No one knew how Kim Seokjin had entered the criminal world, but it was no secret that he came from a good family with his own business, which Jin had inherited after his parents' death. Naturally, a death caused after an "incident" orchestrated by Woobin. Namjoon sometimes looked at his friend and wondered how someone like him could strike fear into anyone.
Jin was kind, patient, intelligent, always concerned about others first, and if there was time left, then he thought about himself. He treated his friends like family, he was responsible and reliable, he was a faithful friend, keeping his word and ready to sacrifice himself for the common good. This was also the reason why Namjoon entrusted his sister to him. He was sure that if there was anyone who could take care of her the way Namjoon himself did, that someone was Jin. And of course, being the man he was, Kim Seokjin couldn't refuse such a request, even if it meant getting a wife.
"You need to eat, baby" Jin sighed and once again stirred the hot soup, carefully blew on the spoon and brought it to Nao's lips, who stubbornly pursed her lips and looked away. "Don't call me that!" she hissed viciously and crossed her arms over her chest. "What shall I call you?" he asked and she rolled her eyes. "Ex-wife for example" Jin burst out laughing and Nao snorted. "I'm sorry baby, but the only way this is going to happen is for me to die" she looked at him with raised eyebrows and narrowed eyes.
"Oh sunshine, you're not strong enough for this" he smirked, reading her mind and Nao looked away again. "But if you eat the soup and when you're strong enough, I promise to personally give you a chance to try?" she looked at him uncertainly and he raised an eyebrow in question. Nao nodded and opened her mouth slightly, leaning forward. "She's like Namjoon when he's sick, a big kid" thought Jin shaking his head as she dutifully continued to accept the spoon brought to her mouth.
"Look what I got!" the bedroom door swung open and Hoseok entered the room with a brisk step and a twenty-four carat smile. Nao looked at him indifferently and Jin looked at him curiously. Hoseok walked over to them, climbed onto the bed and unbuttoned his baggy jacket. Nao's eyes widened in surprise and her face lit up adorably as Hoseok reached out, holding a small gray kitten that squealed helplessly, staring Nao straight in the eye with an innocent expression.
"For me?" Jin couldn't take his eyes off her face. For the first time in three days, anything but indifference, anger or despair was written on it. "That's right, you need company other than your useless husband" Hoseok nodded and Jin grunted, rolling his eyes. "God it's so cute!" Nao took the kitten and held it to her chest, the kitten snuggled for a moment and then with typical feline curiosity, climbed up her shoulder and around her neck, nuzzling her and exploring the pillow behind her back.
"What will you name him?" Hoseok asked with a smile and Nao blinked at him. "Me?" she pointed and Hoseok nodded. "Of course you, it's your kitty" Hoseok's smile was always extremely contagious. "I...I don't know...I've never had a kitten" Hoseok raised an eyebrow at Jin, who mouthed a "thank you" and turned back to Nao. "There's no need to rush, he'll be happy to wait a bit" Hoseok patted her leg and watched as the kitten relaxed around the neck of its new owner.
"When you're well and ready, we'll go get him a leash and everything if you want?" Jin offered and Nao gave him a divine smile revealing the same two dimples as her brother, causing his breath to catch in his throat. Hoseok furtively glanced between the two, noticing Jin's reaction to Nao. "Do you promise?" her melodious voice mingled with the purring of the kitten rubbing its fur under her chin. "I promise, but you have to promise me you'll eat?" she nods charmingly, obviously willing to do anything to keep the little creature by her side.
"Pooh! I'll name him Pooh" her pure childish laughter filled the room and energized both men for the rest of the day. For the past three days, Jin had tried his best to bring her out of her depressed state, offering her everything he could think of, from food to buying her an entire mall if she wanted, and Hoseok had succeeded with a kitten. An ordinary kitten!
Namjoon stood behind the slightly open door, watching the scene. It pained him that his sister refused to have anything to do with him, but she had allowed Jin to be with her. Seeing the happiness written on her face, however, his pain faded into the background and he smiled as he watched Nao play with the little ball of fur. Jin seemed to know that Namjoon was standing behind the door and looked over with a reassuring smile.
"I think Pooh is hungry" Hoseok laughed and Jin looked down at his lap. The kitten was trying hard to climb over the bowl of soup and steal some, stretching out its little short paw. "Do you want to take a walk to the kitchen and see what we can offer this little friend?" Jin looked at Nao with a smile, if the kitten made her feel good, he would worship the little creature if necessary, just to see that smile.
