2| Off Limits
Chapter 2 - Off Limits
{Your POV}
It's been a week now, since I told Kayla why I'm so down. She hasn't spoke to me about it since. Maybe to save her from saying something wrong?
I haven't spoke to her about it much, either. I want to, but I don't know what exactly to tell her. Heh, Ever since I got here, to Golden Rose College, We've only talked about coffee. Coffee, coffee, coffee. You know what, It's hard enough to try to keep my hunger down, but it's harder to keep Kayla from talking about coffee this, coffee that. I'm starving. Well, not normal starving, Vampire starving. I hate it. It's so annoying to try to keep it hidden. No one knows about my secret, so it's difficult to be "Myself" and let the other part of me take control. I've been doing well on my eyes and fangs, I've kept them hidden and unnoticeable. Others haven't suspected a thing.
"Y/N!" Kayla yelled in my ear, making me want to scream at how loud she was.
"Why'd you yell in my ear!?" I shouted.
"Sorry! You can't be late, sleepyhead!" She pulled my sheets off me and ran to the bathroom.
"Seriously!?" I groaned and got out of my comfortable bed. Oh, how I love my bed.
Kayla eventually left the bathroom, and so I got ready. I changed into a white T-Shirt, a part of navy jeans and slid a F/C hoodie over my body and successfully got my makeup done. I don't wear makeup that often, so I'm not the best at putting it on my face. I ran out of the bathroom, slipped my shoes on, and dashed out the door after Kayla.
I'm currently in class. It's almost done. I sit at the very top, which is the very back of the class. There's this window behind me and it is bothering me very badly. It's so dang bright! Don't you guys have curtains?!
"..And that's how that's done." The teacher said as he started to erase the large chalk board.
"Class is done." He announced. Literally everyone in the room started to get out of their seats and exit the classroom, Except me and some dude.
"Stupid sun. Sometimes I wish I was normal." I mumbled. I got off my seat and walked down the stairs. I walked past the other guy who was still sitting in his seat. He seemed... Familiar, he also smelled good. I took a glance to see if I could see his face... I couldn't, he had some type of mask on under his red hoodie. 'Who wears a mask these days? Well not me. I hate masks. It makes it hard to eat, drink, and do other stuff.'
I shook off the feeling like I knew him, and exited the classroom. I eventually found Kayla, she was waiting for me in the hallway.
"So..." She started walking once I got up to her. "I heard there's a hot boy in my next class," She giggled.
"Uhhh... I don't know why you are telling me this." I said.
"Oh! Because he's new and cute! Well, that's what everyone else is saying." She tapped her chin with her finger and proceeded to talk about cute boys the rest of the walk.
"When will I hear the end of this?..." I muttered to myself.
We finally got to our separate classes, and for some reason, that boy from before was in the seat beside mine. 'What is he doing here? Is he stalking me?' I couldn't help but look at him, his charcoal hair fell over his eyes just a bit. Yet, I couldn't see his eyes at all from where I was. This boy is weird...
"Isn't he cute?" Some girl whispered from behind me.
"Yeah, I heard he isn't social and he hides his face a lot. But I can still tell he's a cutie!" Another girl whispered back.
"Oh my Irene, Ray! You have a boyfriend already."
"I know... But Laurance is just soooo annoying sometimes. I just can't handle him."
"So you're gonna cheat on him, with a weird guy?"
"Not exactly... Hey! I thought you said he was cute!"
"He is! But he's just strange, ya' know?"
"Uh, whatever. Laurance is probably gonna break up with me sooner or later. He can never stay with one girl longer than 3 weeks before liking another one."
"He's such a player,"
"I know right?" That was the last thing the girls said before being quiet again.
Class was boring and weird. I couldn't stand sitting in a seat beside that weird guy. He's so weird. I said "Hi" to him a couple of times and he didn't answer. It's like he's following me, yet avoiding me at the same time. Creepy. Me and Kayla went outside after classes and had some donuts under a beautiful tree.
"Y/N, I have to tell you something." Kayla said, staring at the green, grassy, ground.
"Umm, what is it? Is it something bad?" I asked. 'What if she did something wrong? What if she— no, she wouldn't do that, She's too nice of a girl."
"I'm... I'm planning a big, and early, Halloween party, in a week and I have no one to help me. It's such a big job! I already have permission to have the party in a huge, empty, unused, classroom! I just neeeeeeed help! I only have one WEEK to plan this all, and then it's done! So pleeeeeease, pretty, pretty, pleeeeeease, help me!" She spoke so fast I literally almost fell over from shock. 'How can she speak so fast!?'
"U-Um... Okay, I'll help." I smiled and looked at her, "But, you kinda worried me there, I thought you did something wrong, Kayla."
"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to worry you!"
"It's fine," I got up and started to walk back to our room.
It's been a tiring day. It's now 2:56 AM and I'm trying my hardest to sleep. It's just... I can't sleep. My body won't let me. Maybe a walk will help?
I entered the empty hallways, I never realized how dark and creepy they were at night.. 'Oh Irene, Why did I do this..'
"Yes, ma'am. Yep. Mhm. I understand. He's safely hidden in his room. Yes, I'll keep extra watch. Goodbye."
'Whhaaaatt? Who is awake at this time of night? Well I am, but, whatever.' I turned around a corner to find the source of the voice. I noticed a man with sunglasses, wearing a black suit, and a ear piece. 'Security, perhaps?' I walked up to him casually, thinking I can walk past him and up the stairs, but no, he stopped me.
"Hello, Miss. What brings you out here at this time?" He asked.
"Uh.. I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to take a walk." I said and tried to go past him again.
"Sorry, Miss. Upstairs is off limits to students. Please go back to your room." He said quite politely and turned me around so I was facing the hallway back to my dorm room.
"Um... May I ask, why?" I asked and turned back around to face the security guard.
"Sorry, Construction is happening upstairs and it's too dangerous for you to go up there right now." He said with a straight, emotionless, face.
"Oh... Um, can I at least take a peek—" He cut me off, "Nope. Off limits."
"Uhhh, alrighty then.. I'll go back now," I started to walk away from the guard. I made it back to my room and laid on my bed. 'I'm not sure that's construction that's going on up there. They're hiding something...'
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