"Tina confirmed that she worked for Woobin, he gave her whatever substances she put in Nao's food or drinks, making sure they didn't get into yours." Namjoon sighed, waiting for a woman with a child to walk past them and walk away down the hall before continuing. "She's crazy, totally crazy, she keeps asking if she managed to kill Nao. She overheard a conversation you had about babies and that's why she started giving birth control to my sister, she thought if you think Nao can't gives you children, you will get rid of her" Jin was on the verge of exploding, this whole story sounded so absurd that there was simply no way anyone would make up such a lie, no matter how stupid he was.
"And Woobin isn't far behind, he's put the hospital under surveillance, we're still investigating if he didn't manage to get to Nao's doctor, but for now there are no such indications" Yoongi shook his head. "We've given him too much freedom and he believes he can win, he's getting bolder and soon he'll make an irreparable mistake. Keep watching him, I don't care what it costs, make sure we get a spy among his people and I want to know his every step." Jin turned thoughtfully to the door of Nao's room.
"According to the doctor, Nao should wake up any minute, for now I can't move and risk her being alone when she wakes up. Increase the security at the hospital, if necessary, Hoseok should talk to the director, we shouldn't allow anything else to happen to her" Hoseok nodded that he understood. "Namjoon, I'm going to need a new housekeeper, some kind old lady who doesn't know who we are or what we do. I don't want Nao to ever feel insecure again." Namjoon smiled and nodded.
"Jimin, when Nao wakes up, can you bring Tia, she'll be happy?" Jimin confirmed curtly. "Jungkook, remember the shelter next to us?" Jungkook's face lit up. "So you know what to do, arrange everything, I promised Nao and she will get her pets" Jin wondered if he had missed something, but he couldn't think of anything else. "I think it's just that and..." two running nurses and Nao's doctor cut him off, running past them and into Nao's room. Jin didn't hesitate to follow them and froze at the door. "Baby?" her weary smile nearly brought him to his knees.
"Mr. Kim, would you please wait outside while I finish examining her?" after the suffocation incident, Jin obediently complied with the doctor's request and walked out, finding himself facing six pairs of curious eyes and those of all the guards. "She's awake" he barely whispered and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, starting to pat him on the shoulder or hug each other, even the guards seemed pleased with the news.
The waiting people grew impatient and the few minutes felt like hours, especially to Jin who wanted to be with her when she woke up. "Mr. Kim?" he turned expectantly to the doctor who had just left the room. He waited for the two sisters to leave and turned back to Jin. "Mrs. Kim is fine but don't overwork her, I don't see any impairment in her memory or speech either, so we'll only keep her for three more days and then you can take her home, but she'll have to take some medication for a week or so the discharge and to rest" Jin nodded energetically, impatient to see and hug his wife, to hear her voice.
Nao looked at the door and her still pale face brightened. "Jin..." she held out her arms and he collapsed into her arms, burying his face in her neck. "I'm sorry, my love, god, I'm so sorry, it's my fault, I missed you so much, I love you, forgive me, baby, I'll never ignore your feelings again..." he raised his head and looked into her eyes, but he didn't hold back and pressed his lips passionately into hers. His kiss was filled with so much love and pain that Nao just let herself be pressed and smothered by his caresses until he made sure she was okay and in his arms again.
"Jin, I can't breathe" she laughed breathlessly and he pulled away, looking at her worriedly. "Are you sick, do you want me to call the doctor?" Nao shook her head and cupped his face. "My husband's love is suffocating me" he sighed in relief and she pecked his lips softly. "Are you okay? Do you want anything? I love you! Are you hungry, water?" Jin chattered on and on until the room behind him was filled with giggles and muffled laughter. "Just look at him, the other day he wanted to kill her doctor, and today he's ready to call him just because his wife sneezed" Namjoon shook his head and approached Nao's bed, unceremoniously pushing Jin away and hugging his sister.
