karen, "I'm done listening to you. I'm not far off from finishing my training, Mother, a little early of a duel won't hurt. Let me shut her up."
Her words rung a bell. My eyes narrowed. In one of the books in the guest room, at Alexie's cottage, it had said something similar. It was prohibited for apprentices -- not on the same grounds -- to duel, however it was perfectly fine for a normal magick to challenge an apprentice. It sounded like absolute bull, but apparently not. And Karen was hoping to use it to her advantage.
At the time, I'd been sure that was a rule to keep better apprentices from beating up on weaker ones, but not anymore. I was sure I could hold my own against someone on my own level, but against someone that wasn't? No idea. It probably wouldn't go well. I looked towards Alexie, but he didn't seem to care. Figures. He is a prick, after all.
"As much as I'd love to see that," said Malorie, "the other master has to agree."
Alexie didn't blink. He glanced at me. "Did you complete your last lesson?"
I frowned slightly. "Yes?"
"Then I give my permission." There was a gleam in his eye I didn't like. Still, something told me that he wouldn't throw me to the wolves. Malorie smiled wickedly and lifted her staff. Dark blue magic moved the furniture to the side. My friends in the hall quickly saw what was happening and gawked. Karen smirked at me. "You don't look so good, Reilly."
I snorted. "You're joking, right?"
"We still need a judge," said Malorie. There was a circle of space in the near-empty room. Alexie tilted his head at the five kids in the hall. "They will work fine."
"Children?" She sounded aghast.
"Are you worried it won't be a fair ruling?" Alexie asked, something in his flat tone taunting. "I am positive that the winner will be obvious. They will be enough."
Malorie studied him. A faint smile twisted her lips and she waved at the five of them. Their footsteps thundered as they ran inside, excited. Harley clapped his hands. "This is going to be epic!" Allie elbowed him sharply and he chuckled. "But don't worry, we'll call it fair. We're friends with both of these two."
I glanced at Karen as I moved into the circle, wondering why I was even bothering with this. You know what? I'm tired of having my ass kicked. It's time I repay the favor. Karen faced from the opposite side of the circle, her staff in both hands. Alexie and Malorie backed up.
As far as I could remember, the duel wouldn't end until someone was incapacitated or unconscious. I cricked my neck and started to walk along the edge. Karen mirrored. Winston pulled out his phone and turned on a timer. "Get ready."
"Ready," said Karen gleefully.
"Ready," I chirped, slipping my hands into my pockets.
Blue looked at me, confused. "Don't you need your staff?"
I shrugged. "Do I?"
He looked at his friends, but Winston had already begun the countdown. "Begin in three, two... one!" He started the timer. Karen immediately turned her staff and lilac condensed around her. Three large spears twisted into shape and flew directly for me.
I turned sharply on my heel, the first spear missing the shot. My staff appeared and I caught it midair. Scarlet swirls seeped from my arms and down my staff as I used it like a club to knock the other two aside. "Hey, Malorie, I have a question for you."
Karen narrowed her eyes as I straightened and set my staff against the floor. Malorie raised her eyebrows. "What?"
"Does punching someone in a duel count as fighting dirty?"
She blanched. I smiled. "That's a good answer. Thanks." Then I chuckled and pulled up the sleeve on my bare arm. "That makes this so much better."
Karen snorted and raised her staff. Her magic wreathed around her head and she threw it all at once. I recognized the spell before it even left her staff. I jabbed my staff against the ground and a sphere of crimson formed from the top, shattering the wall of lilac before it could hit me. A chain aimed for my leg and I knocked it aside, frowning. This was positively easy. It was like Alexie was just trying to confuse me. She was literally that slow.
But Karen was constantly moving, her eyes focused. She was trying hard. And I felt like I was getting to take a break between every attack. I shot an accusing look at Alexie. He raised his eyebrows. "Are you kidding me?" I yelled at him, irritated. He'd had me worried. Oh, hell yes. This is going to be fun.
A smirk overtook my lips. I cracked my knuckles. "You have three more tries, but the first two don't count."
Her face twisted. "Shut up." A shard of lilac shot for my chest and I batted it aside. "Make that two--" Her second attack actually connected. I was thrown into the wall and fell into a heap on the floor. The teeth in my head rattled. My chest felt like my ribs had broken, though no bones had actually been damaged.
