One more day began. Vasisht stood in the balcony of his room staring at the rising sun. It was his time, the time he discovered himself bit by bit.
Somehow, the spark of the sunrays reminded him of her. Arundhati. He smiled, thinking that their names were of that couple who were said to have lived a wonderful life together, setting an outstanding example.
Vasisht and Arundhati.
As he thought about her deeper, he felt an extreme urge to know her more. She was a very suspenseful character, having a wonderful beauty and a more wonderful smile. She spoke to everyone with high respect and dignity, yet only that much required. No unnecessary talks, gossips or any other, unlike the stereotype.
But mostly, she remained silent, a silence which he had grown to hate. He wanted to hear her, speak to her and share a special bond with her. And he knew he had hopelessly fallen in love with her.
Resending the thoughts back to his brain, he freshened up and left for his job.
It was 3pm when he got unoccupied. The day was strangely busy, with many number of cases.
He left his chamber, laughing to himself, remembering the words of a desperately happy parent. The child was having problems in excreting his faeces and had now recovered.
"Doctor! Now he poops all by himself!!" Exclaimed his mother, which made him hold his stomach laughing.
As he passed by, he saw her locking the keys of her cabin.
"Leaving so early?" He questioned, startling her for a moment.
She nodded. "I am not well..." She managed to say.
When she squeezed her eyes out of pain, holding her tummy, he understood her problem.
She was leaving when he obliviously threw an unplanned invitation. "Would you mind joining me for lunch?"
It was only when she turned did he realise what he blurted out.
"I mean... We can just roam in the park outside the building. You might feel better."
Being a gynaec herself, she knew what he said was right.
Soon the two were walking on the soft grass, uttering no words.
He felt the silence was a little awkward, but knew she was used to it.
Trying to start the conversation, he told her about the hilarious incident he came across.
To his extreme surprise, he saw her smile, which grew wider and turned into an elegant laughter. But she soon recovered, much to his disappointment.
When she felt much better she decided to resume her work. Waving a little bye at him, she left for her department, only to find a couple waiting for her.
Fidgeting on her chair, she asked the attender to send them in.
Seeing their appearance and body language, she learnt they were from a rural background.
"Doctor, we want a child, but my wife is not conceiving..." Explained the husband, rather uncomfortably.
"Since when are you trying?" She questioned, only to find two confused faces.
"We visited many temples, but nothing worked.." This time the wife spoke.
She sighed. Sex education was something very necessary for the society, but still, some remained totally drifted from it.
"Sir, will you please go and speak to Dr. Harish. Tell him that I have sent you. Mam, you please stay here."
Without much hesitation, she explained how an individual is formed in the womb, how the union of a man and woman was the necessity and not mere worships and rituals. She felt sorry for those who had to go through these awkward sessions.
Vasisht returned home and prepared some fresh tea for himself. Laying on the couch, he scrolled through the news on his phone.
All of a sudden he was reminded of her again. The way she laughed was very memorable. He sighed and dialled her number.
He called her for the very first time, overcoming the knots forming in his stomach.
"Hello... Doctor, It's me, Vasisht."
"Yes sir?"
"I hope you aren't busy..."
", please continue.."
"I thought we could meet up tomorrow.... In the its a Sunday..."
All he heard was a dead silence from the other end. He hit his forehead in guilt.
"But sir... I have duty tomorrow..." Came her sudden reply.
He was relieved she did not feel offended.
"Oh... Is it.... May be we can meet in the evening... If you are free.."
He could feel her hesitating.
" Is there something important to discuss about?"
He gulped.
"Yes... I had some doubts regarding some topics. And consulting a gynaecologist was the best option I had..."
"Alright then."
The sun was almost in the verge of drowning in the horizon. Besides having a cup of coffee, the two had not exchanged any words.
He let a sigh of finality.
"I know I'm interfering too much in your life, but as I've observed so far, you seem to be very unique. I mean, please don't get me wrong, I just have a little curiosity to know more about you. I hear all showering praises about you, but never have seen you speak to people casually."
She smiled.
"I don't know sir. I just like to live my life on my own, not interfering in others' matters."
It was a clear indication that he was rubbing her wrong side. He smiled and ended the topic, knowing she hadn't considered him someone worth telling about herself.
"I'm sorry." He apologized, paying the bill.
Looking at the dark sky, she made a humble request to him to drop her back home and he was more than glad to accept it.
As he reached her street, he found that she lived in a place where there weren't much people. In fact, she had no neighbours. It was just a huge mansion, a slightly distorted mansion.
Except for one light burning in the ground floor, there was no source of the same anywhere.
"You live here? All alone?" He asked, quite surprised.
She nodded in negation. "My maid lives with me."
As he drove back, he realised that there was something really strange about her.
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