Chapter 8
I as sitting reading that evening when Iris wandered past on her way back home. She waved and treated me to a radiant smile. I motioned for her to come over. "Sorry about Texan, she can come over a bit strong," she said as she slid gracefully onto the lounger next to me.
"She seems like a lot of fun.."
"She is. She's wild, hedonistic and takes no crap from anyone. I wish I was a bit more like her at times." She sighed loudly.
"Who's giving you crap?" I asked, placing a bottle of beer in front of her. She took a dainty swig.
"Nobody really, they're all tiptoeing around me because I lost someone I loved."
"Yes, I heard about that," I clarified.
"I loved him, he was that magical 'one', the soulmate we only meet once in our lives, according to Howie. I just don't want to believe that I'll never meet anyone else, you know, that I've had my 'one'."
"I don't think that's true at all. Maybe we need different people at different times in our life, for different reasons. I mean, if the only man you'd ever have in your life was destined to pass away young, it leaves you no way of learning the lessons of love that we all need, doesn't it?" I was pleased with myself for sounding so deep, when really I was trying to convince Iris to get back on the saddle so to speak. She tilted her head to the side and thought about what I'd said.
"You might be right. I know Texan will be glad to know you subscribe to that particular school of thought. Her tongue was pretty much hanging out when she saw you. She's here to both dry out and get over Ben, so you might be the perfect therapy."
"Ben?" I asked. "Has she split with Ben Cooper?" Iris nodded. Ben Cooper was the lead singer of Trash, the wildest of the wild grunge goth bands.
"The press don't know yet, she's hiding out here while Ben makes it public. Hopefully the press won't think to look here, so keep it under your hat."
"Why did they split?" I asked. Iris stared at the floor for a moment, a subtle blush working it's way over her cheeks as she seemed to struggle with whether or not to tell me what had happened.
"I think he struggled to keep up with lots of ways," she eventually said.
"Really? I know she's more successful than him, probably because she has a wider fan base, but he'd have to be pretty insecure to break up with her over that."
Iris shook her head, her blush deepening. "I don't think it was that. Ben's been around for much longer, so has a good, solid fan-base and makes a fortune from his tours."
"What then?" I demanded.
"Texan is wild in everything she does. She drinks too much, parties too much and has alleged wild tastes in the bedroom. Ben just couldn't keep up. Tex said that he kept wanting to stay home and sleep, while she wants to make the most of every moment, if you know what I'm saying," she told me. "Tex has only been away from him two days and she's already climbing the walls and threatening to pounce on you."
Her voice wavered slightly as she spoke, betraying her emotion. Iris was one of those people with enormous self control, who could cover their feelings if it meant not revealing their inner core and not exposing their deepest thoughts for others top either condemn or ridicule. It was a trait that I admired in people. I decided to be honest and upfront with her, as I figured she deserved only the truth. My heart was thumping as I confessed; "Texan is sexy, I'll admit...but the woman I'm interested in is you."
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "I'm not ready yet. I wish I was, but I'm numb to everything right now. You should have your fun with this harem of beautiful women. If you can make me feel enough to experience jealousy, then I'll know that I'm ready."
It was a logical enough statement, but one tinged with her sadness. "If I, as you say, worked my way through your friends, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want anything to do with me."
She smiled at me. "Don't worry about that, consider it more of a road test. It's not that I don't think you're handsome or sexy, it's just that right now, I don't want to open the Pandoras box. Tell me you understand?"
"Hmm," I said, non-committal and a little disgruntled. She grinned and stood up.
"Shall I mention to Texan that you're sitting here all on your lonesome?"
I shook my head, miserable that she hadn't taken my declaration that I wanted her, seriously. Maybe I should try and make her jealous, let her know what she was missing out on, especially if she was so adamant that I couldn't have her. I looked directly into her big brown eyes and held her gaze. "Actually, that's a great idea."
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