I need a name suggestion for a book. It is about my personal versions for some other books. It comes under fan fiction.
If I read a book, I will keep myself in the boy's shoe and think of different ways to react.
I am going to write those things as a book so that I won't forget.
For example, when I was reading half blood prince, A certain scene came to my mind. I thought, "How will it be if this scene was in the book?" I am going to write that scene in the new book.
Some wattpad novels could be there too. If the writer gives permission.
First chapter will be on a wattpad novel called "Dilliwalli Girlfriend" Rahul and Preet are married. They are in New York. Preet's whole family comes to see them. What happens now?
Will the talented Author give me her permission?
What should be the name friends?
The book "Fraud" is excellently written by . It has a very unique plot.
Today is my parents 20th wedding day that is why I am updating in a week day.
Michael didn't know what to do? He was still shocked that jenny asked him to sleep in the same bed. Though he won't mind it, he was thinking about his strength to resist kissing her.
This is not a time to romance. Jenny is confident. May be I don't have that effect which she has on me?
"Michael, I am sleepy. Come fast."
Michael was confused on how to answer. He was scratching his head. He said, "I will sleep in the couch. You can sleep comfortably in the bed."
"This is a huge bed. I can accommodate you. You have to sleep well too."
"I am comfortable in couch too."
"I will feel safe if you sleep here."
Michael was stunned by that answer. He laid down. Immediately, she came near him. She placed one of her hand in his chest. She inched closer to him.
When you are suffering from fever, you will feel the temperature is cooler than normal. She was feeling cold but now his body heat gave a warmth to her. A smile came in to her face.
She placed her head in his out stretched arm. Her bare feet was touching his bare feet. Michael knew this is not an intimate cuddle but still this was new to them. He was enjoying her body heat just like she was enjoying his body heat.
Jenny slept immediately. Michael was recording every moment of the night in his mind. He slept late.
Michael was the first to wake up. He opened his eyes to see the faint rays of sun coming out of the window. He turned and saw Jenny. She was sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. Immediately a smile came to his face.
He remembered his wish. He always wanted her face to be the first he sees in morning and last he sees in night. Now it is a reality and he was happy for it.
He rubbed her cheek with his hand. His hand was now in her jaw. It traced her jaw line to her ear. He moved a strand of hair which was hiding her ear.
He tried to get up slowly so that she won't wake up. He was slowly getting up when Jenny caught his hand and pulled him down.
"Let's sleep for half an hour mom."
He knew she thought she was with her mom.
He was happy that she felt comfortable with him so only she thought it was her mom.
He again went back to his original position. He again slept seeing her face.
He waked up. The sun's rays were now getting thicker. Jenny's face was now in his neck. One of her leg was tangled with his leg. One of her hand was in his chest and another hand was parallel to his body.
Her soft arm was touching his soft ear. He could feel her breaths in his neck. He knew she did it unintentionally.
He didn't want to waste any moment. He didn't wait to see her face even. I should get out of this position before I lose my mind and kiss her.
Jenny caught his hand this time too. He leaned down and whispered, "It's time. We should get up."
She leaned down and kissed his jaw. She whispered, "Okay. Wake me up after an hour."
He knew she was thinking of her mother but still he couldn't control the smile which is slowly invading his face.
He stepped back. He knew that he could control his senses now as there is some distance between them.
He watched her. She was curled up in his bed. From now it is not my bed, it is our moment.
This is our room. Saying this itself, makes me feel intimate.
He watched her breath. He watched the rise and fall of her slim waist even.
He took a blanket and wrapped on her. He tucked it. He whispered, "Sleep well baby."
"I will. Wake me after an hour, Michael."
The roof came crashing on him. She knew it was me when she kissed me in jaw. Somewhere in the night she had thought of me.
She went to sleep thinking about me.
He stepped back and was smiling at her. His phone rang. A loud music now filled the room, it was his alarm. It was in a bedside table which was in the opposite side of bed.
Jenny was moving in her bed, he knew she will wake up any moment. He ran fast to the other side and switched it off immediately.
He left out a breath. She can know sleep peacefully. Now, his phone rang with an equally louder music.
He ran and jumped in his steps even. The moment his phone came to his hands, he closed the speaker from where the sound comes. He activated the silence option.
He turned his phone to see Jenny's mother name in it.
"Hello Aunty, Good morning."
"Good Morning Michael. How is Jenny? I came to know of the fever now only. Is it okay now?"
"Easy Aunty, There is nothing to panic. It's okay now. Temperature is better than night but cough is not under control. It will be alright in two days."
"What is she doing now? Should I come? She won't sleep if she is not well. I can make her sleep."
"She is already sleeping. I have an army of people here. We will look after her. You might have many things to do regarding the party. You can meet her in 7 days."
"She was fine yesterday. What happened today? Did she eat Ice Cream?"
He knew that is the mistake but he wanted to save Jenny. He replied, "No Aunty. I think change in weather is the reason. Is she allergic to Ice Cream?"
"Didn't she say these things to you? It's okay in summer but in winter it is not. She will infection and high fever. Uncle wants to talk too. Don't let her eat Ice Cream."
He finished talking with them and went to her bed. He understood why she stopped the sentence in middle. She is not afraid of me but we have a long way to go still.
I had many things to say but somehow everything gets spoiled. Understanding is an important thing in Love.
I said my love with both words and action. What can I do more than this?
Love should be felt but Jenny doesn't understand her love for me.
She is kind of asking me a proof to accept her love. How can I do that?
If I say my love story to her, will she think I married her by force?
I should first let her understand her love.
He went near her and rubbed her forehead. He kissed her forehead lightly so that she won't wake up.
"I love you Jenny."
I am not good with descriptions. The fact that I omit descriptions while reading helps me stay bad in it too.
When I create characters like Jenny and Fred (Who doesn't close their mouth) has always helped me. I don't have to describe more.
I know that I am (kind of) good with romantic words. Last chapter, I tried my hand in Descriptive romance. When I published that chapter, I realised I am very bad in it. I couldn't correct this chapter as this was already finished.
I knew that this will be same like last chapter so I know that I disappointed you guys.
I will update again this weekend.
I am sorry for two boring chapters.
Take care be safe and stay blessed.
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