“What the hell are you saying Surya? What do you mean by she attempted suicide!? Tell me the truth. Did it happen because you tortured her? " spoke Vasisht in a loud voice.
" Yes. A husband has lost his wife. He is in an utter confusion and depression. And all you do is blame him now, rather than giving a supporting hand. Thanks Vasisht. Thanks for being such a good ally. " Anger was clearly visible in Surya's voice when he put the call down.
Vasisht sighed. He regretted for speaking rudely to his friend.
'Sorry doctor. Have an emergency. Will meet you tomorrow.' he left a message and turned his car towards Surya's place.
Arundhati hadn't moved an inch since she saw her maid's body in such a disturbing state.
She neither could go back to Vasisht, nor wanted to stay here any longer.
Gulping, she made no sound entering her house. She saw that all the things were haphazard. Most of the show pieces and vases were broken. The television was on the floor. And the sofas and couches were completely destroyed.
She dropped on the floor, holding her head. She now understood. It was HIM. He definitely did not want to see her happy. He did not want her to live her life without him. He had now become crazy about her. He wanted her. So badly, that he chose to kill her and make her his in her next birth at least. Well, this was what he had said when he came to her that night. And now that she left the place, he missed his target, and her poor maid became the victim.
Before Vasisht could ring the bell the third time, he found the door already open.
He went inside and searched for his friend.
He felt like the world falling when he found Surya holding his dead wife close to his heart, crying like a baby.
He uttered no word, but just stood stable, tears rolling down his cheek.
"I'm so sorry Sanvi! I couldn't be a good husband. You left everything for me...and all I did was let you die! I deserve the most severe punishment for this sin!" he sobbed.
Vasisht went forward as he put his hand on Surya.
"I'm sorry Surya. I shouldn't have had shouted at you like that. It's just that...when Sanvi told me about you, I felt you...you might have... Damn! I'm really very sorry.
Please feel free to share anything with me. I'll be with you." He said, stroking his hair.
Surya left Sanvi and leaned back." Everything is over now Vasisht. I have no reason to live now. I got so involved in my work that I did not care about myself. My habits changed. My mind changed. My behavior changed. My life changed. And because of this, I lost the only person who loved me. " said Surya.
" If you don't mind, please tell me what lead to all these changes in you. You might feel lighter."
"Hadn't I told you the other day? Some truths are better untold."
Vasisht went to the kitchen to fetch some water for his friend. As he opened the drawer to take the glass, he found something that made his heart skip a beat. The holder was stained with blood.
When he turned to question Surya regarding the same, he was surprised to find him standing at the door of the kitchen.
Surya came in with quick strides and blocked Vasisht from seeing the handle.
"Don't touch it Vasisht. Sanvi pierced her heart with this knife. That's why there are stains all around the kitchen. You might get into trouble.." he replied to Vasisht's questioning eyes.
Arundhati closed her eyes, going back the memory lane.
She had just finished her third year in medicine. One day, she returned home to find new faces settling down. She chose not to interfere and quickly went to her room, only to find her aunt ironing a Saree.
"What's all this? Who are those people?" She asked.
"They have come to see you for marriage. Now just shut up and listen to me." said her aunt.
"Why wasn't I informed of this before? I don't want to get married. Specially when you people have chosen the groom, I know my life will become a hell if I agree." she shot back and went to the mirror, removing her earrings.
Her aunt held her shoulders and made Arundhati face her.
" Look. We have the groom's family at home and I don't want them to think that we are not very happy together. We have spent a lot for you since your parents' demise and now we feel we can't bare you more. You have to agree to the marriage alright?"
"You have 'spent' for me? Really? It's my parents' money which is aiding my studies and my life. If you have so much of problem with me then I'll go somewhere else. You have no right to sell me off in the name of marriage."
"We would have been more than glad if you had gone away when your parents died. But now that your responsibility is on us, we can't let you go anywhere like that. Understood. Now shut your mouth and wear this saree."
Arundhati felt disgusted with those words. It was not new to her, yet she felt a lot of discomfort. She just prayed that whosoever the groom was, would be understanding and would except her decision.
The meeting was done. She smirked seeing her fake family act to the best possible extent in showing how much they loved her. She was given an opportunity to speak with the groom and she made use of it saying she had no interest in marriage. She wished to persue her studies and then think about the further steps in life. The man too was sweet enough to agree with her and promised that he would wait till she was ready.
Arundhati heaved a sigh of relief, leaving her aunt and uncle enraged.
Completing her degree, Arundhati left the family and settled here. Little did she know that the man was still waiting for her, day and night, just to hear her say yes.
And after a long time, that night, he returned, this time angry and feeling betrayed.
She was taken back to her terrifying past, and thanks to her depression, she was broken.
I hope you liked the chapter. Please do vote and comment.
A big thanks to Drabblelove for making this amazing cover
Also, sorry for the delayed update. I felt lazy to write.
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