I grunted, rolling onto my elbows. Karen wasn't done. She jumped forward and purple twisted around her hands. A chain lashed around my ankle and yanked upwards. I was hauled off of the ground. With a snarl, I lashed my hand out and the ribbons of red twisted down my arm and braided into a long blade. I swung my arm. The red cut through the purple and made it dissipate. I landed and rolled to my feet. "Okay, now I'm pissed. That was rude."
I kept the red blade down my arm, one of the more recent spells I'd learned, and held the staff in my other hand. Stalking forward, I deflected the blinding spell and swung at her legs. She locked the red blade with her staff but I used my own to whack her knees. They buckled and she sneered in time for my fist -- free of the blade -- to slam into her nose. Her head snapped back and blood spurted. I smirked and stepped back, blowing on my knuckles.
She flung out her staff. A massive wave of lilac uprooted the floorboards and shoved me backwards. I had barely cut through the wall and caught my ground before I realized that she was gone. She'd disappeared. My breaths rattled in my chest as I looked around, bewildered. I hadn't seen her do the disappearing spell. Where--?
A staff connected with the back of my knees. They buckled and boxing training kicked in. I rolled away and pushed myself to my feet. The distinct feeling of wood caught my chin and suddenly I was choking, my feet scrabbling against the ground. Karen hissed in my ear, "You lose, Reilly." She held the staff against my neck while I rasped for air.
That's it. I'm done. No more playing games. I was never in this training schtick to toy around. My fist clenched. Crimson poured around it until it was three times the size. With a growl, I swung it on a short chain and it connected with Karen's back. The net broke apart and wrapped around her head. Karen shrieked and let go to try and use her staff, but I grabbed it with both hands and wrenched it away. All signs of lilac vanished. Karen tore at the scarlet net around her head.
With seconds, I had her pinned to the wall with clasps of crimson. "Call it," I snarled at the five other apprentices. Karen growled, "Don't you--"
"She's defeated," said Harley, reluctantly. "Sorry, Daniella, but you're beat. Roxie wins."
"Thank you." I looked at Karen, my chest still aching. "I'm going to let you down now. Don't freak out." My tone was sardonic as I lowered my hand, the crimson disappearing completely. My head was already sore. Karen fell to the ground and caught herself. She picked her staff with a thunderous expression.
I looked at Alexie and grinned, making an 'okay' symbol. His face was impassive. Though whatever Karen had hit me with hurt. My chest still felt like it was on fire.
My ears picked up on the sound just in time to whip around. Karen had just finished the spell by the time it launched at me. I instinctively lifted my staff and the shot connected. It exploded into pieces and some shards sunk into my palms. I gritted my teeth at the pain.
"You're done for, now," hissed Karen. She threw the spell again. Considering it had blown my staff to pieces, I had no intention of letting her hit me. I raised my hands and conjured my magic. It was harder than if I had my staff, but after months of practice, it was still easy. Crimson surrounded my arms and condensed into a shield. The spell bounced off with ease.
Karen's face faltered as I lowered the shield, seething. "If there's anything I hate more than people in general, it's bullies." Sparks flew off of my hands. "I won fair and square, and you still cheated. And guess what? I'm done being nice." The color swirled off of my hands and began to pool at my feet. Karen's lips parted in horror.
"H-How? Your staff--"
"Guess you should have considered that before you pissed me off," I hissed. Karen tried to back up, but found her feet glued to the floor. She was ankle-deep in crimson fog and stuck in place. She jerked at her legs, raising her staff, but I had reached her in time. I tore the staff out of her hands and threw it away. Winston muttered as it hit his head. I ignored him to lean into Karen's face. She paled.
"Next time you try to cheat, try to short-cut again, remember this." I twisted my hand and threw forward the other one. A bullet condensed into my palm and Karen's feet released as it sunk into her chest. My head exploded in pain as she flew backwards and slammed into the wall. Malorie shouted. She ran to her daughter as I lowered my hands, my whole body aching.
While it was impressive to look at, I felt beaten up. Alexie was watching me carefully. He knew the toll that spell took on me. I felt light-headed. It was a last resort, but it'd worked. Karen snatched her staff as she stood up, but her face fell in terror. She looked at her hands. "What did you do?"
Malorie grabbed her palms frantically. "Ella? Ella, what is it?"
"I can't--" Karen looked back up. I clenched my jaw. "You got what you deserved, hun." I had blocked her magic. And it'd remain blocked until I released her, or until the spell fell apart. And that'd be several hours. Now I've got to get out of here before I make a fool of myself and faint.
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