Chapter 7
Janine returned to the party, leaving me alone to digest what she'd told me about Iris. Just the thought of her dead lover's brother making a play for if a wife could be inherited in the same way as a house or a company...made the anger rise within me. I felt an irrational urge to go over there and protect Iris from this idiot.
By ten, I'd paced around, swigging beer, trying to decide what to do for almost an hour. I grabbed my keys and strode over to the end villa, where music was thumping out. Immediately, I saw Iris standing out on the verandah talking to a man with fair hair. I stopped abruptly, keeping myself out of view. She didn't look upset or angry, more concerned as she placed her hand gently over his in a comforting gesture.
I slipped back to my villa, glad that I hadn't made a fool of myself by charging in there like a white knight. Perhaps Howie was devastated by the loss of his brother and liked to be around Iris as another person who shared his grief, taking comfort in the fact that they'd both lost the same man.
I lay in bed that night pondering the problem. If Iris had lost the love of her life, she wouldn't be the type of girl for just a holiday fling. If I was going to pursue her, it would have to be an all or nothing commitment, the thought of which terrified me. Trust me to go for the complicated one, I thought as I tried to rid my mind of her. I visualised Janine in her bikini, how it showcased her considerable assets, but my mind kept wandering back to Iris, sitting in my kitchen sipping her coffee. Those lips dominated my dreams.
The next morning, a bleary-eyed Pixie waved as she strolled past my verandah. "How'd it go with Alex last night?" I asked, amused at the mascara smudges on her face.
She grinned and made a 'get in' gesture. "Shagged him senseless. The poor man didn't know what hit him. He's still in a coma, his dick's ground down to just a nub."
I laughed. The Pixie looked so delighted with herself. "What about Iris?" I asked.
"We got her dancing, which is progress. I think she enjoyed herself. You should've come to the party," she said, throwing me a wink, which I didn't understand.
"I meant did this Howie get anywhere with her?"
She shook her head, "course not, he won't either." With that rather cryptic remark, she strolled off, reappearing ten minutes later with a clean face and a box of eggs, which she took over to the villa she'd first emerged from.
San Vinca was quiet for the rest of the morning. At lunchtime I ventured into the 'town', which was in reality a small strip of shops and a tiny supermarket. I pushed a trolley around, filling it with foods I hadn't eaten for a long time, ones that would give my personal trainer a heart attack. I bought fat-laden ice-cream, candy and full sugar soda as well as a few crates of beer and several bottles of wine.
Viewing the pizzas, Apple pie and potato chips going through the checkout, I smiled at my own rebelliousness. It had been a few years since I'd eaten what I'd liked and it added to the sense of freedom I'd been adapting to since I'd arrived. "You look a lot like the guy who plays superman, has anyone ever told you that?" The woman on the checkout said.
"Do I?" I replied. For once I had no desire to be recognised. Normally I enjoyed the fuss, the selfies and the autographs. In San Vinca I was enjoying my privacy. "I'll take that as a compliment." I fished out my wallet and paid her in cash, aware that if I used my card, it'd reveal who I was. I made a mental note to get more cash out of the ATM.
That afternoon, I was just returning from a run along the beach, when I spotted a group of the girls out on the verandah of the first villa. As I got nearer, I could see a tall, slender blonde at the centre. While she wasn't a carbon copy of Rachelle, I could tell they were sisters. Rachelle waved me over. "Hey Henry, come and meet Texan."
I looked shocking, drenched in sweat, wearing an old, grey singlet and shorts, my hair soaked and I'd not bothered to shave that morning. If I'd have realised I'd be meeting the famous Texan of the Vixens, I'd have made an effort.
I strolled over, a little embarrassed by my appearance. Texan fixed me with an intense stare. "Hello there pretty boy. Rachelle told me about you. She didn't tell me you were edible though." She leaned over to kiss my cheek, inhaling as she did. "A girl could get high on those pheromones," she murmured.
The charisma rolled off her in waves, she was a force of nature, a gorgeous, captivating woman. One who could command whole stadiums full of people with her raw sexual energy and innate confidence. "I'm sorry, I just came back from a run," I said, worried that my sweaty face wasn't terribly attractive.
"Oh no, don't worry, I adore fresh sweat on a man. It's very sexy," she purred. "In fact I'll be disappointed if I don't make you sweat at some point."
"Texan!," Rachelle snapped, "Henry's here to get away from women mobbing him, he doesn't need you jumping his bones at the first opportunity."
I wanted to correct her, tell her I'd be quite pleased to get some action, but knowing it would scupper any chance with Iris, I'd held back. Instead, I kept quiet and watched as Texan ran her tongue over her ruby red lips seductively. "Don't worry Rachel, I won't mob him, I'll just test run him for the rest of you."
I glanced over to Iris, who was sitting in the corner, her eyes wide. Apart from that, she wasn't reacting. I wondered if I was wasting my time holding out for her or not. Texan ran her manicured finger down my chest, sending sparks through me. It'd been a couple of weeks since I'd last shagged and I wasn't used to going that long.
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