6. Friend Ship
"Jordan?" A voice cooed, but to no response. Stampy gently tapped him on the back and he spun around. "Hey Stampy!" He smiled, "What's up?"
Stampy decided to head straight to the point. "Where's Dan?"
"Oh," Jordan chuckled a bit. "He's sick."
"Is he alright?" Stampy asked worried. Dan had an immune system of steel, and as result almost never got sick. So of course, Stampy was instantly concerned about his friend.
"He's slowly dying, but other than that he's fine." Jordan assured, laidback like always. "Can't say the same for anyone who comes in contact with him, though."
Stampy nodded and smiled sympathetically. 'Dan must be feeling terrible,' He thought to himself. Meanwhile in Dans cabin, he was in denial.
"I have no idea—" Dan interrupted himself by sneezing. "..What you're talking about."
"You're sick, dude." Axel said skeptically.
"No I'm not." Dan denied, but he knew it was a lie.
"Yes, you are." Lukas said, sighing. "You're not fooling anybody."
Dan stared blankly at his somewhat unbearable roommates. He appreciated their concern, but he didn't feel like staying inside all day just because he sneezed a couple of times. Besides, being in his cabin by himself would eventually get boring. Dan considered watching YouTube videos on his phone, but his battery was almost dead and he wanted to save it for when he needed to make an emergency call or something. Better save than sorry. Taking a nap wasn't an option either, seeing that he just woke up and didn't feel like sleeping all day. So his final decision was to just suffer in silence for the day.
Dan was so busy in his thoughts that he didn't even hear the knocking on the door, nor his roommate opening it.
"Hi, how is Dan doing? Is he alive and well?" Stampy asked, standing in the doorway.
"Well," Lukas glanced over at Axel and Dan, who were having an argument over wether or not Dan could go outside today. "He's alive..?"
It was then that Stampy came up with an idea. "Hey, how about I stay with him for the day?" Stampy proposed, smiling a little. "Having some company might cheer him up."
"I don't know if that's a good idea. You might get sick too." Lukas said doubtful.
"I'm willing to take that risk." Stampy said, full of confidence. He was willing to do anything if it meant that he could spend an entire day with Dan. And the fact that he didn't have to attend camp activities was a bonus.
Lukas looked confused, but just shrugged. "Eh, fine by me." He said before facing Axel. "Axel, let's go. If I don't have any breakfast soon I'm going to lose more than just my sanity."
And with that, they were gone.
"Stampy? What are you doing here?" Dan asked, confused but surprised. He had a blanket wrapped around him to keep him warm.
"Jordan told me you were probably dying, so I'm here to take care of you and keep you company." Stampy explained, walking over to Dan. "If that's okay with you." He quickly added.
"He likes to exaggerate." Dan said, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "And yes, it's okay. Thanks for staying with me, I appreciate it."
Stampy smiled and sat down next to Dan on his bed. "So how are you doing?"
"I'm constantly coughing and sneezing, but it'll wear off. Hopefully." Dan joked. He might be suffering, but luckily it wasn't bad enough to erase his sense of humor.
"I'm glad you're okay." Stampy began, running a hand through his soft, brown hair. "I got really worried when Jordan told me you were sick." Dan was surprised that Stampy actually cared about him being sick, but was flattered nonetheless. He blushed a bit, unknowingly making eye contact with Stampy.
"Is everything okay? You're face is turning red." Stampy pointed out, curiously tilting his head a little. His expressions were adorable, as always, and Dan couldn't help but blush even more.
It didn't take long for Dan to realize his actions. "Yes, I'm fine. It's fine." He quickly managed to blurt out, chuckling nervously afterwards. "So what are we going to do now?"
"Hmm.. We could play twenty questions?"
"But we already know almost everything about each other." Dan reminded him, being careful not to sound rude. If they played the game there'd be a possibility he'd have to admit some things that he'd rather keep to himself. For instance, a certain crush of his.
"Then, we'll just ask really out of the ordinary questions. If you want to."
Dan gave a forced smile and nodded. "Okay, I don't see why not."
"Sweet! I'll start." Stampy cheered. "Who is your favorite actor?"
Dan thought about the question. "George Salazar. He's such a good actor, and his singing voice is amazing."
Stampy nodded his head. "True."
"What is your favorite movie genre?"
"I'm not sure. But I'm a sucker for anything with a happy ending."
Dan nodded in agreement before a small sneeze escaped him. He covered his nose and glanced at Stampy, who was giggling softly at how cute Dan was being.
"You sneeze like a kitten." Stampy cooed sweetly. Dan glared annoyed at him, but he didn't seem to mind. Or maybe Stampy was to oblivious to notice it. Whatever it was, Stampy wasn't wrong. Dans sneezes were piteous. "You're to cute for your own good."
"I'm NOT cute!"
Hey everyone! Quick authors note: As you guys know I've been gone for a while. Writers block really had me this time, but I'm back now! And I'm going to start writing again. Anyway, please know that I'm not really proud of how this chapter turned out. But I just needed to finish this so that I can move on the the next. Luckily this chapter isn't that important to the story anyways.
Since Dancat is one of the minor ships, I'm going to start focusing on the major ships of the story. But also some new ships that aren't in the story yet. If you want to know which ships will be in this story, please check out the description of the book.
Sincerely me ❤️
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