She willingly threw back the covers and sat on her knees, reaching for the kitten. "I have work, but you have fun" Hoseok announced suddenly and winked at Jin, who was aware that Hoseok's only job right now was to be Hoseok. And yet, his friend climbed out of bed and with the same brisk step with which he had entered, left the bedroom. "Come on Namjoon, let's leave them" he pulled Namjoon down the stairs and towards the door.
"But I wanted to..." Hoseok stopped and shook his head. "Not yet man, I know it hurts you that Nao doesn't want to see you, but she and Jin need to bond. Trust Seokjin, he'll make sure your sister accepts you, you know that." Namjoon nodded. Nao needed someone she could trust and given what had happened, Namjoon was last on her list for that. And Jin was perfect for the purpose, firstly he was her husband and secondly, he had the unique ability to create friendships everywhere.
Supported by Jin, whose hand on her waist Nao didn't even notice, too busy with the bouncing and twirling kitten in her arms, Nao slowly made her way down the stairs, allowing herself to be ushered into the kitchen. "Are you ready?" Nao looked at Jin curiously and gasped as he grabbed her around the waist and effortlessly lifted her up and sat her down on the kitchen island. "Let's see what we have" he winked at her and turned to the fridge, opening it and rummaging through it grudgingly.
"There you are!" Nao tried to peek over his shoulder, but she didn't have to wait long. Jin proudly showed her a can of tuna, Nao's eyes lit up and she crinkled her nose sweetly. Jin took a fine strainer from one of the cupboards, then a small saucer from another, and turned to the sink, leaving everything behind. He opened the can and poured its contents into the strainer, making sure all the sauce and grease was drained, then poured the fish into the saucer and turned to Nao.
"Here we go, let's see if he likes it" Jin put the plate down on the counter and Nao put the kitten down next to her, he dug his nose into the fish like his life depended on it. In an effort to eat the food faster, Pooh leaned forward so that his hind legs hung in the air and his tail snapped like a pylon. "God!" Nao burst out laughing, clutching her stomach and tossing her head back. Once again, Jin was captivated by her laugh, by the glow on her face, by her smile.
"We're going to keep him, aren't we?" he blinked out of his thoughts. "What, who?" he asked confused, staring into her wide pleading eyes. "Pooh?" Nao looked at the little kitten who was licking the already empty saucer with the speed of a vacuum cleaner. Jin smiled and scratched the kitten's neck. "Anything you want,baby" he looked up at her again. "I told you not to call me that" he raised an eyebrow, looking at the blush on her cheeks but she avoided his gaze in embarrassment.
"You're cute" Nao looked at him startled, opening and closing her mouth to say something, but the words refused to turn into sound. "Am I interrupting something?" the two jumped up in fright and looked at the door and Yoongi, who had propped himself up with folded arms on the door frame and was staring blankly at them. "Look what I've got!" Nao announced and raised the kittens at Yoongi who just raised an eyebrow. "Have you started to pamper your wife, hyung?" he asked and Jin shrugged.
Placed between the two, Nao felt uncomfortable. Jin's calm reaction to being called his wife made her feel even more uncomfortable. She held the kitten to her chest, trying to avoid both of their gazes and tried to get off the counter, but Jin wrapped his arms around her waist to help her and her body slid down his, shivers running through both of them and their eyes locked for moment before Nao broke away from his arms and, clutching Pooh tightly, ran out of the kitchen.
"Huh, looks like she's got the life back" Yoongi tilted his head back, watching Nao run up the stairs. "Thanks to Hoseok, if he hadn't brought the kitten I would still be begging her to eat the soup" Jin smiled, shaking his head. "What kitten?" Jungkook stuck his head out, peering out of his shell like a turtle, and Jin laughed. "It's Nao's" he nodded in the direction of the stairs and Jungkook shot up, only a minute later there was a slamming door and enthusiastic voices and cheers.
"Does Namjoon know?" Yoongi asked, stepping into the kitchen and towards the fridge. "Yeah, he was here when Hoseok gave the kitten to Nao, I think it was his idea" Jin nodded and turned to put the saucer that Pooh had been eating from in the sink. "I'm not talking about the kitten, Jin" Yoongi pulled a bottle of juice from the fridge and then reached down and picked up a glass, pouring himself some.
