Jin wrinkled his nose at the tickling sensation and sighed, tightening his grip around the weight of his chest. A small smile played on his lips and he put a hand over his eyes, scratching the tickling ball of fur. Pooh stretched, stood up, made a few full circles, then fell back into Jin's neck and purred, falling asleep. The feeling of peace and comfort had taken over every corner of his mind and he didn't want to get up at all, but he was sure that after the night that had passed, Nao would feel sore to come down for breakfast and he planned to bring it to her in bed.
He carefully got out from under her and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at his sleeping wife. The marks of their foreplay were clearly visible on her shoulders and possibly her neck as well and he smirked, there would no longer be any doubt as to who Nao belonged to. Jin stood up and stretched, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them on to go back to his bedroom and take a shower. "I have to make sure Nao's stuff is moved into the master bedroom" he thought, carefully closing the door.
Jin took a long hot shower. Leaning his hands on the wall, he lowered his head between them and closed his eyes with a contented sigh, enjoying the heat. He hadn't had a woman in his bed in a long time, and one this passionate probably in years or rather never, knowing he was biased in his assessment of their first night, he smirked again. Little sweet, shy Nao turned out to be more than an active lover, and if he was to be honest, he hadn't quite expected such a reaction from her, nor for her to take the initiative and make the first move.
For a moment he wondered which Nao he would meet when she woke up. Jin shook his head, still smiling, he just couldn't bring himself to stop smiling. He had been putting off telling her about his feelings mostly because he wasn't sure she was ready and would reciprocate, but her innocence was unfazed and she had no qualms about admitting what Nao was feeling. He wished he too had such a pure and open heart. How had her foster parents managed to preserve this childlike innocence in her for so long?
Jin turned off the water and with a sigh and still lost in his thoughts, mostly occupied by the sleeping woman in the other room, he dried off and got dressed, dried his hair and walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Mr. Kim, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes" Tina smiled and Jin greeted her briefly. "Okay, put it on a tray, my wife and I will have breakfast in her room" the girl nodded briefly, turning her back to him while she was busy preparing the food. "Also, I want you to make sure Mrs. Kim's things are moved to the master bedroom afterwards" he ordered, ignoring the odd look Tina gave him.
"Will there be breakfast for me?" Jin smiled and nodded at Taehyung. "You're up early" he teased and Taehyung shrugged. "You too" his eyebrows shot up looking at Jin's tired face. "Or you didn't sleep?" Jin shrugged and left the question unanswered, but turned sharply at the sound of breaking. "Sorry, it slipped out of my hands" Tina quickly crouched down to clean up the broken glass and Jin turned to Taehyung again. "To what do I owe this early visit?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at the grumbling girl, but he couldn't hear what she was saying.
"Did you see Jimin and Yoongi's report?" he asked, making sure the girl wasn't listening, but he narrowed his eyes and before Jin could say anything, he motioned for him to leave. Jin frowned but followed him and the two entered Jin's home office. "So, did you see him?" Taehyung asked again and Jin shook his head, sitting behind his desk and Taehyung sat across from him. "Not yet, I've been a bit busy" Jin leaned back in his chair. "According to them, Kuga didn't work alone" Jin's body tensed instantly and he leaned forward, crossing his arms on his desk.
"How, we've made so many attempts to implant people with Woobin, but they all failed, and now you're telling me there's more than one of his people in front of ours?" Taehyung nodded and pursed his lips. "That bastard is seriously getting on my nerves" Jin muttered coldly. After the shootout in the bar, he had hoped that at least Nao would be safe at home, but apparently that was practically impossible. "What are we going to do?" Taehyung asked and Jin thought before answering. "Call the others, have them come tonight, we'll talk then" Taehyung nodded and stood up.
