(This is not really a chapter.. It's just a special)
I smiled and hung up the last glass ball ornament on my now finished tree. I stood back and stared at it with awe. "..oh my.. It's more beautiful then I thought it would be," I said with a bright smile. Everything else was done. The tree was done, the mistletoe was up, Christmas garland was surrounding every room, and cookies were placed out on the table for anyone who visits to have some. Then I remembered, I forgot to invite Aaron! How could I forget to invite my boyfriend over to my house for my party?! I ran over to my phone, and to my surprise, he was already calling. I answered. "..H-Hello?" I said quietly into the phone.
"Hey babe," I heard a low, hot voice answer back.
I nervously laughed to myself, embarrassed because he called me "babe".
"Babe, I like this nickname. So I'll keep calling you it." He chuckled.
"Um.. O-Okay.. Uh, Y-Yeah! Oh, I forgot, your now invited to my party! I forgot about you.. Sorry.." I apologized, then smiled crazily. "OOOOH! Aaron! I can't wait till Christmas!!"
"Hun, It is Christmas—Christmas Eve to be more pacific." My eyes lit up at his words.
"OMG AARON! YOU BETTER HAS A GIFT FOR MEEEEE!" I practically screamed like a fangirl. Then my phone died, making the call end. "Dang it!!" I said frustratedly. I plugged in my phone upstairs in my bedroom. I came back downstairs to find that the front door looked like it was unlocked. 'Hmm.. Weird,' I thought to myself.
I shrugged it off and walked over to the couch. Suddenly I was pulled down onto something hard. (GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF DA GUTTER!) I looked up to see Aaron's grinning face. I was laying on top of him. I was laying on his rock hard chest. "..A-Aaron..?" I said nervously.
"Yeah babe?" He grinned.
"..Why did you sneak into my house?" I asked while trying my hardest to not look at his chest. (Oh, btw, HE OBVIOUSLY HAS NO FLIPPIN' SHIRT ON. *Everyones mind blows* WOW! Surprising.)
"..Oh.. Well I thought that since I'm your hot boyfriend—that I could come right in, even if your door was locked." He gave me a smile, showing that he didn't mean to scare me.
"Oh. Well now that makes total sense," I mumbled, then tried to get off of him.
"No, no, no. You stay." He commanded as if I was a dog.
"Aaron, no. I would like to go—" I was cut off by his lips being smashed on mine. 'HOLY CHRISTMAS COOKIES! This dude always knows exactly how to shut me up,' I thought to myself and kissed back. He flipped the both of us over so now I was under him and he was on top of me.
"Y/N.." He pulled away and looked into my dark red eyes, "I love you."
My heart stopped, and I froze. 'I swear he said "I love you" to me before... but this still shocks me every time,' I shook my head to stop thinking, and gave Aaron a quick kiss on the lips. "I... I love you, too." I smiled.
"Awww, babe!" He smiled back and squeezed me. I laughed at his actions.
"Awwww, Aaron! Get off me!" I mocked and tried to push him off, but I already knew that was impossible. I have vampire super strength, but STILL, Aaron's always stronger then me. I sighed and stopped struggling.
I pushed Aaron away, "..Oh! Aaron, get off me! That's the doorbell!" I know I invited guests for my party tonight, but I didn't think they would arrive this early. I ran over to the front door and opened it. A pink-haired meif'wa came at me with a deathly hug.
"Y/N~Chan!" She practically screamed. "I can't believe it's Christmas! It's so good to see you!" Yes, me and Kawaii~Chan weren't really "friends" back in high school. Some time after, she was willing to change. She wanted to be my friend—my best friend.
"Hey Kawaii~Chan!" I smiled, I was slowly dying from her deathly, yet lovable hug.
"Hey, hey, hey, Kawaii~Chan, calm down. You're killing Y/N," Aaron said, coming to over to us from the couch.
"..O-Oh! Kawaii~Chan is super sorry, Y/N~Chan!" She apologized and immediately pulled back. She ran her fingers through her hair, fixing it. She smiled at me and ran over to the cookies I laid out on the table.
"Mmmmm~! Y/N~Chan, these are some of the best cookies Kawaii~Chan has ever tasted!" She yelled from across the room. I scratched the back of my neck, "Th-Thanks.." I mumbled, embarrassed. It took me more then 30 times to get those cookies to look right, and taste right. I kept on burning them, and ruining them by accidentally dropping them, or breaking them. I laughed nervously at myself, thinking of how I made those cookies.
"Y/N, babe, who did you invite?" Aaron asked as he held my hand.
"Ummmmmmmm—everyone." I said and shrugged.
"Cool," He smiled.
Soon, others arrived and settled in. They were eating, chatting, drinking (DRINKING PUNCHHHH), and smiling. Well– Except Zane. That angry emo nugget...
"..Hey, Y/N~Chan?" Kawaii~Chan tapped my shoulder, making me jump. "O-Oh! Kawaii~Chan didn't mean to scare you!"
I sighed, "It's fine, Kawaii~Chan," I smiled at her to tell her it was okay. She nodded.
"Um.. Can Y/N~Chan come over here, please?" The pink-haired meif'wa asked. She took my hand and led me over to the staircase, where the mistletoe was.
"Uhhh.. KC, why are we by the mistletoe?" I wondered. She giggled and backed away, leaving me alone. Also, under the staircase happens to be dark. Don't ask me why. I don't know.
I looked around wondering why she left me here. 'Why am I under the mistletoe?' I kept looking around, then saw red dots. They moved closer to me, then they started to look like eyes. Aaron's eyes.
"..A-Aaron?" I questioned, just making sure it was him.
"Mm? Yes babe?" He grinned. 'Oh Irene, he called me babe again,'
"You like it don't you?" He asked, but it wasn't really a question, it was a statement.
"..Mmm... M-Maybe..." I said and started to play with my golden bracelet that was on my wrist. What I wasn't noticing is that Aaron was coming closer to me.
I looked up to see if he was still there, but no. He wasn't. 'Did he just leave me here to be nervous?'
Arms wrapped around my waist and a hard chest was against my back. 'Aaron..?'
I looked up behind me to find those eyes I always got lost in. "Aaron.." I mumbled as I stared into his eyes. I still couldn't see in the dark yet. I still wish I could! But Aaron could see me. I could only tell where he is by looking at his eyes.
"Y/N.." He smiled. He planted a kiss on my forehead. I smiled back and blushed at the small kiss. 'He should know that I want more.. But that kiss was cute,'
I heard him chuckle and spin me around, so now I'm facing his chest. He leaned down to my lips and kissed me. I kissed back, of course. He smiled into the kiss and tangled his fingers in my hair.
'This was the best night ever.'
[A/N: Sorry if it was too short or something! I hope you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas! Also, I GOT A FLIPPIN' SPORTS CAMERA FOR CHRISTMAS! YASSSSSS]
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