"And for what?" Yoongi gave him a "are you serious" look and Jin furrowed his brows. "What exactly are you asking me, Yoongi, say it straight and without any detours!" Jin turned his whole body towards him, leaning back on one elbow."Does Namjoon know you're starting to have a crush on his sister?" Yoongi asked directly and Jin gritted his teeth. "Is it that obvious?" Jin couldn't stop thinking about her. That day when he had fought for her life, how she tried to look angry but was actually so cute, with all that blushing and stubbornness, and now those dimples. Jin was a normal person, for God's sake, and Namjoon had pushed in his arms the most adorable creature he had ever seen.
Kim Seokjin wasn't famous for insecurity, it was rare that he wanted something and didn't get it. Under other circumstances, if her life wasn't in danger, if he wasn't afraid she might try to escape and put herself in danger, Jin would have already asked her out, maybe dinner. He would have started flirting with her, to make sure that he would have her. But given the situation, he had to be satisfied with those moments when Nao didn't look at him accusingly and didn't hint to him that she wanted a divorce.
"I don't know, I don't think this is the time to talk to him about it and ask his permission" Jin shook his head and Yoongi snorted. "Permission for what, she's your wife now" Yoongi put the bottle of juice back in the fridge and left the empty glass in the sink. "Yes, but it's not that simple. This marriage is to protect her, not to make us fall in love and live happily ever after" Jin sighed and moved to the sink, starting to wash the used dishes, putting them away one by one on the dryer.
"And you're just going to give up?" Jin looked at him and smiled, sighing and shaking his hands out of the water. "I'm not giving up on anything, it's not like she likes me or there's anything between us" Yoongi rolled his eyes, not believing any of Jin's words. "You can't lie to me hyung, no one spends that much time around any woman, goes out of their way to save her life and not start falling for her" Yoongi stated knowingly and Jin gave him a long look.
"I'm not denying that I'm starting to have a crush on her Yoongi, if you've even noticed it's obvious. I've never been good at hiding feelings. But I can't just admit it to her with everything going on in her life, it's only going to make things worse and confuse her even more." the two walked towards the living room and Jin offered Yoongi a drink before he declined and Jin poured himself one. "She's starting to trust you, maybe that's what she needs right now, someone she's sure of, someone she knows she can lean on, and who cares for her" Jin rubbed his forehead thoughtfully.
"We're not kids hyung, with our lifestyle we never know when our last day is. An opportunity like this and if you're really into it, it's not to be missed" Yoongi leaned back, watching Jin carefully. "Are you suggesting I talk to Namjoon?" Jin asked and Yoongi shrugged. "If you really care about his permission, I think he'd be happy if his sister fell in love with a man like you. But I think what's more important is whether you think you have a chance with her and what you want" Jin snorted back. Yoongi was right, of course, but Jin wasn't convinced that it was time for Nao to be thrown into such a relationship.
"I don't know Yoongi, I don't want to push her, besides, she's not fully healed yet." Jin snorted and Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Soon you're going to introduce her as your wife, Jin, isn't that our plan, wouldn't it be easier if your wife didn't look at you with distrust, but as the man she's in love with? Don't forget that people see things differently an arranged marriage and one where there is love. A man in love is much more dangerous" Jin laughed lightly. "When did you become a professional psychologist and philosopher Yoongi?" he asked jokingly and Yoongi's lips formed something like a smile.
"I'm just stating the facts hyung, besides, a possible love between you two might open her up to the world and give her a meaning to live instead of wondering how to end her life and resorting to another such stupidity. Happiness it brings people out of depression, and she needs exactly that, to live and laugh for real, to have dreams" Yoongi replied knowingly and Jin raised his eyebrows, Yoongi's words were more than logical.
He thought about it. Maybe Nao would accept it, if he wasn't in a hurry, they were married, it wouldn't hurt for Jin to try and see if something would work out between them. Namjoon would hardly mind either, after all he was the one who had chosen Jin as her husband, so there were reasons behind his decision. And if it could also help Nao to get back on her feet and feel more secure and calm, why not then?
"Maybe you're right" he muttered under his breath, still considering the possibility of making this marriage work. "I'm always right" Yoongi smirked and stood up. "I'm going to get that kid out of your wife's bedroom and you start acting, from what I've seen she seems more and more relaxed and happy around you" Yoongi winked at him and walked towards Nao's bedroom to call Jungkook whose laughter filled the second floor.
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