"By the way how is Nao?" Taehyung asked suddenly and Jin smiled dreamily again. "Fine, still sleep" he replied and Taehyung looked at him suspiciously and then exploded. "You old dog, you've already slept with her!" he roared and jumped to his feet, looming over the desk and Jin."It's none of your business what my wife and I do in the bedroom, kid!" Jin growled warningly and Taehyung burst out laughing. "Just look at yourself defending her honor" Jin stood up and Taehyung burst into even louder laughter, running out of the office as if he was being chased by a pack of coyotes.
Jin thoughtfully stood up and went back to the kitchen, the tray of food was left on the kitchen counter, but he wasn't hungry anymore, so he took out one portion, leaving the one for Nao, and carried it upstairs to the bedroom. For a moment, it crossed his mind, that he didn't see Tina, but heard a noise from the bedroom and completely forgot about the maid. He elbowed the door open to find Nao trying to stand up. Jin quickly placed the tray at the bottom of her bed and crouched down in front of her.
"What does my beautiful wife think she's doing?" he asked softly and smirked as Nao shyly pulled the covers up to her chest trying to hide her naked body and blushed deeply, avoiding his gaze. "So shy Nao huh?" he thought, his heart fluttering at the thought that even though they'd spent the night together and he'd seen and touched and tasted every part of her body, multiple times at that, she was still ashamed of him.
"I wanted...to...take a shower" Nao stammered worriedly and tried to stand up again, but her legs didn't seem to agree with her wishes. "Okay, how about I prepare the bath and you eat breakfast in the meantime?" Jin asked and lightly touched her knee, causing Nao to hiccup, blushing even more and her breath starting to come out in quick huffs.
Jin couldn't take his eyes off his wife, the marks on her upper body, the swollen lips from their kisses, the red marks that broke out on her neck and shoulders when he touched her, her flushed face, if he wasn't sure that he would cause her more pain now than last night, he would be back in bed by now. "Mmm?" he prompted her to answer and she nodded with a shy smile. "Good girl" he helped her back to bed, placed the tray on her lap, bent down and gently pecked her lips, getting another dose of red marks on her cheeks and went into the bathroom to fill the tub.
"So you ready baby?" Jin showed himself at the bathroom door, but his gaze was fixed on the pleasure with which Nao was munching on her food, as if she hadn't eaten in a week. "Don't eat the plate at least, little one" she glared at him, her cheeks puffed out like a hamster and she swallowed, blushing again. "I'm sorry but I'm starving" she muttered with her mouth full and Jin smirked. "A lot of women get hungry after sex" he nodded knowingly and moved closer, sitting next to her.
"Jin, please!" she exclaimed in horror and nearly choked. He burst out laughing, charmed by her reaction, and leaned over, patting her back lightly. "Are you still ashamed of me?" she glared at him and he raised an eyebrow. "Charming" Jin whispered, still leaning over her and she swallowed again, staring into his eyes, his eyes locked on her lips. "Is it tasty?" he asked quietly and Nao nodded slowly. "Can I try it too?" she nodded again and he leaned in a little more, locking their lips, his tongue slid into her mouth and Nao moaned softly, closing her eyes.
"It's really tasty" he licked his lips and ran his thumb along hers. "You're beautiful" his deep soft voice made her shiver and hot waves ran down her spine. "And you're so delicious" he pressed his lips to hers again, pushing the tray aside and climbing onto the bed, sitting on her hips, careful not to weigh her down. "Jin..." he shushed her and cupped her neck, tilting his head and his tongue slid into her mouth again, stealing a few low moans from her throat.
Her hands slid up his and their fingers entwined on her cheeks. Jin just couldn't stop himself, their tongues intertwined passionately, Nao rose and purred hungrily. She tugged at his t-shirt, trying to take it off and Jin pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. Nao whimpered in protest and he smirked. "As much as I want to baby, you won't take another round if you don't rest" he sighed and got off her hips and off the bed.
"Come on, a warm bath will help" he bent down and picked her up in his arms, carrying her to the bathroom, Nao snuggled against his chest wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder. "Are you always like this?" Nao asked quietly and he shook his head. "Only with the people I care about and my wife in particular, the rest don't like me much" he smiled and she looked up, studying his face. He let her step onto the bathroom floor and helped her get undressed and into the tub.
