Chapter 9
~Angelica POV~
Angelica called to her sisters, who were lounging by the tv, having a movie night after Peggy and Angie had gotten home from the dance.
" I'm going on a quick walk. I'll be back soon."
Eliza called back to her older sister. "Fine, but be back by 10:30 and bring your phone just in case."
Angelica rolled her eyes at the protectiveness of Eliza, but she didn't complain and grabbed her coat and phone before slipping out the door.
~Peggy POV~
Peggy laughed at Eliza as she stared dreamily into space. She'd been doing that for a while, ever since Peggy and Angelica had gotten home from the dance at around nine o'clock. Peggy found it extremely hilarious for some reason. Maybe because it was the same look that Angie and Eliza had teased her about for months whenever she thought of John Laurens.
She's been pestering Eliza for answers since she first saw the look on her sister's face, but Eliza couldn't be persuaded into talking. So the two younger Schuylur sisters had sat here for about half an hour until Peggy suggested that they have a movie night. After Angelica had left on her walk, Peggy begged Eliza for an answer. Finally, Eliza relented.
" I'd thought that Angie would be the one bugging me for answers, not you Pegs." Eliza laughed.
Peggy looked at her sister with pleading eyes. Eliza sighed.
"Fine, I'll tell you what happened, but you must promise that you will not tell a single soul. Especially Angelica." she said, a stern expression on her face.
Peggy nodded and her sister continued.
" Um... well I was in my room-" Eliza started.
" As always." Peggy cut in. Eliza gave her a small glare.
"-listening to Les Mis-"
"Also, as always." Peggy interrupted. Eliza opened her mouth to speak, but Peggy cut her off.
"Really, Liza, you should listen to more musicals. I've told you, a million times, Dear Evan Hansen, Be More Chill, In the Heights, Heathers, all those thingy thing things."
Eliza rolled her eyes.
" I've told you, also a million times, I have my style of music, you have yours. Also you forced me to listen to Sincerely Me from Dear Evan Hansen and that weird song from Heathers about 7/11 and slushies. I'll stick to Les Mis, thank you."
Peggy shrugged her shoulders. " Anyway, back to what you were doing while we were away dancing."
"Well," Eliza said "there was a knock on my door, and apparently it was Alex."
Peggy almost fell off the couch. "Alexander Hamilton?"
Um... okay then." Peggy said.
"So then I came downstairs and he was still here, so I basically overran him with questions, then he asked me if I liked him, then-"
Peggy let out a dramatic gasp. Eliza rolled her eyes.
" Ikissedhim." she blurted out extremely fast that Peggy had a hard time understanding her.
Once she got the meaning, though, she really did fall off the couch. Eliza crossed her arms across her chest as her cheeks turned crimson.
Peggy squealed in excitement. "My sister's not a child anymore!"
Eliza held in a laugh. " I'm older then you Pegs." she said.
" I know but-" Peggy laughed " you were so innocent!"
Tears were forming in Peggy's eyes.
"Then he left after I saw your text saying that you and Angie were on your way home." Eliza said.
"Oh sorry sis, didn't mean to cut short your make-out time with Alex." Peggy said teasingly.
If it was possible Eliza blushed an even deeper shade of red.
"Shut it, Pegleg."
Peggy didn't stop. She yelled at the top of her voice
" I ship it! Hamliza for life!"
Then Eliza heard Angelica's ringtone on her phone. She picked up and heard screaming and Angelica's weak voice.
"Help." she whispered and the line went dead.
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