Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - ..Sweet Bites..
Eyes closed, Headphones on, Music blasting, And sleep awaits.
[Music Lyrics] I want my kisses back from you. I'm taking all my kisses back from you. And every breathe you held onto, I'm taking all my kisses back from you.
Give me the "hellos" and "goodbyes", and pack up every morning and good night. I want the sun rises and moons..
I'm taking all my kisses back, I want my kisses back from you.
I want my kisses back, I want my kisses back, I want my kisses back from you— [Music stops]
Suddenly, my headphones were pulled off. "Hey, You! No sleeping in class." The teacher said sternly.
"..U-Um.. Sorry, It won't happen again," I apologized and sighed, putting my headphones away in my backpack with a grouchy look on my face.
'I must've forgotten that I'm in class and fell asleep... Well, almost.'
I could hear quiet laughter coming from all around the classroom. 'Terrible. Just terrible.'
I sighed once again and glanced out the very large window behind me. 'I wonder if Aaron would like to hang out today..'
I thought to myself for awhile. Sooner or later, class was done. "Yes!" I whispered and grabbed my backpack and bolted out of class. 'Heh, this reminds me of high school.'
I chuckled quietly. I looked up and found myself about to walk into some dude. I couldn't stop what I was about to do. Unless I used my super speed, but that is not safe to use in crowded halls. So I let myself bump into him.
"..ow! Jeez! Watch where you're going ma—" He looked up at me and just stared. 'Oh Irene, please don't..'
"Hey! I know you!" He suddenly shouted. This took me by surprise. I thought this dude was gonna fall in love with me. Jeez, why am I thinking that! I read too many fairytale books last night...
" What?" I asked confused. I don't know this dude, yet he knows me? 'Did somebody start rumors about me and now I'm known by everyone..?'
"..oh. You seem confused. It's alright. I'm Garroth's friend, Leo." He smiled. I stared at him, examining his facial features and eyes. Then it hit me, I know this guy! I stood there with a expression that screamed out 'LEO?!'
"L-L-Leo?! As in the Leo I knew back in high school?!" I shouted, surprised that I would meet him here.
"Yep." He chuckled, carrying out the 'e'.
"..Huh. I never thought I'd see you again," I mumbled to myself.
"Umm... So, It's nice to be meeting you again, but I have to go. I have a important thing to go attend to. Cya later Y/N!" He smiled once again and ran off somewhere.
'I never thought that would happen. Now, to my favorite spot!'
I smiled to myself happily as I walked outside. I breathed in the fresh air and ran over to my favorite spot. A oak tree. It was my favorite spot to do whatever. Read books, listen to music, work on exams, studies, homework, blah blah blah... Yeah.
"..ah. Why hello Mr. oak tree," I sat down on the green grass right under the trees large leaves. 'Beautiful.' I thought to myself and sighed. I laid my head back on the tree and closed my eyes and slipped on my headphones. "..Yes. time to myself.." I smiled and turned on my song I was listening to earlier in class. I don't know why I picked this song. I just liked it and chose it.
"Hey," Someone said to me. But obviously I couldn't hear them. Um, yes, I do have super hearing but I always choose not to use it. I only use it when I really need to. So right now I can only hear what humans hear.
"Heyyy," They said again.
"Ahem," They took off my headphones just like the teacher did, but way more gentler. "Hello," They grinned.
I opened my eyes to see my favorite person in the world. Aaron. "U-Uh, Sorry.. I couldn't hear you," I apologized. He just laughed at my response.
"You really need your super hearing turned on," He chuckled. 'Seriously?! The dude was reading my thoughts!'
"I'm not a dude. I'm your boyfriend." He grinned again. I chuckled quietly at him and tried to slip my headphones back on. "Hey, hey! Nuh-uh sweetheart," I laughed at his words. 'Nuh-uh Dude.'
He gasped jokingly and sat next to me. "I'm not a dude!" He argued. Some people were looking at him weirdly because his words must've sounded weird.
"..Shhh! Shut up!" I punched his arm playfully and laid my head back against the tree, closing my eyes in the process.
"What are you listening to?" He asked and grabbed my phone.
"..Hey! No, no. Bad Aaron. Bad." I scolded him like he was a dog. He pouted and put a guilty face on. I couldn't help myself but smile. "Seriously, you are like, too fun." I said.
"Yep. And again—"
I stuck my hand in his face before he could finish his sentence. "Nope. You don't have to say it again. I know you're sorry, but you have to understand that it was a hard time for me and now I forgive you. So stop apologizing A." I petted his head.
"..A? Whose this 'A' dude?" He grinned playfully.
"Oh.. He's the most kindest man I've ever seen. Not only is he nice, but he's super hot." I smirked.
"Hot? Pssssh, I'm hotter." He chuckled.
"Oh really? Prove it." I crossed my arms and waited.
"Fine." He smirked and grabbed my hand. 'Huh? Where is he taking me?'
He took me behind a building and pinned me against a wall and started kissing me. I couldn't help but melt into it. I kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kept kissing. He chuckled as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He then pulled away for air. "..Dang, you are way hotter." I smiled.
"I know I am." He started to kiss me again. His hands ended up in my hair, his fingers getting tangled in it. I never wanted this moment to end. It's like those romance novels I read. Well, I only have one romance novel that I read. But whatever.
"Mmm... Aaron—" I got cut off by him smashing his lips onto mine again. Next thing you know, his lips are on my neck.
"Mmmm.. A-Aaron—" I got cut off this time by him dropping his fangs and sinking them in my skin. "A-Aaron!" I managed to say. I don't know if I was upset, or happy that he bit me. He didn't suck much blood, he only took a bit. Is that bad? Should he take more?
"A-Aaron, if you needed some, you could've just asked.." I said.
"I know.. But I didn't want to.." He mumbled and pulled away.
"Now y-your acting like me." I chuckled lightly. I wasn't drained. Aaron didn't take enough for me to feel drained. I was just stuttering slightly because of the moment. I was catching my breath.
He chuckled too. He then leaned back towards my neck. "..maybe I should take just a bit more.." He mumbled. He sunk his sharp fangs back into my neck, But in a different spot. "Mmm.."
Then I started to realize that he was taking too much. "..A-Aaron.. You're t-taking too much.."
He kept drinking. He was probably distracted by how good my blood is. He always told me that my blood was delicious. And I always told him the same. He suddenly pulled away. My legs felt weak but I wasn't gonna fall. My head hurt a bit but the pain wasn't that bad. Now I have to deal with the fact that my neck will be sore for awhile.
"I'm sorry.." He took his sleeve and wiped his mouth with it. His fangs retracted when he moved his arm away.
"I-It's fine. You just didn't notice you were t-taking too much," I said and fixed my shirt so it was covering the bites.
"Will you feel better if I give you (a) F/F?" He asked with a slight smile. (A/N: If ya' don't remember, F/F means Favorite Food)
"If I get it now; yes." I smiled and tried to get away from the wall. I nearly fell, but of course, Aaron caught me just in time. I laughed lightly, "Let's go get me some F/F!" I said happily.
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