4 I'ma love this chapter
This chapter is mostly for mah lovely niece @BlazeTheCatPrincess I know ur excited for this chapter sooooo yeah ^^
*At loona and via's chats*
*Loona🩶 changed "operation get parents together" to "idk wtf to do"
Loona🩶: omg via help me
V🖤: what!! What happened?
Loona🩶: I have a crush
V🖤: oh :0
V🖤: wait ...It isn't tex again is it? We've discussed this loo loo he's with Bee
Loona🩶: nooo it's not tex
V🖤: then who is it?
Loona🩶: uhhhhhhh.... Itsquinnvia
V🖤: girl what?
Loona🩶: *sigh*
V🖤: just tell meeee
Loona🩶: it's Quinn, via...
V🖤: wha- that new employee at imp?
Loona🩶: yeah it's her
V🖤: oh wow...
Loona🩶: what?...
V🖤: oh nothing! It's just I never knew u liked girls
Loona🩶: trust me... I didn't either but...
Loona🩶: after seeing Quinn ... Idk it's like ... She the most beautiful girl in the world... I never felt this way before... It's like I actually see myself with them... Does that make sense?
V🖤: yea... Wow I'd never thought I'd see u head over heels for someone 😂
Loona🩶: shut up girl 😂
*At the regular Group chat*
Blitzø 🐎: I'm bord asf
Moxxie 🎶: well sir there's paperwork you can actually finish.
Blitzø 🐎: hell no, u tryna kill me moxxy?
Millie 🪓: I can't believe we only had two clients today 😕
Stolas ✨: damn
Blitzø 🐎: relly stols?
Stolas✨: sorry blitzy
Blitzø 🐎: I forgiv u *kiss*
Stolas✨: *kiss* 😘
*Blitz looked from his phone to see loona sulking.*
Blitzø 🐎: loona u ok?
Loona🐺: huh... Yea.... Good ig
Quinn 🐆: u sure u good?
Loona🐺: yea love ..
Quinn 🐆: oh ...
*Quinn looked at the word 'love' over and over again. She was surprised that the hellhound she had a dying crush on since the day they laid eyes on loona had called her love.*
"She didn't mean it..." Quinn thought to herself "she said she ment to write Quinn... Not love" *Quinn looked down at her phone*
Blitzø 🐎: uhhh ok .. u sure your ok loona?
Loona 🐺: ... No...
Stolas✨: dear what's wrong?
Loona 🐺: uhm...
Via💫: loona... Maybe u'd wanna tell her now?
Loona🐺: what no!! She won't like me
Millie 🪓: who's 'she'?
Loona🐺: Quinn! God Quinn is 'she' ...
Quinn 🐆: wait me ... What about me?
Loona 🐺: *sigh*... Quinn I have something to say to u...
Quinn 🐆: oh. What is it?
Loona🐺: I... I... I might have a... No I do have a crush on u...
Quinn 🐆: uh... Oh u do?
Loona🐺: yeah... I know u probably don't have a crush on me but... I like u a lot...
Quinn 🐆: heh ... Holy shit! Me too loons
Loona🐺: wait what?
Quinn 🐆: I like u too! I was just afraid to confront you about it cuz I thought u didn't like me
Quinn 🐆: loona I have liked... No...i have loved you ever since I became an employee at imp
Loona 🐺: oh wow really!?
Quinn 🐆: ofc! <3
Loona🐺: so um...
Loona🐺: will u be my girlfriend Quinn?
Quinn 🐆: fuck yeah!!
Millie 🪓: omg so cute!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Blitzø 🐎: MI BABI HAS A GF!!!!!
Stolas✨: aw I'm happy for you both 💕
Moxxie 🎶: congratulations guys
Via💫: good job loona I knew u could do it
Loona🐺: thanx guys ^^
Quinn 🐆: thanx 🐱
Quinn 🐆: ily loona
Loona🐺: ilyt quinny ❤️
Stolas✨: I think for a celebration, we should all come by the palace and have a little party
Loona🐺: yea plus we still need to celebrate u and blitz getting together as well
Blitzø 🐎: oh I had mi celebrchion duh night mi and stols got together. It lasted al night 😏
Stolas ✨: BLITZ!!
Moxxie 🎶: tmi sir... Tmi
Millie 🪓: ooohhhhhh 😏
Blitzø 🐎: lmao
Stolas ✨: *sigh*
Loona🐺: anywho... Quinny come sit next to meeeeee
Quinn 🐆: okie babe 😘
Loona 🐺: ilysm <33
Quinn 🐆: ilysmt <333
AN: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Quinn x loona is real y'all (I wish) @BlazeTheCatPrincess I hope u like the chapter <333
Also I take requests for this story so if u want something just ask, mah lil beans !!
Ilya <333
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