"What?" Nao gaped at him in surprise and Jin shook his head. "Nothing, your brother is talking nonsense" Jin in turn pushed Namjoon away who protested and the two nearly piled on top of Nao. "Enough you two!" Jimin grabbed them by the collars and pulled them aside. "The doctor said not to tire her out, and you're fighting like children in front of her, getting on her nerves. Shame on you, Jin, get your wife something to eat, Namjoon, go to the apartment and make sure you get her warm clothes and bring Tia!" he ordered, and both men blinked in surprise, then bolted out of the room to do their bidding.
"What was that?" Nao looked at Jimin in shock, who grinned and winked at her. "Training for father" he answered proudly and Nao almost choked with laughter. "Are you okay?" Hoseok sat down next to her and patted her on the back. "Yeah, it's just...with kids like that, Jimin will retire before he's 45" now everyone was bursting with laughter, except for Yoongi who was just watching them from the side and the closest thing to a smile was the crooked corners of his lips .
The truth is that the boys took the two women in the group as their number one priority and everything else was of little importance to their safety and happiness. It didn't matter that Tia was Jimin's wife or that Nao was with Jin, they were just important and everyone secretly worried about both equally. It was simply their understanding of manhood and family. The seven lived together, they were brothers in heart and soul, and each of their wives stood on a pedestal. The same would apply to any subsequent girl who became the wife of any of the remaining bachelors.
For them, the wife represented the presence of her husband, which meant that disrespect to one is disrespect to the other, and accordingly to the whole group. The situation was simple, Tia approved of Nao, the two became friends, taking on the other's personality, Nao protected Tia and her child without thinking about herself, and that too in front of the person who was trying to kill her. This was the family to which each of the boys aspired. So the next wife would go through the same reception, and if she couldn't adjust to this chaotic hubbub and the constant presence of the others, she simply wouldn't have a place in the group.
It looked like a complex social experiment, but it was actually extremely simple. Each of the boys was a part of the whole, and the wife was the other half of her husband, so if she didn't fit somewhere, she just wasn't the right woman. That's exactly why Jimin and Jin were the only ones already married. Tia fit in by chance, and Nao, first because of her brother and then because of her husband, it was a separate issue that she saw everyone as the big family she dreamed of, even though every outsider made her nervous.
"Can I talk to Yoongi in private?" Nao suddenly asked and all the noise in her room died down. "Please?" she looked at Yoongi as did everyone else, he nodded and they left them alone. "Tell me everything?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "For which?" Nao smiled sadly and looked him straight in the eyes, knowing that Yoongi would be the only one who wouldn't embellish the story to spare her feelings.
"To the last detail, Min Yoongi" she insisted and he sighed, leaning back against the wall. "You were right about Tina, she worked for Woobin and not only that, but she's really in love with Jin..." Yoongi told her everything, about the poisoning, why she couldn't get pregnant, about how Jin planned to attack Woobin, he didn't miss a single detail, including how Jin blamed himself for her condition.
"Do you have a chance if you attack him directly" Nao stared at her lap playing with her fingers, her brow furrowed thoughtfully. "Woobin isn't as strong as he thinks, I agree he's a cruel bastard, but compared to our combined forces, if we decide to go against him, I'm not saying it will be easy, but it won't be impossible." Yoongi replied nonchalantly and Nao looked at him. "At the cost of many sacrifices?" he nodded and shrugged. "You know how we are Nao, in our world sacrifices are inevitable" Nao's eyes filled with tears.
"Hey, we know what we're doing, it's not that easy for one of us to get hurt" Yoongi quickly approached her, sat on the edge of the bed and hugged her. "Get your hands off my wife!" the two jerked their heads up, gaping in surprise at Kim Seokjin who was standing in front of them, flushed with rage. "You drove the angels out of me, Kim Seokjin!" Nao cried and Yoongi looked at him like he was crazy. "Baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, it wasn't on purpose" just as he had freaked out at the sight of Yoongi hugging his wife, so now Jin guiltily placed the shopping bags on the chair next to her bed, pulled Yoongi off the bed and sat in his place, pulling her into his arms.
