1| Coffee lover? Nah.
This book is not continuing from where the other left off. It is starting from years later, when Y/N is in college or something like that. This may be a little like Aphmau's College Series. (I forgot what it was called.. Oops)
Thank you for reading.
(Also there may or may not be a couple of spelling errors. Sooooo, yeah. And I will have a cover made for this book soon!)
Chapter 1 - Coffee lover? Nah.
Aaron and Y/N just recently been sent apart. No, they didn't break up. They are still together. Well, hopefully...
Y/N hasn't been able to get in contact with Aaron for the past couple of days. She can't seem to reach his number, or get in contact with him any other way.
Y/N has entered college. Golden Rose College. She has a roommate, too! But, she misses Aaron. Aaron was Y/N's Roommate for a long time in high school. He loved her, and she loved him. Ah, young love..
Kayla, Her roommate, Is a fun, Out Going, Coffee-Lover, Person. She has long pastel blue hair, Amber eyes, and A bright smile. She never once asked why Y/N always felt so down and seemed lonely.....Until today.
{Kayla's POV}
"I LOVE COFFEE." Read the sign above my yellow-ish orange, sheeted bed. I sighed and took a long sip of my coffee.
"Oh, Irene... Thank you for having coffee in this world.. It's so good.." I said, and smiled as I sat my cup down at my desk.
'I wonder... Does Y/N like coffee? Everyone else I know here LOVES it.' I heard the door open and my attention went immediately to a tired looking Y/N. 'Speaking of which, Here she is.' I got out of my seat and walked over to her.
"Hey, Y/N. Do you like coffee?" I asked curiously and followed her over to her desk at the other side of the room.
"Not really... It's usually too strong for my taste." She said and sat in her black office chair. Well, She likes to call it a 'Gaming Chair' but, whatever.
"Aww! But it's so good! And look at you!" I had my hands in the air just beside my head as I spoke. Y/N turned around and looked at me with confusion.
"Oh, come on! Admit it. You're tired!" I said. She mumbled a small "No" and went back to what she was doing.
"Here. Try it. It's not too strong, but it's a little more to the sweet side." I offered her my coffee, in hopes that she'll try it.
"Fine." She rolled her eyes in annoyance and took a small sip of the coffee. I stared at her for a moment as I waited for her reaction. She immediately ran to our bathroom and washed her mouth out with water.
"Too sweet! Too sweet!" She shouted as she tried to get rid of the sweet taste of my coffee.
"What?! How?!" I shouted, confused, and sat back in my own 'Gaming Chair'.
"So... I guess the answer is, you don't like coffee..." I said sadly.
"I'm sorry.. But it just doesn't taste like bl— Uh.. What I-I've had before." She gulped nervously and went back to her desk and continued to work on whatever she was working on.
A few minutes pasted... Those few minutes turned into BOREDOM.
"Send HELPPPPP..." I laid my arm over my eyes. "I'm dying of BOREDOMMMM..."
"Well why don't you go off and chat with people who like COFFEEEEE." Y/N replied.
"But they're all BUSYYYYY..." I said back and sat up. "Help MEEEE."
"FINEEEEE." She groaned, obviously annoyed, and got out of her chair. "What do you wanna do?"
"Go to the café!" I said with a happy smile.
"Seriously? You're lucky I'm craving a donut right now." Y/N walked out the door without me, Getting a head start.
"Wait for me!" I shouted and ran out the door past her, "LAST ONE TO THE CAFÉ PAYS FOR THE FOOD!" I smirked to myself. I'm a really fast runner, so obviously, Y/N's gonna lose.
Well, I thought wrong..
{Your POV}
"LAST ONE TO THE CAFÉ PAYS FOR THE FOOD!" Kayla shouted and ran ahead of me. Ohhh does she have a surpise in for her. I used my Vampire speed and dashed past her, and ran down the stairs.
I made it quickly to the Café and smiled. 'Victory is mine. I won! Yay!' And then I realized, How am I gonna explain how I ran so fast? Aaron was always the one to hide our vampire abilities.. But, he's not here... Oh Aaron... I miss yo—
"WHAT!? HOW!? HOW DID YOU WIN!?" Kayla shouted beside me, earning unwanted attention from around us.
"O-Oh! Um.. I-I just can! I've always been a fast runner since I was.... Um.. little! S-So, uh.. Yeah!" I said nervously and walked into the café. 'Dang it! Will ya' look at the line! It's gonna be awhile before I get my delicious donut..' I sighed to myself and went to my left to find an empty table.
"Uh... Okay then..." I heard Kayla mumble. Vampire super hearing. Sadly, I can't read minds. I wish Aaron could teach me... I miss him...
"What—" I didn't even have time to finish my sentence before both girls started screaming in joy.
"I can't believe you came here!!" The girl named Eleanor, screamed.
"I knew I would see you again!!" Kayla screamed and squeezed Eleanor to the point where the poor girl could've ran out of breath.
'"See you again"... I wish I could see Aaron again... I miss his loving kisses, and delicious cooking.. And sometimes, I can still taste his blood.. Aaron...' I tried my hardest not to cry. I stood in the now smaller line and waited to get a donut.
"Kayla," I said, and immediately Kayla was right in front of me. She's so weird. "You're buying the food. You lost the race." I placed my hands on my hips.
"I know, I know..." She stood beside me and looked ahead of us. We were almost at the front of the line. I can smell the donuts right now... Mmmm, donuts... The second best thing, besides blood...
"Hey, Y/N?" Kayla asked.
"Why are you so... Down? And why do you look so lonely? Is it because of something I did?" She asked, a sad expression on her face.
"No, no! It's just... My boyfriend—" I was cut off before I could even explain anything.
"B-B-BOYFRIEND?!" She shouted. She calmed down after a while and spoke quietly, "Boyfriend? Lucky!" She playfully pushed me.
"Well... As I was saying.. My boyfriend and I don't talk anymore.." I said sadly.
"Yeah.. I can't reach his number and he won't reply to any of my texts. It's weird... I don't like it.. I want to see him again.. I miss him so much..." Kayla rubbed my back softly and then hugged me, which I did not expect.
"I'm so sorry... Are you two broken up?" She asked out of curiosity.
"N-No..." I said. I wiped my now teary E/C eyes, "W-Well, I hope not..."
"I've never had a boyfriend... So I don't really know what this is like for you... But I'm so sorry to hear that... I hope you see him again." She smiled softly.
"Thanks Kayla," I smile back.
"Oh! Just a second!" She said and ran off. She came quickly back with that girl from earlier. What was her name, Oh! Eleanor.
"This is Eleanor! My best friend from High School!" She smiled brightly, gesturing to a shy Eleanor.
"H-Hi... Nice to meet you... Um..."
"Y/N. Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you, too." I smiled warmly.
"I'm E-Eleanor... Eleanor Orchidflower.." She said quietly and held out her hand, probably for me to shake.
I hugged her instead. She seemed a little taken aback by this, but hugged back. I smiled and asked if she wanted anything to eat or drink. Well guys, we got another coffee lover. Sigh.
Don't forget to vote and comment! I want to know if you guys like this book! ^^
Have a great day!
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