"Jin, can I ask you something?" Nao looked at him, foaming around her chest, blushing at Jin's gaze. "Everything baby" he smiled and walked behind her crouching down and starting to massage her shoulders. "Has Namjoon really been watching me the whole time?" she asked quietly, leaning her head back, trying to look at him. "Every day." he nodded and kissed her forehead. "I know you're still mad at him even though you forgave him, but he really does love you baby. You have no idea how much it hurt him not to be able to hold you, comfort you when you're sad" he sighed, Nao's eyes were filled with tears.
"Remember in eighth grade, that boy you liked so much and he hurt you?" Jin asked and Nao nodded. "Namjoon beat him up that night" Jin smiled and she gasped, rolling over in the tub to face him and clinging to the edge of it. "And all the presents for your birthdays? Your graduation prom dress? It was all from Namjoon and your dad, they were there at your graduation too. Even we weren't allowed to see you, even though we were the only ones besides Namjoon and your father we knew of your existence" he lightly kissed her nose and she blushed.
"You were Namjoon's biggest pain. When your father died he spent a week watching over you personally, he claimed your happiness was the only thing that kept him afloat" Jin brushed a few strands of hair from her forehead and stared into her eyes . "I know what other people think of people like us, we're criminals and killers, ruthless and heartless, but that's not true baby. We hurt too, we have hearts, we love and hate just like I fell in love in you" he wiped away the tears that were already streaming down her face.
"You fell in love with me?" Nao whispered and Jin nodded, peck her lips. "I couldn't resist you,baby, just like Namjoon can't help but love his little sister" Nao sobbed and Jin squirmed a little. "Come on now, we don't want those pretty eyes to get red and puffy from crying, do we?" she nodded and tried to smile. "Jin?" he wrinkled his nose questioningly. "Thank you" he raised his eyebrows and stroked her cheek gently with his thumb. "For what,baby?" Nao looked down slightly at her wrists. "That you saved my life and didn't leave me, despite my attitude and spite" Nao mumbled in a tearful voice and Jin shook his head, pressing his lips to hers, cupping her face.
"There was no way I was going to let my wife leave me on our first night of marriage, besides, how could I let the woman who captivated me walk away from me," Jin winked at her with a smile and Nao smiled so charmingly that Jin just couldn't help it and passionately pressed his lips into hers. "Do you think Namjoon will be mad at her when he finds out I've fallen in love with you?" Nao asked quietly as he backed away slightly.
"Namjoon can't be mad at you my love, besides, he already knows that I'm in love with you and as much as he doesn't want it, we're married. It's better that he has feelings and it's a marriage with love rather than being indifferent, don't you think?" Nao nodded silently and Jin winked at her, standing up. "Come on, the water's getting cold" he helped her out of the tub, wrapping a large fluffy towel around her body and then his arms, pulling her to his chest.
Nao smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "Does it hurt?" he asked gently, lifting her into his arms. "A little, but it was worth it" Nao whispered tiredly and Jin smirked. "I don't think I've ever received a more unique compliment for my skills in bed" he shook his head and laid her down, staring at her flushed face for a moment. "I have to go to the office and I'll probably be back late. I've been gone for quite a while and work has piled up. The boys will be around if you need anything, but I'll be quite busy for the next few days" he kissed her forehead apologetically and sat next to her on the bed.
"It's okay, work doesn't have to wait" Nao smiled and he pecked her lips. "Don't wait for me tonight, get some rest" he thought for a moment."Actually, I gave orders for your things to be moved into the master bedroom so.." he looked around to find Pooh lying on a pillow on the couch, he got up and walked over to him, taking it in his arms, then returned to Nao, handed it to her, and picked her up again, carrying her to the door. "You will wait for me here, I will not spend another night without my wife" he smiled and laid her down in his huge bed, carefully tucking the covers around her.
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