"If you laugh at Jimin's jealousy again, I'll remind you of that moment, Jin" Yoongi shook his head and was sent to the door by Jin's murderous glare. "Since when have you been jealous?" Nao asked sniffling and Jin gave her a guilty look. "I don't know, lately I've been reacting without thinking" he answered quietly and pressed her harder. "I've missed you so much, my love" Jin whispered into her hair, breathing in her scent.
"Jin, it's not your fault" Nao wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him. "How...Yoongi! I'm going to kill him" Jin sighed, guilt creeping into his eyes. "On the contrary, it's mine, I let Tina near you, I let her stay, I ignored every time I saw how uncomfortable you felt around her" he cupped her face and locked their lips together. "And because of this stupidity of mine, I almost lost you" he kissed her again, resting their foreheads.
"Gin, look at me" he looked up at her and sank into those beautiful eyes that haunted every corner of his soul and dreams. "Tina worked for you for years, it was only logical that you felt at ease around her." Jin sighed and shook his head against hers. "It was even more logical to consider my wife's feelings and take measures. If I had done that, you wouldn't be in this bed now" he scolded himself and Nao cupped his cheeks with her hands. "You are a wonderful husband Jin, no woman could have a better one and I love you for it" his eyes filled with tears and he didn't hold back kissing her deeply and passionately again.
"Hey, that's my sister!" Namjoon grumbled and Jin quickly wiped away his tears, glaring at him. "Get used to it, because from now on, you're going to see this a lot" Nao could have sworn Jin was creeping out on her brother. "Why don't you go test your manhood in the hallway while I talk to my friend?" Jin rolled his eyes as Tia's huge belly lurched towards the bed. Namjoon put down the bag of clothes he had brought for Nao and pulled Jin outside. "Let's talk manly about sisters and friendships, hyung!" Nao and Tia burst out laughing, watching the two argue over who has more rights, the brother or the husband.
"They'll never grow up" Tia shook her head and smiled, sitting on Nao's bed. "No, I hope so" replied Nao and the two gave each other a long hug. "How do you feel?" Tia asked, looking her straight in the eyes as if not to give her a chance to lie to her. "Tired" Nao sighed, stroking her belly with a smile. "Sure, after all that sleep" Tia giggled and Nao raised an eyebrow. "How long..." she looked down at her lap and her eyes closed heavily. "Almost two weeks" Tia answered, knowing exactly what Nao was asking her.
"How was he doing?" Tia looked at the door and smiled wryly. "Bad, he hardly slept, never left your room, let alone a shower and food. From what I understand, Jimin ended up forcing him to do both." Tia smiled sadly. "I've never seen Kim Seokjin lose his temper, but it's been happening a lot these past few days, even close to strangling your doctor, Jimin said they barely saved the poor guy when Jin saw your empty bed and thought you were. .." she stopped and her eyes filled with tears.
"Hey I'm fine" Nao hugged her friend tightly who sobbed into her shoulder. "I should have talked to Jin about Tina much earlier, you too, I'm so sorry Nao, I'm a bad friend" Tia sobbed loudly as Nao held her close, stroking her back soothingly. "You're not a bad friend and stop making my godson cry" Nao scolded her gently and Tia laughed through her tears, looking down at her stomach. "He's been restless lately too, worrying about his godmother" the two laughed and continued talking until Tia noticed Nao trying to cover her yawns.
"It's time for me to go and I'm sure Jin wants to spend as much time with you as possible right now" Tia smiled and Nao gave her a tired grateful smile. "Take care and promise that when I get home you'll make me more of that delicious cake" Tia nodded proudly at the compliment and barely opened the door before Jin snuck in headlong, as if he had been standing by the door waiting for it to be opened, as permission to enter.
"What exactly are you doing?" Nao asked with raised eyebrows, looking at Jin who was standing precariously by her bed, hands clasped behind his back, staring at the ground and digging his toes on the floor. "Can I lie down next to you?" he asked with huge puppy dog eyes and Nao almost burst out laughing. "Come here" she held out her arms and Jin climbed onto the bed, laying down next to her and resting his head on her chest, he wrapped his arms around her waist and sighed like a contented child. Shortly after, they both drifted off to sleep, too tired from what they had experienced, but happy with the happy ending and that they were together again.
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