Chapter 20
~Theo POV~
Theodosia was simply lounging about in her room. Her parents were out for the day, and she had nothing to do. Her phone dinged. It was a text from Peggy.
[Peggy: We're at the park close to my house. You wanna join us?]
Theo texted back.
[Theo: Yeah, sure. Just you, Angie, and Liza?]
[Peggy: A few more, but yeah.]
[Theo: Ok I'll be right there.]
Theo turned off her phone and put on her boots and winter jacket. The snow had gradually stopped, but there was about half a foot on the ground. At least the sidewalks had already been salted, so Theo didn't have too much trouble keeping her footing. When she got to the park, she didn't see anyone there. She texted Peggy again.
[Theo: Ok I'm here. Where are you?]
[Peggy: Down by the creek.]
Theo trudged down the hill, but still saw no one. A snowball hit her in the back. Theo turned and saw someone hiding behind a tree. Theo threw a snowball back, causing the figure to come into view.
"Peggy!" Theo yelled. "What are you doing?"
Peggy shrugged. "Nothing."
"Where's everyone else?"
Peggy frowned. "Who do you mean by everyone?"
"Angelica and Eliza."
"Oh, there are more people here."
"Like who?" Theo asked.
"Well, Laff, John, Alex, Hercules, Thomas, and Aaron."
Theo almost fell. "What? You didn't tell me Aaron was here."
Peggy smirked. "I also didn't tell you that Laff, John, and Alex were here."
"Well, you also didn't tell me that Aaron was here."
"I did say some other people."
"You didn't specify."
"Did I have to?"
Theo crossed her arms. "Yes, you did."
Peggy rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's go."
Theo followed Peggy to a small clearing in the woods. There, were the other two Schuylur sisters, Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Alex, Thomas Jefferson, John, and Aaron Burr. Theo and Peggy joined Angelica and Eliza. Just sitting there doing nothing got old fast.
"So," Peggy said, drumming her fingers "what do we do?"
Theo shrugged.
"Truth or dare?" Hercules suggested.
"Um, ok." Angelica said.
"I call going first." Aaron said.
"Fine."John muttered.
"So," Aaron started. "Eliza truth or dare?"
"Truth." Eliza said.
Aaron groaned. "You're no fun."
Eliza smiled. "I know that."
"Whatever," Aaron said. "Ship two people in this group."
Eliza smirked. "So we're diving right into that, are we?"
Aaron nodded. "Yep."
"Fine," Eliza said. "I ship John and Peggy."
Peggy gave her sister a grin while John sat there trying to hide a smile.
"Did something happen that I don't know about?" Theo asked.
Angelica shrugged. "Maybe. We'll tell you later"
"Ok," Theo said.
"It's my turn right?" Eliza asked.
Peggy nodded.
"Ok, then," Eliza said looking around. "Peggy, truth or dare?"
Peggy smiled. "Dare, of course."
Eliza smirked. "Do what you do best and throw creek water in the face of the person you ship Aaron with."
Peggy happily obliged, soaking her hand in the freezing cold creek, then proceeding to splatter Theo with the drops.
Theo wiped them off. "What the heck Peggy?"
Peggy shrugged innocently. "It was a dare."
Theo tried to ignore the funny looks from her friends.
"Theo, truth or dare?" Peggy asked.
John sighed. "Is this a girl only thing?"
"Nope," Peggy said.
"Dare." Theo said.
"Throw a snowball at your crush."
"Fine." Theo threw a snowball at Aaron Burr. It hit him in the chest.
"I've been hit with something cold." Aaron muttered stupidly, ignoring the laughs from the rest of the boys.
"Hercules, truth or dare?" Theo said.
Eliza sighed. "Too many people are choosing dare."
"So?" Hercules asked.
"It's like dare or dare." Eliza complained, though she had a humorous sparkle in her eye.
"Really, I don't care." Hercules said.
Eliza smirked. Hercules spent at least five seconds looking utterly confused.
"Oh wait, that rhymes." he said.
Everyone laughed at him.
"Well that took you a while to figure out." Eliza said teasingly.
"Whatever. Theo what's your dare?" Hercules asked.
"Um, you have to pick someone in this group and do everything they do, except for talking."
"Fine," Hercules said, changing the way he was sitting. "Alex truth or dare?"
"Truth." Alex said.
"What is one thing you dislike Thomas for?"
"Um..." Alex hesitated. "Flirting with Eliza a few years ago."
"What?" John asked, basically speaking for everyone.
"Why do you resent me because of that?" Thomas asked.
Alex didn't answer. Theo looked over at Eliza and saw her looking at Alex with nothing but, actually, Theo had never seen Eliza like that before. There was something different in her face, but Theo couldn't put her finger on it.
"Okay whatever," Angelica said. Alex ask somebody already."
"Okay," Alex said. "Laff, truth or dare?"
Laff was sitting in the corner and being so quiet that Theo almost forgot he was there at all.
"Truth, I guess." Laff said.
"Okay, for the people who missed all the drama, who do you like?" Alex said.
"Angie" Laff said without hesitation.
Hercules whistled while Angelica buried her face in her coat. Theodosia laughed to herself.
Laff shrugged. "Thomas, truth or dare?"
"Let me shove your head in the creek."
Thomas almost fell backwards. "What? No way, Laff."
Laff shrugged. "A dare's a dare."
Thomas scowled. "Fine."
Lafayette shoved Thomas' head underwater. Theo tried not to laugh as Thomas came back, though he didn't look any different except for the fact that his face was red. Thomas' short hair really didn't look wet. Thomas and Laff returned to their places in the circle.
"Angelica, truth or dare?"
The game went on for a while. Angelica picked truth and Thomas asked her if she liked Lafayette.
"Yep," Angelica said quickly.
Peggy interrupted her. "We should be back home by sundown."
"Okay," Eliza said, checking her phone. "We have about fifteen minutes, then."
"And it takes about five to walk home." Angelica said.
"So," Theo said, pulling the Schuylers aside. "What'd I miss?"
Peggy sighed. "A lot."
"I wouldn't say too much," Eliza said.
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Angelica asked.
"Okay, sure," Theo said. She texted her parents to let them know.
The four made their way back to the group. Theo found Aaron by himself, leaning against a tree. She drew in her breath and went over to him.
"Aaron, do you like me?" she asked.
He didn't meet her gaze. "Maybe?"
"That was a yes or no question."
He looked up at her. "Fine, yes."
Theo stepped closer to him. She didn't know what she was doing, but before she could say or do anything, she heard Eliza's voice.
"Come on, Theo, we're leaving."
Theo ran over to the the sisters after saying her goodbyes to the rest of the boys.
Once they had gotten to the Schuyler house, Theo collapsed on the couch and sat up.
"You three have a lot of explaining to do." she said.
"Maybe," Peggy said.
"Yay," Theo heard Eliza mutter under her breath.
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