1 lol
Blitz created a group chat!! And he added Millie, moxxie, loona.
Blitzø 🐎: Yeehh biches!!! I created a grup chat!!!
Moxxie 🎶: group chat, sir, it's spelled group chat...
Blitzø 🐎: fuc u idc!!!
Millie 🪓: mox love, leave blitz alone TvT
Blitzø 🐎: YEH!!!
Loona🐺: yea fatty 😒
Moxxie 🎶: IM NOT FAT!!!
Millie 🪓:... Omg y'all too much...
Blitzø 🐎: blam ur huzben bitch
Millie 🪓: don't make me hit u blitzø
Blitzø 🐎: :0
Loona🐺: I'm sorry but why do we need a gc if we're all in the same dam room?
Blitzø 🐎: bcuz talking is uh wast of tim
Loona🐺: ..... Ok buddy....
Loona🐺: I'ma add via in here ....
*Loona added via into gc*
Via 💫: what's this?
Loona🐺: a group chat... It's boring here so I added you...
*AN: this is NOT a via x loona ship btw ok? I freaking hate that ship. Also it cannon that loona is 22 years old while via is only 17 years old and shipping that is weird ASF!!*
Via💫: oh ok
Via💫: btw blutz or whatever your name is ... I hate u ..
Blitzø 🐎: ok 1. Mi nam is definaly not blutz it's blitz... 2. WHY!!??
Via💫: two words.... My dad
Blitzø 🐎: ah.... I see
Millie 🪓: ANYWAYYYY.... heh... Anyone want coffee?
Moxxie 🎶: at 1:35 pm?
Millie 🪓: yeah?
Millie 🪓: lol ok blitzø
*Loona created a group chat and added only via*
*Loona named the group chat, operation get parents together "
Loons 🩶: uh v... Wtf was that?
V🖤: what was what?
Loons 🩶: yk what! The whole telling blitz u hate him!
V🖤: well... Ugh idk I just can't bring myself to like him ... He fucked up with my dad!
Loons 🩶: and.. so did stolas, but u don't see me going to his bird ass and telling him I hate him
V🖤:... True...
Loons 🩶: look if we wanna make stols and blitz get together, we can't make our parents feel bad about this whole situation or else there not gonna wanna talk to each other cuz there gonna feel to bad... Get what I'm saying?
V🖤: yeah... Sorry
Loons 🩶: it's all good via. Now let's get our fucking parents together >:3
V🖤: fuck yeah!
*Back at the regular group chat*
Blitzø 🐎: Mox u ordur 2 much tings just 4 a cofe
Moxxie 🎶: well what can I say?
Blitzø 🐎: idk bich what can u say? Y u asking me?
Moxxie 🎶: .....
Millie 🪓: smh... I love u guys lol
Moxxie 🎶: as I love you too Millie 💕
Millie 🪓: ❤️
Blitzø 🐎:... Now y'all just rubing it in mi face ...
Millie 🪓: .....
Moxxie 🎶: .....
Millie 🪓: sowwy
Blitzø 🐎: yeh whatever bitch >:p
Okie that's all I got rn!!! And don't worry stolas lover's stolas is cumming soon... Hehe >:3
Also sorry if it's short, it's all I had :p
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